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Root: Obama’s Two Words to Fix the Economy: “I Resign”

President Obama has the most important speech of his Presidency on Thursday. A speech built around creating jobs and economic recovery. You want an economic recovery? You want jobs? Two magical words are needed to change the course of history. Two words change the future for millions of desperate unemployed Americans. Two words transform a depression into a boom. Two words motivate and inspire every business owner in America to create jobs. Two words free the U.S. economy from the current doom, despair, debt, depression, misery and malaise. Only two words need to be uttered by President Obama’s lips:

“I resign.”

Imagine an Obama-Free America.

Overnight 2 ½ years of pain are erased. Trillions of dollars and millions of jobs are brought back into the USA. Millions of business owners breathe a sigh of relief and begin to plan their recovery. Investors begin investing again, unleashing a torrent of buying and business expansion.

In Obama-Free America (OFA) Obama’s policies of demonization, persecution, punishment, and income redistribution are over. Jobs are created. Lower taxes are paid. Hope is restored. The American Dream is no longer a nightmare. The business of America is once again BUSINESS.

Overnight in OFA “the Obama Axis of Evil” disappears- no more is the country run by socialists, Marxists, and America-apologizers based solely on their tenets of taxation, regulation, government strangulation, unionization, litigation, and illegal immigration.

Overnight in OFA the waste of trillions of dollars on stimulus and corporate bailouts is over. The idea that unemployment checks and food stamps are good for the economy loses currency.

Overnight in OFA “Saving the Union” no longer means saving the teachers union, government employees union, and auto union. Losing billions bailing out auto unions is no longer called “a profit.” Pension plans for government employees are changed from defined benefit to defined contribution, so they pay for their own retirement. The National Labor Relations Board is terminated and the nation is no longer held hostage by radical union hacks and lawyers.

Overnight in OFA the euphemism “undocumented worker” disappears from standard usage and we restore the integrity of our borders. The Justice Dept ends the lawsuit against states for enforcing U.S. immigration law. No longer is it legal for non-citizens to collect entitlements and government aid.

Overnight in OFA the government treats its citizens with respect. The Constitution is in effect again. Power once again belongs to the people, not the government. We stop sending Nanny State police to close down lemonade stands run by kids. We stop sending SWAT teams to raid farms for the crime of selling raw milk, or guitar factories employing thousands to protect endangered wood in Madagascar.

Overnight in OFA we end the curtain of darkness against oil and energy exploration. We stop allowing environmentalists to impede our pursuit of energy independence. We remove the shackles from American energy companies. We encourage exploration of the plentiful supply of oil, shale, natural gas, and clean coal right here on American soil. We allow the building of nuclear plants and new oil refineries for the first time in 30 years and drive the price of oil and gas down dramatically, instantly improving life for every American.

Overnight we allow and encourage medical freedom. In OFA doctors are allowed to compete for patients. Insurance companies are allowed to compete for customers. Consumers are allowed to shop nationwide for the best policy for their family and unique situation. Tort reform dramatically reduces insurance rates, reducing the cost of medical care for every American.

In OFA we end the Environmental Protection Agency’s reign of terror against business. We end the Department of Education and the teacher union-sponsored destruction of America’s educational system. We end the IRS’s abusive practices against business owners and taxpayers. We end the FDA’s campaign against vitamin and nutritional companies. We end the ATF’s war against legal gun owners. And that is just a start.

Overnight in OFA the heroes of society are no longer unions, lawyers, IRS auditors, and government bureaucrats. The heroes are once again the people who made America the greatest nation in world history- small business owners, financial risk-takers, taxpayers, and job-creators. America is once again open for business.

In OFA it is cool to love and respect capitalism. It is cool to love Israel. It is cool to believe in American exceptionalism. Once again, it is morning in America.

Oh, and one more thing…in Obama-Free America, no President can play golf, if unemployment is above 7%. And Presidential (and Congressional) vacations are cancelled if the budget is out of balance, inflation is raging, real estate collapsing, or GDP is below 3%.

One man stole hope and prosperity 2 1/2 years ago. Now with the magical words “I resign” that same man can restore our country, our economy, and the American Dream.

“I resign. I resign. I resign.” Say it with feeling Mr. President. Say it like America’s future depends on it.

Because it does.

Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee. He now serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Congressional Committee. He is the best-selling author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts.” His web site:


  1. LibertarianGirl September 9, 2011

    @52 we all do well what we do well , and I came around to thinking Wayne was good on a national-media-exposure level ,

    his downfall if he ever chooses to run for Pres. will be his decision to involve himself in his own state LP internal politcs..

    seems to me it would have been a smarter, better decision to remain friendly with everyone instead of piling up enemys by disenfranchising them via purging

  2. Robert Capozzi September 9, 2011

    46 wr: Politics isn’t about right or wrong. It’s about winning and losing.

    me: I hear that, but I don’t quite agree. I have a different take. Politics is not about right or wrong per se, but it IS about advocating a direction that this “righter,” and pointing out why the current trajectory is “wronger.” That advocacy will “win” if the ideas are well thought out, balanced, thoughtful and plausible.

    The attitude, though, is not about competition, per se. It’s about attracting more folks to your POV, about setting up a win/win.

    Yes, the Rs and Ds often use wedge issues and demonization to make the other side “wrong.” And, yes, sometimes attacking seems to work, as the attacker seems to win.

    The Golden Rule is not optional. It’s always in operation, although often in the obverse.

    You actually do reap what you sow, every time, although sometimes in unanticipated forms. Bad karma boomerangs.

    Just ask Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton.

  3. George Phillies September 8, 2011


    Bergland — hung on for a long time
    Paul — still heard from
    Browne — visible in 2002, and then there came his tragic death
    Badnarik — his Congressional campaign was well-supported

    Ed Clark — doing something else, but audible.

    Marrou, not so much.

  4. Aaron Starr September 8, 2011

    Most former LP Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees are rarely heard from again.

    Wayne Root has only increased his activism since the end of his VP campaign.

    I am very appreciative of the volunteer work Wayne Root does reaching out to the outside world and hope he continues to do so.

  5. Steven Wilson September 8, 2011


    Freedom is not a brand. All humans count.

    You don’t speak for me.

  6. eric sundwall September 8, 2011

    Wayne – why not just be a successful Republican?

    The history of third parties in the U.S. is not made of ‘winners’. Tweaking the message or getting media interviews won’t change that. Accept that is plain hard fact.

    Whenever I run or am involved in campaigns, sufficient media is there to cover it. See my 2009 special election campaign or last year’s Redlich campaign.

    Denigrating the ‘radicals’ as useless lay abouts is poor form in my estimation. The unity of the LP has been painstaking built on principle. It’s the glue of the coalition. In my estimation the most successful third party in the last 40 years.

    I have to admit I just skip to the comments on a Root post on IPR. I guess I’m not part of the swooning millions who follow.

    I rarely see Wayne pop up on Google news and also admit to watching the cable yappers much. Still happy to send that fifty bucks when the Root for POTUS committee is formed.

  7. Darryl W. Perry September 8, 2011

    Martin Luther King had to craft a popular civil rights message… You have to win polls and win elections to make progress.

    How many elections did MLK win?

    By the way: do you count the cereal commercials as media appearances?

  8. Wayne Root September 8, 2011

    I am saying if you can’t craft a winnable message, you can never help one person you care about.

    You’ve therefore failed everyone that believes in you.

    All movements are about winning.

    Martin Luther King had to craft a popular civil rights message…or today there’d still be racism and “whites only” bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters.

    Sorry but any argument to the contrary is pathetic and sad. You have to win polls and win elections to make progress.

    Martin Luther King is a hero today because he found a way to influence public opinion.

    Everything else is just talking to yourself…and being head librarian of your private debate club.

    Goodnight I have more radio shows to do.


  9. Darryl W. Perry September 8, 2011

    ““Being right” is… a rationalization… used by those who lose and are marginalized, and invisible to get themselves through the day.”

    @Wayne – are you saying you would compromise every value you (supposedly) have to get media attention and win?

  10. Wayne Root September 8, 2011


    No Darryl…it doesn’t make them wrong, it just makes them invisible.

    And conversely, being successful in the media doesn’t make you right…it just makes you popular. Which eventually leads to success and victory.

    Politics isn’t about right or wrong. It’s about winning and losing. Those who win get a seat at table, and the opportunity to implement their agenda, and influence the direction of society.

    That’s what it’s all about. To the victor go the spoils. You must win to change anything.

    Otherwise you’re just talking to yourself.

    “Being right” is such a rationalization. It’s used by those who lose and are marginalized, and invisible to get themselves through the day.

    I’ll take a large media platform and victory.


  11. Darryl W. Perry September 8, 2011

    It seems Wayne subscribes to the theory of “who ever shouts the loudest wins.”

    Getting media appearances does NOT make you right… Someone else’s lack of media appearances does NOT make them wrong!

