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Green Party member Todd Price running for Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction

Posted by Ronald Hardy at Green Party Watch

Todd Price, a long-time Green Party activist has decided to run for Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction in this Spring’s election. The state wide race is non-partisan.

Price is an impressive and qualified candidate. Todd Alan Price is Associate Professor of Educational Foundations and Inquiry in the National College of Education, National-Louis University. Price has long advocated for teachers and students, and supports putting the public back in public education. His recently published book co-authored with Elizabeth Peterson, “The Myth and Reality of No Child Left Behind: Public Education and High Stakes Assessment,” documents the actual, devastating impact of the controversial law on teaching and learning. He has traveled extensively, presenting on the issues of education policy, curriculum and instruction, and distance education at numerous conferences.

The first challenge is to get Todd on the ballot. Dozens of volunteers are out working to collect the 2,000 signatures required by January 6 to get on the ballot. If you live in Wisconsin or nearby, the Price Campaign could use your help! Contact Pete Karas at 262-498-5021 or email petekaras at if you can help collect signatures before Sunday January 4.

Price advocates:

· Building Safe Schools. Calling for an end to discriminatory practices and a beginning for respect of all students and teachers. This means moving beyond the mere tolerance of difference, toward honoring different religious beliefs, diverse racial makeup, ethnic backgrounds, and sexual orientation.

· Fixing the School Funding Formula. Costing out per student what it actually takes to fund an excellent education. Analyzing the tax base for funding the school system, reviewing options to improve the school funding formula and proposing an effective solution to make fair and equitable the allocation of resources for every child.

· Cleaning up the testing mess. Convening a meeting of assessment and evaluation experts to consider the value of continual reliance and spending on flawed, standardized tests. What can we do differently given what we have always done?

· Ensuring truth-in-recruiting. Making sure students get the full story on costs and benefits of enrolling to do military service.

· Advancing service learning. Making available the ability to access and recruit students for other types of service, such as working for peace, social justice and ecological sustainability!

· Dismantling “No Child Left Behind.” Getting rid of a bad law and working toward true reform

· Representing K-12 student’s interests as a Regent with the UW Board of Regents. Fighting to bring down student tuition, which has risen out of control of working families under Republican and Democratic administrations.