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Sat. April 4th: Local and national parties join UFPJ to march for peace in NYC

Just as several third party groups endorsed the March 21st “March on the Pentagon” events in Washington, DC and in Los Angeles, a number of political groups and third parties have endorsed the United for Peace and Justice march in New York City for April 4th.

The event details are: Saturday, April 4, 2009, with step-off at 12 noon. Demonstrators can gather at 11am on Franklin and White Streets between Broadway and Lafayette (South of Canal St).

A national march on Wall Street. Carry on Martin Luther King’s vision to replace war, racism and poverty with peace, equality and economic justice. Messages the organizers are featuring include: “End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!”, “Cut the military budget!” and “Fund our communities!”

At the website, there are lists of national and local sponsors. Below are some highlights, including endorsers who might be of interest to third party activists.

Some of the national sponsors of the UFPJ March on Wall Street event:

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism; Communist Party USA;   Progressive Democrats of America;  Socialist Party USA;  Young Democratic Socialists;

Some of the local endorsers of the UFPJ March on Wall Street event:

Green Party of New Jersey;  Oakland Green Party;  Cuyahoga Green Party; Philadelphia Black Radical Congress [a group which holds candidate forums]; Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats;; Jim Brennan, NY Assembly 44th A.D.[Democrat]; Organization for Black Struggle[endorses candidates];  Abbie Hoffman Activist Foundation[they are a non-profit which does not endorse candidates, but Abbie Hoffman himself cofounded the Youth International Party (YIPPIES) and ran the most interesting third party candidate ever – Pigasus the Pig]


  1. Catholic Trotskyist April 5, 2009

    The Catholic Trotskyist Party would have joined this march, but must prepare for a major mission for the Vatican which will begin tomorrow and last through at least Wednesday. this is one of the most important missions yet and, some say, will bring Catholic Trotskyism more in the public eye. Thus, I will not be posting on this site for some time, but everyone have a great Holy Week.
    Please pray for the Pope and Please pray for Barack Obama, amen.

  2. Angie April 4, 2009

    They chose to march on the 41st Anniversary of King’s assassination. Below is a link to a free flyer in honor of Dr. King. The global poverty statistics included in the flyer – those in King’s time – and those in the present – are shocking. Passing on the information this flyer contains would certainly be an excellent way at both honoring King’s vision, and opening others’ eyes to the currently still dreadful state of humanity.
    **Can you take to heart the words King spoke just 4 days before he was gunned down? That’s what this flyer will ask you. Take the King Challenge – in his own words – and see. If King were alive today, he’d tell us to bail out human beings, not banks. He was about to mount a Poor People’s Campaign before he was killed. 41 years later and we still need a poor people’s campaign.
    Here’s the link to the King Challenge flyer:

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