The Federal Election Commission issued an advisory opinion last month stating that the Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts qualifies as a state party committee under federal regulations.…
Posts tagged as “Massachusetts”
Workers Party of Massachusetts to Hold 2025 Annual Convention in Worcester
The Workers Party of Massachusetts recently announced plans for its 2025 annual convention, scheduled for April in Worcester. The event will focus on party organization, policy development, and preparations for running candidates in the 2026 election cycle.…
Pirate Party Candidate Sets Records in Massachusetts Legislative Election
Joe Onoroski, who ran for state representative in Massachusetts’ 17th Middlesex district on Tuesday as a Pirate Party candidate, has set the record for the highest percentage of votes ever earned by a Pirate in a partisan race, as well as the best performance for a Pirate candidate in Massachusetts.…
Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts Seeks FEC Recognition as State Party Committee
The Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts, the state affiliate of the Libertarian National Committee in Massachusetts, has requested that the Federal Election Commission formally designate it as a “state party committee” under federal regulations.…
Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts Weighs In on State Ballot Questions: Backs Two Measures, Opposes Three
The Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts, one of three Libertarian state parties and the one formally recognized by the Libertarian National Committee, has weighed in on the five questions appearing on the state ballot next month.…
Massachusetts Pirate Party Endorses All Five Ballot Questions for State Election
The Massachusetts Pirate Party announced its support for all five ballot questions appearing on the state general election ballot next month. The party made its decision based on a poll of its members conducted during a recent meeting.…
Massachusetts Finalizes Six Presidential Candidates for 2024 State Ballot
The Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office recently finalized the list of presidential candidates who will appear on the state ballot this year. Six candidates will be on the ballot, though seven initially met the qualifications to appear.…
Massachusetts Libertarian Party Submits Paperwork to Place Oliver-ter Maat Ticket on State Ballot
The Massachusetts Libertarian Party, a state organization not affiliated with the Libertarian National Committee, submitted paperwork this month to place Libertarian nominees Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat on the state ballot.…
Massachusetts Forward Party to Host Press Event With National Executive Chair Before Filing for Designation Status
The Massachusetts Forward Party, along with national party Executive Chair and former Lt. Governor Kerry Healey, will host a press event outside the State House in Boston later this week before formally filing for political designation status.…
Liberal Party to Convene for Inaugural National Convention in December
The Liberal Party, a nationally focused group that emerged from dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Libertarian Party, announced last week that it will be holding its inaugural national convention later this year.…
Massachusetts Forward Party Reorganizes Under New Leadership and Seeks Official Political Designation Status
The Massachusetts Forward Party has reorganized under new leadership and is in the process of gaining recognition as an official state political designation, according to information from the party’s state lead.…
VIDEO: Green-Rainbow Party Hosts Annual State Convention in Worcester
The Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts met in Worcester this past Saturday, May 11, where delegates convened for their state convention. The party livestreamed convention speakers and activities throughout the day, with a recording now available for interested readers.…