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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan to Appear on South Carolina Ballot Following Alliance Party Endorsement

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his running mate Nicole Shanahan will appear on the South Carolina ballot later this year following a recent endorsement from the Alliance Party. The campaign states that its officially on the ballot in eight states.

According to information initially shared with Independent Political Report on Thursday, the Alliance Party has filed all necessary documentation with the state, securing the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket a spot on the ballot for later this year. The Kennedy campaign also confirmed the nomination in a Friday press release on its official website, where he stated that his nomination by the Alliance Party demonstrated “an inspiring commitment to values that revitalize our representative democracy.”

“After thoroughly reviewing Biden and Trump’s past performance in office, their platforms, and their extremely narrow, ultra-partisan view of how democracy should be allowed to work to benefit all Americans, we believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the only logical choice for president,” added Jim Rex, National Chair Emeritus of the Alliance Party, in the release.

With the addition of South Carolina, the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is officially on the ballot in eight states, including Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma, Hawaii, and Texas. It has also collected enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in nine other states.

The Alliance Party originated from the merger of the American Moderates Party, the Modern Whig Party, and the American Party of South Carolina in 2018. Since then, several other parties have joined the Alliance Party, including the American Alliance Party and the Independent Parties of Minnesota, Connecticut, and New York. At least one of these affiliates, the Independence-Alliance Party of Minnesota, has authorized its leadership to discuss placing a 2024 candidate on its ballot line following a convention earlier this month.

The party previously nominated businessman Rocky De La Fuente and historian Darcy Richardson in the 2020 presidential election.

Editorial Note: An earlier version of this article listed the Reform Party of Florida as an affiliate of the Alliance Party. The Reform Party of Florida, which is in the process of regaining ballot access in the state, has since reaffiliated with the national Reform Party, according to Reform Party leadership.

One Comment

  1. Matthew Crowley May 31, 2024

    The Reform Party of Florida is not an affiliate of the Alliance Party -Matthew Crowley, Florida Vice Chairman

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