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Independent Presidential Candidate Cornel West Secures South Carolina Ballot Access Through United Citizens Party

Independent presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West will appear on the South Carolina election ballot this November after receiving the endorsement and associated ballot line of the United Citizens Party.

West initially alluded to receiving ballot access in South Carolina through a press release on his campaign website published last Thursday. At the time, he made no mention of receiving support from any specific party, just that he would appear on the election ballot.

However, in a video posted to X on Saturday, West announced that he had received the endorsement of the United Citizens Party and would appear on the ballot with their ballot line. The United Citizens Party is a statewide party initially established in 1969 in response to the state Democratic Party’s then-resistance to nominating black candidates.

“I am deeply humbled, and I am deeply honored. When I think of South Carolina, I know South Carolina has been ground zero for the struggle for black freedom. Black freedom has always been the leaven in the loaf of American democracy,” West said in the video, which also featured clips of him and his supporters speaking. “And that’s why I’m so profoundly blessed to accept this grand endorsement and my precious brothers and sisters and the United Citizens Party, and we are going to shake up the world.”

Readers can view the full X video below:


  1. Andy February 29, 2024

    Cornel is an interesting guy, but he is not a libertarian, but of course he never claimed to be one and he is not seeking the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination.

  2. Andy February 29, 2024

    So far Cornel West has not launched any ballot access drives and he has only gotten a few political parties that already exist in one state to put him on the ballot.

  3. Jose C February 28, 2024

    I saw him at the presidential candidates debate at the Libertarian Party of California convention. I did not know what to expect. All of a sudden I heard Cornel West quote Shakespeare, Lincoln, Locke, and Douglas. I am impressed.

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