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NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Criticizes Green Nominee Dr. Jill Stein on Campaign and Party Growth: “What Does This Person Do to Grow Power?”

New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Instagram on Sunday to directly criticize Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein, labeling her current and past campaigns as “predatory” and accusing her of failing to grow the Green Party.

In an Instagram story responding to a comment about discouraging voters from supporting the Green Party nominee, Ocasio-Cortez referred to Stein, whom she called the party’s “de facto leader,” as having failed to expand the party beyond her presidential campaigns. She further characterized Stein as “not serious” and questioned what she has done to grow political power.

“If you have been your party’s nominee for twelve years in a row […], and you cannot grow your movement pretty much at all, and can’t pursue any successful strategy, and all you do is show up once every four years to speak to people who are justifiably pissed off, you’re not serious. To me, it does not read as authentic; it reads as predatory,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

It’s worth noting that presidential election cycles often provide organized third parties an opportunity to grow by potentially qualifying for future presidential and state ballot access in areas where it would otherwise be cumbersome, depending on how their presidential candidates perform. Additionally, while this is Stein’s third presidential campaign, Howie Hawkins was the Green Party’s nominee in 2020.

A re-uploaded copy of the video is available below:

Ocasio-Cortez also mentioned that she was speaking from her experience as a third party candidate, pointing out her appearance on the New York state ballot through the Working Families Party, in addition to being listed as a Democrat. She also referenced her support of certain members of the Democratic Socialists of America, which operates as a quasi-party organization even though it largely functions within the Democratic Party. However, while Ocasio-Cortez identifies with some third party ideals and has expressed opposition to the two major parties, she has consistently been identified as a Democrat on congressional roll calls since her first election.

In response, Stein pushed back against Ocasio-Cortez on social media Sunday night, questioning her use of the term “predatory” and listing several challenges the Green Party has faced in gaining visibility, largely due to actions by the Democratic Party.

“Democrats sue to kick us off ballots, hire operatives to infiltrate and sabotage us, lock us out of debates, fight ranked-choice voting, then act concerned that Greens have only won 1400 elections. So which party is authentic, and which is predatory?” Stein retorted.


  1. Actually September 7, 2024

    The only connection I’ve ever heard of between Libertarians and LaRouche was that in the 1980s some media outlets falsely claimed that LaRouche was the Libertarian candidate.

  2. Jim September 7, 2024

    I’m not very familiar with Larouche. He was very into conspiracy theories, IIRC, as is the Mises Caucus and McArdle in particular. Larouche’s supporters have historically had violent clashes with socialists, and obviously the Mises Caucus doesn’t care much for socialists. And I think I remember reading that both Larouche and Dugan had made some antisemitic comments. But, those connections are very tenuous and I don’t know of anything more solid. Perhaps Greene can expound on what he meant.

  3. Curious September 6, 2024

    Jim, any thoughts on the rest of Cort Youngen Greene’s allegations? Is there a Libertarian-LaRouche connection I missed, for example?

  4. Nuña September 5, 2024

    I am familiar with that paper in both Russian and English, and have been pointing out for years that in it, Dugin’s use of the terms “Russian fascism” and “Russian socialism” was not only ill-advised but – which is much worse – intellectually sloppy.

    As is clear from the context, what Dugin so unwisely decided to market as “Russian fascism/socialism”, isn’t socialist at all – neither fascist, nor any other kind. Dugin does make this explicitly clear, but for whatever reason then proceeds to try and strip the term “fascism” of all it’s defining characteristics and repurpose it. In a way, he seems to have tried to “reclaim” the word – except that there is nothing there to reclaim.

    Dugin’s faux “fascism” as outlined, actually lies much closer to integr(al)ism, or perhaps even classical “Christian socialism” – another misnomer that inaccurately evokes images of a totalitarian classless society without personal property. What he means is a type of socially conservative popular primitivism, which hinges on people’s shared values, beliefs and sense of patriotism/nationalism – those words can be somewhat misleading, because he doesn’t mean an structural country/nation but rather an “ethnoi”.

    He tried to recast the Orthodox concept of “sobornost” in a secular way, so that it can be applied to any group with a shared “ethnicity” – in the traditional and technical sense – without carrying any specifically Orthodox dogmatic connotations.

    Ironically, this actually places his faux “fascism” in-line with the classically liberal conservatism of Franco and Salazar, which Dugin correctly identifies as not being fascist at all, but then incorrectly labels “national capitalism”. It is capitalist, certainly, but it is individualist rather than state capitalist.

    Spain under Franco and Portugal under Salazar saw a far more successful privatization than Russia did under Yeltsin, exactly because Franco and Salazar appealed to people’s sense of social responsibility to take care of one another – without state intervention, but individually and voluntarily through neighborly charity – regardless of one another’s religion, class and “ethnicity”.

    Yeltsin – unintentionally, I believe – did almost the exact opposite: he forced the privatization of property the communist state had previously stolen, in such a way that the pre-privatization elites – typically regime officials, friends, family and those favored by them – were able to snatch up that property at a fraction of its value, long before any normal person ever even knew about it. There was no “trickle-down economics” to benefit society, and the appeal for social responsibility -when made at all – fell on ears deafened by decades of communism. Only under Putin, and only with Dugin’s advice, did that appeal towards social responsibility, towards (Christian) charity, finally return.

    So no, Dugin and Putin are not fascists. Quite the opposite. Stein however is an eco-fascist – a so-called “watermelon”: communism hiding underneath a thin green facade – who seeks totalitarian control over every aspect of people’s lives and will happily use the “anthropogenic climate change” hoax to try and achieve it. In her anti-semitism, she has even decided to copy the national socialists’ Holocaust playbook.

  5. Jim September 5, 2024

    It perhaps may be read ambiguously at first, but it becomes clear advocacy by the end. The link at the bottom which goes to the original in Russian is on the internet archive.

    Doesn’t matter how old it is if there is no evidence Dugin has changed his views. The linked essay fits the platform and ideological description of the Eurasia Party, as described on wikipedia, which was founded by Dugin in 2002. Dugin appears to have remained involved in that party for some years after founding it. His views don’t seem to have changed much, even if he has changed the label.

  6. Unimportant September 5, 2024

    The link to the original resulted in an error. I’ll see if it downloads at some point. The translation is rather clunky, I’d prefer to read it in Russian. Assuming a reasonably faithful translation, was that really advocacy or a mix of description and prediction? Finally, it’s from 1997. I’ve written even more embarrassing things more recently than that. Got anything from this millennium?

  7. Jim September 5, 2024

    Dugin himself offered a mostly acceptable description of fascism while he was advocating for it.

    Stein isn’t a fascist, of course. Russian fascists like Putin and Dugin like to promote Stein and her ideology in the US while working to suppress the same ideology in Russia because they believe Stein’s ideology will weaken the US. It is the same reason they support secessionist movements in the US, but will frown on them in Russia.

  8. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    I read Dugin in the original, translation not required. Instead of explaining your perspective, you wish to tell me what you think I know, and repeat your characterizations without explanation. It’s the same sort of haste which led you to erroneously conclude that I’m a leftist based on an extremely short snippet of opinion, and to draw all manner of other conclusions from that. Haste makes waste, as you probably know all too well

    Many things are missing from your replies, such as your explanation for a supposed link between libertarians and LaRouche, your idea of what is or isn’t a fascist, or for that matter what a Eurasian racist could possibly be. People who discriminate against anyone who isn’t mixed European and Asian? Slavic supremacist? Those who hold both Europeans and Asians to be superior to Africans, Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, etc?

    You write as if there’s something obvious about your conclusions, and anyone who hasn’t already reached them is stupid. That’s generally a recipe for finding yourself rather bereft of allies or converts, and wondering why everyone else is evil, stupid or a turncoat, and you’re the only smart, decent and honorable one out there (but only in your own estimation)..

    If so, good luck with that.

    If not, slow way down, engage in actual dialogue rather than preaching, and logically examine how you reach your conclusions.

  9. Cort Youngen Greene September 4, 2024

    Then what y’all are saying is you don’t know in this case about the Russian fascist Dugin or his network or shit from shinola. Jill went to support people in his network yesterday in Tampa. Ajamu Baraka, Margret Kimberly both with over sized roles in the Greens have been working with him since 2014 & Medea Benjamin has gone to 3 of his conferences in Iran. McKinney was the Green 20008 candidate while working with the LaRouche Movement and him. La Rouche poeple have been working with Dugin since 96′. The Rage against the War machines was a Red and Brown Alliance demo. Dumb a’s

  10. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    I’m also mildly curious as to what a Eurasian racist is. To my knowledge, Eurasia is a geopolitical concept, not a race. Racially, a Eurasian is someone who is part European and part Asian. While I myself fit that description, I’m not aware of Dugin being part Asian, except in the amorphous sense that Russia was under the Mongol yoke centuries ago and in the path of barbarian incursions across the steppes centuries before that. If he has any more recent Asian heritage, I missed it.

  11. Nuña September 4, 2024

    I have made this exact same comment before @ , but I see that it is once again necessary to say the following:

    If Stein had ever bothered to pay even the tinyist bit of attention to the honorable professor Dugin, then she wouldn’t be such an anti-semitic, pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, feminist SJW, endlessly propagating the leftist hoax of “anthropogenic climate change” in a pathetic bid at totalitarian control over every facet of people’s lives.

    Everything about Stein and her “green-left” (i.e. eco-fascist) party, is diametrically opposed to Dugin. So alleging that she and her stormtroopers embrace Dugin is as insulting and ridiculous as calling Dugin a fascist is. If only more American politicians took a leaf out of Dugin’s books, the US might never have become such a fascist shit hole as it is today.

    Wish that we could trade anti-semite Stein for someone like the honorable Avigdor Eskin – now there would be a candidate worth campaigning for and donating to.

  12. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    To see just how catastrophically off Greene is in drawing such far ranging conclusions from such a small sample, a much larger sample of my pointless and unimportant bloviating is at

    In the comments.

    Not that I would suggest anyone waste their time reading it – if anything, the opposite – but if anyone does so anyway, it won’t take them too long to see how far off from accurate Mr. or Ms. Greene’s hasty pidgeonholing of my perspective is.

    Given that tiny sample, what are the chances of accurately pinning anything as complicated as the word salad attempts to describe?

  13. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    “Unimportant, who almost is, seems to support and all in on the Red Brown Alliance and the cosplaying “leftists” likeStein. I had,not finished my coffee before the word salad.”

    Entirely incorrect set of conclusions based on inadequate observations, which doesn’t speak well for the chances of your word salad having anything more to it.

    Unimportant am entirely, not almost, unimportant.

    I’m not all in on any leftists of any kind, or any alliance with them. I don’t disagree with anything my friend Reality said below earlier this morning.

    If you’ve now had your coffee, perhaps you might try again. If do, perhaps you might start by explaining what connections you see between libertarians and larouchies, since on the surface they seem quite incompatible. You could then try to explain why you consider Dugin to be a fascist, and then connect the dots back to your sinister leftism from there.

    I rather doubt anything more clear will emerge, but that’s up to you.

  14. Cort Youngen Greene September 4, 2024

    Unimportant, who almost is, seems to support and all in on the Red Brown Alliance and the cosplaying “leftists” likeStein. I had,not finished my coffee before the word salad.

  15. Walter Ziobro September 4, 2024

    “Democrats sue to kick us off ballots, hire operatives to infiltrate and sabotage us, lock us out of debates, fight ranked-choice voting, then act concerned that Greens have only won 1400 elections. So which party is authentic, and which is predatory?” Stein retorted.


  16. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    “whole “Rage against the War machine” was the Red Brown Alliance between the Libertarian Party (LP) ultra right faction of the LaRouche Movement/Russian fascist and Eurasian racist Alexander Dugin, ’ and so called “left” of tankies and fascists. ”

    Now there’s quite a word/concept salad.

  17. Unimportant September 4, 2024

    The part where she’s wrong is that Stein is the leader of the Green Party or responsible for its overall’s also true that the Democrats have been vicious about doing anything and everything to strangle the Greens, unlike the Working Families Party, because the Greens run their own candidates and the WFP mostly comomimates Democrats.

  18. Jim September 4, 2024

    AOC isn’t wrong on the lack of growth in the Green Party, though. Green national party fundraising peaked in 2003 and Green nationwide voter registrations peaked in 2004. Green presidential ballot access peaked in 2016 at 45 states, but they were on in 44 states in 2000, so progress on that front has been minimal, at best. I don’t have a year by year summary of their candidates and election results but, according to BAN, their were 94 candidates for state legislature in 2004 and 55 in 2020.

    Other than improving by one state in presidential ballot access in 2016, are there any metrics where the Green party has done better in the 2012 – present period than it did in 2000 – 2004?

  19. Cort Youngen Greene September 4, 2024

    As a Green, Stein first tried to rig the election for Brother West inside the Green Party and then there was a falling out among millionaire thieves who are cosplaying at being “leftists” and don’t care to do anything to better the world but follow the tankies. Neither have done anything to build the party. Jill and those around her are more align with the Russian fascist and Eurasian racist Alexander Dugin and sympathetic to his supporters. She was in Tampa yesterday defending “freedom of speech” for fascist supporters, who have eeeb working with them since at least 2014. The whole “Rage against the War machine” was the Red Brown Alliance between the Libertarian Party (LP) ultra right faction of the LaRouche Movement/Russian fascist and Eurasian racist Alexander Dugin, ’ and so called “left” of tankies and fascists. La Rouche has been friends with Dugin since the mid 90′, when he was creating the National Bolsheviks…Hedges was the MC, Stein and McKinney and assorted rightists spoke. Code Pinks in on it also. MC The 2008 candidate was already working and a member of the LaRouche Movement since 2005… No Jill, supporting Russian Fascism is not freedom of speech!

  20. Nuña September 4, 2024

    “Or maybe she’s picking a fight to elevate herself in the Kamala Harris mean girls club.”

    More likely with hopes of somehow replacing her as the Democratic nominee, now that the White House is suddenly trying to sabotage Harris’ campaign by pinning the blame for all the Biden-Harris regime’s failures on her:

    Not that Occasional-Cortex stand much of any chance in that regard. Maybe fifty years, or so, from now.

  21. Reality September 4, 2024

    The congresswoman is a juvenile internet troll, and we hereby are furthering her trolling objectives. The subject of her ire is a much older, less internet savvy, but no more mature gyno-American of equally sinister (left leaning in the original Latin) political inclination. Given that they both have wombs, although Stein’s has passed its expiration date and the congresswoman is too busy being a congresswoman, there is a territorial impulse triggered.

    Why is she punching down? Maybe she’s responding to something Stein said which received much less attention? Or maybe she’s picking a fight to elevate herself in the Kamala Harris mean girls club. Where one sits at lunch and recess is important, after all. Like, omg, totally, duh!

    They’re probably not fighting over any cute boys though. It’s hard to imagine that they’re in direct competition of any sort there, even if unfaithful to their partners. So, it’s, like, totally 100% girl drama. Like, totally.

  22. Richard Winger September 3, 2024

    The congresswoman doesn’t even seem to know that Jill Stein was not the Green Party’s presidential nominee in 2020.

  23. Nuña September 3, 2024

    “New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [sic] took to Instagram on Sunday to directly criticize Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein,”

    Being a professional grifter – I mean, congresswoman – is serious business. That’s why it’s conducted only over serious, professional channels like… *checks notes* instagram, instead of evil alt-right platforms such as x-formerly-known-as-twitter, truth social, gab and telegram.

    “labeling her current and past campaigns as ‘predatory'”

    Yes, and? That is the entire campaign history of the Green Party. Isn’t that what attracted predator Occasional-Cortex in the first place?

    “she further characterized Stein as ‘not serious'”

    Unlike the congresswoman posting a twitlonger to instagram…

    “questioned what she has done to grow political power.”

    If only Stein was more active growing her instagram follower count, she too could be taken seriously in her quest for world domination…

    “If you […] cannot grow your movement pretty much at all, and can’t pursue any successful strategy, and all you do is show up [and pretend to have almost lynched during a peaceful protest on January 6th, 2021], you’re not serious. To me, it does not read as authentic; it reads as predatory,”

    A rare moment of self-awareness from Occasional-Cortex? Surely not.

    “Democrats sue to kick us off ballots, hire operatives to infiltrate and sabotage us, lock us out of debates, fight ranked-choice voting, then act concerned that Greens have only won 1400 elections. So which party is authentic, and which is predatory?”

    Both of your completely interchangeable (national) socialist workers’ parties are predatory And neither is authentic. Obviously.

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