  12. Chuck Moulton September 8, 2011

    Rebecca Sink-Burris wrote (@40):

    We desperately need a culture change that nurtures newcomers and helps them become stronger libertarians. Usually I find that the longer people hang around libertarians, the more libertarian ideas they accept.

    Very true!

  13. paulie September 8, 2011

    And we do it in public, showing everyone how mean spirited we are, no wonder we are not growing. We desperately need a culture change that nurtures newcomers and helps them become stronger libertarians. Usually I find that the longer people hang around libertarians, the more libertarian ideas they accept. Unless of course they are run off by harsh criticism as so frequently happens.


  14. rloy September 8, 2011

    Deregulation of the financial industry (which Obummer has done little to stop) was the biggest culprit in the economic collapse. Tax cuts will do little to help the situation, especially with tax rates at historic lows. Companies are already sitting on plenty of cash–many are even buying back their own stock. They’re more likely to pad the compensation packages of their CEOs than they are to “create jobs.”

    A partial list of the “job creators”:

    George W. Numbnuts cut taxes for the wealthy and did plenty to help out corporate polluters. Was the US an economic powerhouse by the end of his term? No, it was a catastrophic disaster as most on the left predicted. Thankfully the public rejected the dipshit’s plan to privatize social security. I can’t imagine the clusterfuck we’d be in if W had been successful…

  15. Rebecca Sink-Burris September 8, 2011

    “Worse we criticize our own. We eat our own young. We kill our own progress with infighting.”

    And we do it in public, showing everyone how mean spirited we are, no wonder we are not growing. We desperately need a culture change that nurtures newcomers and helps them become stronger libertarians. Usually I find that the longer people hang around libertarians, the more libertarian ideas they accept. Unless of course they are run off by harsh criticism as so frequently happens.

  16. Wayne Root September 8, 2011

    @29 Jill

    Wayne has found a way to make a living being a politician.


    Do you think I get paid for my political activism? I did 120+ media interviews in past few weeks. I was not paid a dime for one of them.

    I’ve done somewhere in vicinity of 3000+ interviews in media in last 3 years (since running for LP Presidential nomination). I haven’t been paid for any one of them.

    I do all of this for free. I don’t make a dime.

    I do it in between running multiple businesses and running a family of 6.

    I do it for the LP…for my country…and for my beliefs in smaller government, lower taxes on small businessmen like me.

    That is precisely why I get so upset when IPR critics denigrate what I’m doing for LP. This is a labor of love. There is no payoff for it. Zero.

    And it was all created out of thin air by me…from scratch…from ground zero. The media…as you know ignores LP leaders and candidates…even Presidential ones.

    They run away from Libertarians. They don’t return phone calls or emails from Libertarians. My success was like pulling teeth…built brick by brick by being RELENTLESS. I just don’t go away…so media can’t ignore me. Then eventually, begrudgingly…they actually started to like me. Now every station I’m on…calls me again and again. They actually want my comments on everything.

    All the work paid off. But certainly not in money. None of this pays a dime.

    It’s called volunteer activism. We need millions of Libertarians to do the same- sacrifice hours of time away from business and family to spread the word…to man phone banks…to walk precincts…to lick envelopes…to knock on doors…to man booths.

    I simply chose a different route to capitalize on my media talents. But anyone can give the 20 hours a week I give for free…if you believe in the cause.

    That’s the model I’m trying to show all Libertarians. I was a lifelong Republican until 4 years ago. I saw the work their supporters do. LP does not have it. Our supporters talk too much, deliver far too little.

    Worse we criticize our own. We eat our own young. We kill our own progress with infighting.

    The time for talking complaining and criticizing is over.

    It’s time for action. I hope my model leads the way.

  17. paulie September 8, 2011

    Obviously the goal isn’t to promote libertarianism because that isn’t what Root does.

    Even on many of the issues where we disagree, Wayne’s proposals are significantly better than the status quo. Immigration, for example. See his exchange with myself and others on the Johnson thread and pay close attention to the specifics of his proposals.

    He clearly now says it is time to bring the troops home, although his critique of the military-industrial complex and US foreign policy does not go as far as yours or mine. He’s for ending the drug war. And so on.

    On the vast majority of issues where libertarians disagree with conservatives, his proposals would at least move us in a libertarian direction.

    Even as someone who thinks the LP message framing is already too conservative-leaning, I think it’s inaccurate to say that his message is no different from mainstream conservative Republicans.

    I also don’t resent him from talking to them in terms they can relate to.

    I only wish more of the same was happening on our left flank.

    The fact is that Wayne and others who think like him have no intention of going away. Either we learn his methods and apply them to recruiting from other audiences than the ones he appeals to, or we become more and more outnumbered by those who agree with his views and approach within the LP.

    Some of you, including Tom Blanton, have already effectively conceded the LP to Wayne by withdrawing yourselves from it. So, the predictable result is that the LP is less and less like you (or me) and more and more like Wayne. If you have already concluded that the LP is a lost cause, you can’t really expect it to move in your direction without your help.

  18. Wayne Root September 8, 2011

    @35 Paulie

    Bingo. Paulie gets it. My goal is to inspire and fire all of you up to channel your strong opinions into activism.

    I never did any of this only 4 years ago.

    But it isn’t opinions that gets you i the media…anyone can have an opinion…you have to work RELENTLESSLY to get into media.

    I don’t get these interviews by mistake. There are no coincidences in life.

    It’ all about having a plan…and working that plan tirelessly and relentlessly.

    And by the way…someone here actually challenged my honesty? They actually asked if it was possible I could be in middle of media interview while I typed my comment here.

    I was on Barry Farber’s radio show from 8 PM to 9 PM ET on Wednesday night if anyone cares to check. I typed my comment here in between 3 or 4 ad breaks.

    Then I added a few more lines…spell checked…and finished my post as soon as I got off the air from the one hour interview.

    If I say I’m on the air…you can count on the fact that I am.

  19. paulie September 8, 2011

    Readers do, I hope, realize that if President Obama rises to some higher calling, say King of the Universe, that Joe Biden becomes President?

    Yes. For some reason, I think Wayne does too. I don’t think that his predictions here are meant to be taken that literally, although he does leave himself open for it.

    I find it truly amazing that anyone in the LP supports Root at this point – especially long-term activists.

    It depends on what you mean by support.

    What I would like to see is libertarians who know how to talk to the left become as (or more) frequent in college and free weekly papers all over the country as Root is in conservative media. I’d like to see them on MSNBC as much or more as we see Root on Fox. I’d like to see their columns in Huffpo and Firedoglake etc. I’d like to see them get on some conservative shows too, just like Wayne has been on the Hartmann show. I’d like to see those same speakers – identified as libertarians – prominently featured on the stages of gay pride and marijuana legalization marches, antiwar rallies and immigrants rights demonstrations, just as Wayne has been at Tea Parties. I’d like them to communicate these achievements back to LP audiences.

    I’d like our disagreements with Wayne on forums like this to be polite and constructive in tone. I think demonizing him is at best a waste of time.

    My belief is that our most available target audiences are different ones from the ones that Wayne is trying to appeal to. I did not vote for Wayne for President, VP or LNC chair.

    Is that what you call supporting him?

  20. Tom Blanton September 8, 2011

    I’m changing minds and re-branding the LP.

    Yes, and soon everyone will think libertarians are ignorant right-wingers who are exactly like every blow-hard Republican shill that is heard on talk radio.

    I find it truly amazing that anyone in the LP supports Root at this point – especially long-term activists.

    The strategy of validating the beliefs of ignorant reactionary rubes by merely telling them what they want to hear is not changing minds. This is called pandering. It doesn’t advance serious libertarian ideas. It isn’t thought provoking. And there is no evidence that it is even doing anything beneficial for the LP.

    Shame on the LP for supporting Wayne Root. Is the goal to make the LP the pariah of the libertarian movement? If the goal is to win elections, gain members and/or increase contributions, Rootification appears to be a failure. Obviously the goal isn’t to promote libertarianism because that isn’t what Root does.

    What’s next? Will the LP start awarding “brownie buttons” to every LP member who speaks on a right-wing talk radio show? Then Root could strut about laden with medals and a jutting jaw like a little Mussolini.

  21. George Phillies September 8, 2011

    Readers do, I hope, realize that if President Obama rises to some higher calling, say King of the Universe, that Joe Biden becomes President?

  22. George Phillies September 8, 2011

    The claims appear to have to do with the supposition that if Joe Biden became President there would be no deadlock in Congress.

  23. Michael Cavlan RN September 8, 2011


    I have posted here repeatedly on the lies of Wayne Root. I have challenged him on this as well.
    The flat out lie that Obama is a “socialist.”

    I have put forward my point on why he is not telling the truth. I used good old fashioned logic to make my point.

  24. Root's Teeth Are Awesome September 8, 2011

    Root: Overnight 2 ½ years of pain are erased. Trillions of dollars and millions of jobs are brought back into the USA.

    Because the economy was so strong under Bush. Obama invented jobs outsourcing. