Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin will be visiting the border separating the United States and Mexico on a four-day tour starting today. He will be joined by members of the American Independent Party — California’s Constitution Party affiliate — and other closed-border activists.…
Posts tagged as “California”
Update on PFP primary trouble
Earlier this month, IPR noted the reports of Peace and Freedom Party voters being given the incorrect ballots during the June 3rd California statewide primary. Since then, Alameda County’s registrar Dave Macdonald has offered an explanation:
He explained that there are two lists that poll workers use, a “roster indexâ€â€”a master list—and a street-level list.
Libertarian Party Convention 2010: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?
No, but it just might be at Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i.
Astute readers may remember the 2006 Libertarian Party national convention in Portland, which drew only 300 or so attendees, the lowest number since 1973, and managed to delete three fourths of the 2004 platform after the delegates were not provided a copy of the then-current platform.…
Cindy Sheehan criticizes Pelosi for not supporting impeachment
Cindy Sheehan is running as an independent for Congress against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Ms. Sheehan recently sent the following email to her supporters:
“This past week, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Oh) historically and courageously introduced 35 articles of impeachment against (p)Resident George W.…
American Independent Party convention
The American Independent Party, which is the Constitution Party’s affilliate in California, will be holding its state convention soon. As many third-party aficionados know, the AIP-CA is currently in the middle of a struggle over who to nominate as it’s presidential candidate, Alan Keyes or Chuck Baldwin.…
Peace and Freedom voters denied partisan ballots
In an article that refers to the incident as a “snafu,” it is reported that several members of the Peace and Freedom Party were denied the correct party ballots in yesterday’s California statewide primary:
In at least three counties in California, Peace and Freedom Party registrants were denied ballots for their party and told to use non-partisan ballots instead, said Debra Reiger, State Chair of Peace and Freedom Party.
Final results for PSL candidates
Marylou Cabral, the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate for Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 4, came in second to incumbent Don Knabe 69.66% to 17.78%, with Dr.…
America First Party issues press release on California same-sex marriage ruling
The following press release was post-dated to tomorrow, Tuesday May 27th:
California “Gay Marriage” Decision Usurps Legislature, Reflects Voter Apathy
Boulder, CO – Casting aside the practice of many millennia of interpreting the word “marriage” to refer exclusively to heterosexual unions, the California Supreme Court declared homosexual marriage to be a constitutional right earlier this month.
California: LP and PFP at odds over pending initiatives
This June 3rd, Californians voting in the statewide primary will face two initiative constitutional amendments concerning eminent domain – continued fallout from 2005’s US Supreme Court decision on Kelo v.…
Statement from the La Riva campaign on California same-sex marriage ruling
The Party of Socialism and Liberation’s La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign has released a statement lauding the recent California Supreme Court decision on In re Marriage Cases.…