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Libertarian Party of Connecticut Surveys Registered Members on Presidential Preferences and Policy Issues

The Libertarian Party of Connecticut recently conducted an internal poll of registered Libertarians in the state, asking about their preferred presidential candidate in the upcoming general election and positions on key policy issues.

Although the specific timeframe of the poll was not disclosed, the Libertarian Party of Connecticut reported on Friday that it contacted 2,600 registered Connecticut Libertarians via text message, with an additional email sent to the party’s internal list of state residents. According to the party, 189 individuals responded, with 149 identifying as registered Libertarian Party members.

Among the 149 registered Libertarian respondents, a plurality—40.9%—expressed support for Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver. Another 31.5% indicated they plan to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump, while 6.7% favored independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s suspended campaign. An additional 6.7% said they would vote for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris, 1.3% for independent candidate Dr. Cornel West, and 0.7% for Green Party nominee Dr. Jill Stein. Meanwhile, 12.1% of respondents stated they would not vote.

Notably, the Libertarian Party of Connecticut only provided percentages and the total number of respondents, so individual candidate vote totals were calculated based on the data available.

Candidate NamePercentageLikely Votes
Chase Oliver40.9%61 votes
Donald Trump31.5%47 votes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.6.7%10 votes
Kamala Harris6.7%10 votes
Dr. Cornel West1.3%2 votes
Dr. Jill Stein0.7%1 vote
Won’t vote12.1%18 votes

The party also broke down results from dues-paying state members and members of the Libertarian National Committee. In both groups, Oliver remained the top choice, followed by Trump. Among dues-paying state members, Kennedy was third, while LNC members ranked Harris in third place.

Respondents were additionally asked about several policy issues, including whether they believe the economy is in a recession, if photo identification should be required to vote, and their views on abortion access, among other topics. When considering those Libertarians who both “agree” and “strongly agree,” the responses were:

  • 82.6% believe photo identification should be required to vote.
  • 75.9% feel Governor Ned Lamont’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic went too far.
  • 75.1% believe gun control laws are an infringement on the right to bear arms.
  • 73.9% think the government should not regulate the cryptocurrency industry.
  • 72.5% support banning gender-affirming care for minors under 18.
  • 69.8% feel there is an immigration crisis at the southern border.
  • 65.7% believe the economy is currently in a recession.
  • 63.8% think the prosecutions of Donald Trump are politically motivated.
  • 61.1% approve of abortion at least as late as the current state law allows.

The poll further examined the presidential preferences of those who “strongly agree” that the prosecutions of Trump are politically motivated and pose a dangerous precedent for political and legal systems. Among this group, Trump became the leading choice with 57.5%, followed by Oliver at 19.2%, and Kennedy at 11%. Conversely, for those who “strongly disagree” with that statement, Oliver was the clear frontrunner, with 52.2% of the vote and no support for Trump. No additional figures were provided.


  1. Unimportant October 8, 2024

    No Sir. They will both count zero in the real world

    If voting changed anything it would already be illegal

    It’s mandatory in north Korea because it provides a claim of legitimacy and popular buy in to the regime and helps keep track of folks

    Same here but less totalitarian – but headed there

    Counts are dishonest – participation is dishonest, diluting legitimate votes hopelessly

    Giving legitimacy to an illegitimate system – propaganda value

    Two halves of uniparty running a fake race against each other , no Matter who wins we lose

    Alt parties and independents are allowed but as with major parties of the uniparty aka bipolarity, janus party etc — suss nomination schemes , corrupt committee’s, out side electoral barriers and internal circular firing squads and likely government infiltration all combining to neuter them in reality

    Those who vote decide nothing and those who count votes decide everything




  2. George Whitfield October 8, 2024

    @ Curious It will count less. Mine will count 1 and yours will count 0.

  3. Unimportant October 7, 2024

    @ curious – same

  4. Unimportant October 7, 2024

    If there’s one constant among whoever claims to be or define libertarians it’s that there isn’t and can’t be a consensus on anything, but that agreeing to disagree afreeably or acknowledging that there is no consensus on anything is also not an option.

  5. Adamson Scott October 6, 2024

    “Actually, there seems to be a consensus that it’s appropriate to have carve-outs for minors in a host of areas. ”

    This is the first I’ve heard of a so-called “consensus”, because the Libertarian position is that the various age restrictions out there are random and arbitrary numbers set by government bureaucrats and need to be abolished. Why 18 to do one thing, 21 another? Why can in some states you can get married at 16 and across the state line you have to wait until 18? I’ll set aside any age limit actually called for in the Constitution, but otherwise, they all need to go.

  6. Curious October 4, 2024

    I wiped with my absentee ballot and flushed it. Will it count more, less or the same as those who sent it in?

  7. George Whitfield October 1, 2024

    Last week I mailed in my absentee ballot voting for Chase Oliver for President and Michael ter Maat for Vice President.

  8. Greg C September 30, 2024

    Gotta love the Libertarians for Tariffs and Eminent Domain Caucus!

  9. Nuña September 28, 2024

    So, among verified Connecticut LP members, support for Trump and NOTA combined is larger than for Oliver; and support for Trump and Kennedy combined is almost as large as for Oliver. That is pretty damning of Oliver’s “libertarianism”.
    On the other hand, at least 13.4 percent-point supports Oliver despite opposing his position on “gender-affirming care” for minors.

    While I appreciate the LPCT conducting this survey and publishing some results – and of course IPR sharing them – it would have been nice to have the whole data set.
    For example, one of my first thoughts is that they should also have asked a series of “Would you have preferred {Rectenwald, Mapstead, Smith, Hornberger, Ballay, Toad, Olivier}?” questions about each of the other LP candidates, to put the figures above into context.
    But then of course, they may well have done so and simply not published those figures. (In which case, they should have.)

    “while LNC members ranked Harris in third place.”
    Of course, the LINOs running the circus would prefer Harris to Kennedy.

    “61.1% approve of abortion at least as late as the current state law allows.”
    And how late does current Connecticut state law allow murdering children? 24 weeks, i.e. “mid-term”, without a doctor’s approval, after that with.
    61.1% of self-proclaimed “libertarians” in Connecticut are seriously f***** in the head anti-libertarians.

  10. robert capozzi September 28, 2024


    Actually, there seems to be a consensus that it’s appropriate to have carve-outs for minors in a host of areas. What is carved-out and what isn’t is debatable.

  11. Adamson Scott September 28, 2024

    75.1% believe gun control laws are an infringement on the right to bear arms.
    73.9% think the government should not regulate the cryptocurrency industry.
    72.5% support banning gender-affirming care for minors under 18.

    So they’re *against* banning things unless they’re *for* banning things. Inconsistent much?

  12. Walter Ziobro September 28, 2024

    “It is too bad that the poll did not ask the 31% supporting His Royal Majesty, Donald J Trump why they believe they are libertarian.”

    An interesting question.

    IMO, there appears to be a point of view that can be characterized as “isolationist-libertarian” These people seem to believe that if we build a wall around the US, and keep out trade and immigrants, that we can preserve our freedom, and let the rest of the world go to hell. These are the Trumpian-MAGA “libertarians”

    Their economic point of view can be called merchantilist. They talk as if Adam Smith never existed. Trump, himself, is a prime example.

  13. Jim September 27, 2024

    It is too bad that the poll did not ask the 31% supporting His Royal Majesty, Donald J Trump why they believe they are libertarian.

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