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Former Senator Bob Smith to run for Senate in New Hampshire

My source, a close advisor to Bob Smith, is reporting that the former New Hampshire Senator (who now lives in Florida) is planning to return to New Hampshire and run for the open Senate seat previously filled by Judd Gregg. Sen. Smith has had connections to the Constitution Party throughout his long career. In July of 1999 he casued quite a stir by leaving the Republican primaries to become the candidate for the then-US Taxpayers Party, now known as the Constitution Party. He left the party shortly afterwards, and then withdrew from the race alltogether a couple months later–citing fundraising concerns. In January of 2008, he wrote an exclusive editorial for the Constitution Party’s website, which can be found here. This fueled speculation that Senator Smith might join the race for the Constitution Party nomination, which he certainly was–though he declined to run in the end. Senator Smith did have some good things to say about Chuck Baldwin, though, after he secured the Constitution Party nomination.

“I admire Chuck Baldwin. He is a great patriot and an outstanding conservative leader. He is a man of impeccable moral credentials who if elected will preserve, protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.”
This latest speculation contradicts recent news that former Senator Smith was ruminating a run for the open Senate seat in Florida, in 2010.


  1. * Frankie Muniz as Agent Banks
    * Hilary Duff as Natalie Connors
    * Angie Harmon as Veronica Myles
    * Keith David as CIA Director
    * Ian McShane as Dr. Brinkman
    * Arnold Vosloo as Francois Molay
    * Martin Donovan as Dr. Connors
    * Cynthia Stevenson as Mrs. Banks
    * Daniel Roebuck as Mr. Banks
    * Connor Widdows as Alex Banks
    * Darrell Hammond as Earl
    * Peter New as Rosychuk

  2. Cody Quirk May 2, 2011

    I doubt the CIA hires eleven year olds. But if this Coty Banks is in the CIA, he must be really REALLY smart, especially when compared to a retarded moron like you.

  3. Cody Quirk May 1, 2011

    Who is this ‘Coty’, anyways? Never heard of him.

  4. Cody Quirk May 1, 2011

    You need to stop obsessing over people named “Coty”, Mr. Lake

  5. NewFederalist May 1, 2011

    WTF? Two years after this post was last commented on somebody dredges it up? Wow!

  6. Timoteo May 1, 2011

    Doug Lambert …nice analysis by a guy who has embarassed himself with the electorate to a point even beyond what Bob Smith ever accomplished. Sound advice there Doug. Best stay out of NH politics and not open your big mouth again with one of your, I’m not against anybody …but….”, remarks. How many times can you get up in a public forum and say you’re not against anybody except those you get up to talk about every time you stand up to talk? Doug may have never met a fag he didn’t hate but he never met a Darwinian personality that he would not call his A/H buddy. Isn’t that ironic?

  7. Trent Hill Post author | February 25, 2009

    ” Isn’t he selling used cars in Miami or something, these days? Stay put Bob. Really. We’re all set up here!”

    Real estate in the pan-handle.

  8. paulie cannoli February 25, 2009

    Paulie, maybe you should work on the autobiography at points when you feel like it, and then provide that it should not be published until the time of your death.

    I was thinking I would write it after I die, and then let spiritual media transcribe it for me.

  9. Anti-Catholic Christian February 25, 2009

    I would support Bob Smith if I was in NH as a Senator but I will oppose him if he was running for president.

  10. paulie cannoli February 25, 2009

    Can you name someone more libertarian, in the Senate, than John Sununu?

    Depends on what issues are important to you.

  11. Catholic Trotskyist February 25, 2009

    Paulie, maybe you should work on the autobiography at points when you feel like it, and then provide that it should not be published until the time of your death. That would be a long time for a lot of us to wait, I hope, but may let future generations have an interesting adventure story/political book.

    On another point, I believe that Judd Gregg is still in the Senate and will finish his term, but has announced that he will not run for reelection.

  12. paulie cannoli February 25, 2009

    What have I missed? I thought Judd Gregg decided against being Secretary of Commerce. Why is this seat open?

    Anyone know?

  13. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009


    I’ve considered it, and written drafts.

    Several problems:

    1) It would be completely unbelievable as non-fiction. And not realistic enough as fiction.

    2) My memories of the most interesting parts of my life are very hazy due to Guinness Book level substance abuse (had anyone from Guinness been there to measure it).

    3) I have binding non-disclosure agreements that cover many of the more interesting parts of my life.

    4) Some of those involve scary people and credible threats of force.

    5) Some of them also involve me not getting publicity at all, for anything. Even though I’ve gotten some publicity since then, it’s still something of a tightrope.

