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Posts tagged as “Georgia”

Eight Libertarian Party of Georgia Executive Committee Members Denounce Joint Fundraising Deal with Kennedy Campaign

Eight members of the Libertarian Party of Georgia’s Executive Committee issued a statement denouncing the recent decision to enter the state party into a joint fundraising agreement between the Libertarian National Committee and the Robert F.…

Georgia Green Party deaccredited

I’m technically jumping the gun, as the vote runs through the end of today, July 25, but a peek at the vote numbers so far, running 10-1 in favor and well past a necessary quorum, indicate that I’m not jumping the gun in reality.…

Ante ups for Georgia Green Party

In my first post here, last week, I noted that, with the Rhode Island GP withdrawing from the national party rather than face a de-accreditation fight, and the Alaska GP losing such a fight, in both cases over lack of support for 2020 presidential nominee Howie Hawkins, a number of Greens wondered if these were dominoes specifically lined up to create momentum to boot the Georgia Green Party next, over entirely different issues, issues which defenders of the party argue aren’t even addressable by de-accreditation.…