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Posts published in “IPR Editorials”

Media Bias in POTUS Coverage For Non-R&D Parties?

For decades, perhaps the most common complaint among various POTUS campaigns in the non-two-old, too old (Republican and Democratic Parties) is not so much centered on the nature of the bias (as is a common complaint within both the current and past POTUS campaigns of those parties), but the lack of any substantial coverage – whatsoever.…

Book Review: Where Have All the Democrats Gone? by John B. Judis and Roy Teixeira

Two decades ago John B. Judis and Roy Teixeira gave us the volume The Emerging Democratic Majority, which predicted the demographic changes in the American population would lead to a prolonged period in which the Democratic party would have substantial majority control of all branches of the Federal government. …

A Rumor Devoid of Merit

Recently, it was called to my attention that I am working with Stewart Flood in forming a new political party.  I would like to thank the LNC officer who revealed this, because her announcement was the first I had heard about it.…