    6) I have death threats out against me. Publicity is a bad idea. Hence my pseudonym, although it hasn’t really worked.

    7) The longer a piece I write, the harder to get it into finished product format. Perfectionism, to some extent, gets in the way.

    8) Paradoxically, it’s hard for me to maintain sustained focus. I get distracted very easily. As soon as a project starts feeling like an obligation, I tend to feel like it is anathema. So long as I can keep myself feeling like I am doing it by choice, I can work my ass off. I am better, and worse, in these respects than most people – I just tend to swing from one extreme to the other and not much in between.

  14. MattSwartz February 24, 2009

    If you don’t write an autobiography at some point, it will be a criminal omission.

    You blog constantly, so your writing skills are on clear display, and you have a life story and a political track record that could combine into a must-read memoir. Even if you didn’t dish dirt it would be the libertarian political book of the year.

  15. Doug Lambert February 24, 2009

    This is pure bunk. Bob Smith? Unless he’s lost his marbles (which I suspected when he turned left in the last 12 months of his term), why would he think that the NEW New Hampshire would even consider a washed-up has been like him? Isn’t he selling used cars in Miami or something, these days? Stay put Bob. Really. We’re all set up here!

  16. HumbleTravis February 24, 2009

    I’ll always associate Bob Smith with his reenactment of partial-birth abortion on a plastic baby doll back in the 1990s. Definitely an interesting guy!

  17. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    Jeez guys. Not. Serious. About. Gas. Chambers.

    I didn’t think you were. But one never knows.

  18. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    How many prostitutes do you respect?

    A lot. I even sort of married one. We were underage, so we used fake names/IDs, but we meant it at the time.

  19. G.E. February 24, 2009

    Jeez guys. Not. Serious. About. Gas. Chambers.

    But if I were, Jim, it wouldn’t be for “having a different opinion,” but in retaliation for all the violence perpetrated against me by Bob Smith as a D.C. politician.

    And Berkman: I respect plenty of human beings. Just not many politicians. How many prostitutes do you respect?

  20. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    how often do people retire and move to Florida from the frozen north only to move back to the frozen north again?

    In Mass I found a lot of people that moved back and forth to and from Florida, or lived part of the year in one and part in the other.

  21. citizen1 February 24, 2009

    Often politicians that are out of office say they are considering running for this or that just to stay in the news. Usually they are considering running but not for the offices that they have mentioned. They are waiting for an opportunity that they believe would be favorable to them.
    2010 is looking up though. If Smith is elected he might not be in the top five in the Senate. We could have Peter Schiff from CT. and Ron Paul from TX. That is if they run. I was told in 2008 that one reason Paul did not want to run for Prez as a not Republican was that he wanted to run for Senate in 2010 as a Republican.

  22. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    Throw him in the gas chamber with the rest of the cretins.

    I trust you don’t mean that literally?

  23. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    He lost his Senator’s seat in 2002. In 2003 he moved to Florida and wanted to run there. In 2004 he ran for Senate in Florida–but dropped out of the race quickly. In 2008 he toyed with the CP, in 2009 he considered running for Florida’s 2010 seat, and now is considering running for NH’s 2010 seat. The man is definetly indecisive.

    To say the least.

  24. paulie cannoli February 24, 2009

    And I don’t think the anti-establishment Democrats who did all the groundwork to oppose the GOP in 2006 and 2008 are going to get much, either.

    Just more establishment people dicking them over and screwing the taxpayers to the wall with a moly bolt.

    Could be a major opportunity for an alternative party. Even the LP, if they tried, although this is not immediately obvious.

  25. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    “Bob Smith would be better than just about anybody in the Senate regardless of which state were to elect him.”

    I agree. Far from perfect, but the best Senator by far, in my opinion. I believe he is anti-fed and pro-gold.

  26. Gene Berkman February 24, 2009

    Trent, you beat me to it.

    G.E. – your rhetoric seems to indicate that looking down from Mount Olympus, no human merits your respect. But really, talking about Gas Chambers is over the line even for a misanthropic hypersectarian.

  27. Gary Odom February 24, 2009

    I have no inside knowledge whatsoever, but how often do people retire and move to Florida from the frozen north only to move back to the frozen north again? Trent, when you get old with brittle bones and assorted other ailments you will appreciate what I am saying.

    Bob Smith would be better than just about anybody in the Senate regardless of which state were to elect him.

  28. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    “So let’s see: Bob Smith endorsed warmongering nationalist, protectionist, xenophobe, and racist Islmamophobe Duncan Hunter — a sure loser — over Ron Paul. He endorsed JOHN KERRY for president in 2004. And he’s apparently some kind of environmentalist?

    Throw him in the gas chamber with the rest of the cretins.”

    Gas chamber? Sheesh, Hitler.

  29. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    “Trent’s standards are sooooo low. John Sununu? Really? Wow.”

    Can you name someone more libertarian, in the Senate, than John Sununu? Im not saying I’d vote for him, or that he’s a super guy…just that if he were elected he’d probably be the most libertarian guy in the Senate.

  30. Jim Davidson February 24, 2009

    Throw him in a gas chamber for expressing an opinion at odds with yours? That seems very harsh, GE.

    How many people would be left on the planet if all those who disagree with you were killed? lol

    Having been around for Carter, Clinton, and now Obama, I’m not convinced that Kerry would have been better than Bush had he been elected. On the other hand, four fewer years of Bush does have a nice sound to it.

    I’ve been reflecting lately on Tom Knapp’s point that the guy who organised the anti-establishment fervor, especially among younger people, to put a majority of Democrats in Congress and a Democrat in the White House was Howard Dean. Dean hasn’t gotten anything out of it, like a cabinet office. And I don’t think the anti-establishment Democrats who did all the groundwork to oppose the GOP in 2006 and 2008 are going to get much, either.

    Just more establishment people dicking them over and screwing the taxpayers to the wall with a moly bolt.

  31. G.E. February 24, 2009

    So let’s see: Bob Smith endorsed warmongering nationalist, protectionist, xenophobe, and racist Islmamophobe Duncan Hunter — a sure loser — over Ron Paul. He endorsed JOHN KERRY for president in 2004. And he’s apparently some kind of environmentalist?

    Throw him in the gas chamber with the rest of the cretins.

  32. G.E. February 24, 2009

    Trent’s standards are sooooo low. John Sununu? Really? Wow.

    The “Ron Paul folks” in Louisiana are clearly a lot different from the “Ron Paul folks” anywhere else in the country.

  33. Fred Church Ortiz February 24, 2009

    I also question whether “a lot” of Ron Paul folks will be interested in someone that endorsed Duncan Hunter in the primaries.

  34. Trent Hill February 24, 2009

    He lost his Senator’s seat in 2002. In 2003 he moved to Florida and wanted to run there. In 2004 he ran for Senate in Florida–but dropped out of the race quickly. In 2008 he toyed with the CP, in 2009 he considered running for Florida’s 2010 seat, and now is considering running for NH’s 2010 seat. The man is definetly indecisive.

  35. Fred Church Ortiz February 24, 2009

    It didn’t really hit me til this article that the back & forth’s been going on close to a decade now. Crap or get off the pot, man.

  36. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    Oh well, I was still able to add in some interesting third-party factoids. I have emails from Mr. Smith where he admits he is considering running for President on the CP-line in 08. But he decided against it.

    As for whether Bob could win—this is a state he has huge name recognition in, almost as much as Sununu. The Right-to-Life folks will love him, as will the Ron Paul folks (at least, alot of them will). I hope he does well–Bob Smith is years better on the issues that Sununu, who is himself probably the most libertarian senator.

  37. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    I dont think anyone said he belonged to the CP now….

    And you’re right Jeremy–Vin beat me to it.

  38. Sean Scallon February 24, 2009

    No he doesn belong to the CP. After he could have had their nomination for the asking in 2000, he decided he didn’t belong to any political party. Then he decided he was still Republican after they gave him a committee chairmanship. The he decided he wasn’t a New Hampshireman anymore and moved to Florida. Now he wants to comeback? Sure. And they’re welcome him home with parades, candy and flowers too. Yech!

  39. NewFederalist February 24, 2009

    What have I missed? I thought Judd Gregg decided against being Secretary of Commerce. Why is this seat open?

  40. Joey Dauben February 24, 2009

    Even though I’ve only been in my new home state of New Hampshire since early February, I don’t see a Bob Smith being able to knock off Sununu.

    The open race is a lot different, and Congressman Paul Hodes is – so far – the only announced major Democrat for the seat.

    If Sununu runs, the dynamic of last November won’t be there, but his name recognition is solid.

    I’m not too sure about Bob Smith, but if his intent is to solely “get back” at Sununu, that’s a bit cold-hearted.

    Why waste the resources in a contentious primary, when the Senate’s 60th vote could hang in the Granite State?

    There’s always the gubernatorial race next year too…

  41. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    To be clear: Smith is basically running for revenge. It was Sununu who primaried him in 2002.

  42. Trent Hill Post author | February 24, 2009

    This is the coolest scoop I’ve been able to report on thus far. I believe it’s an exclusive too.

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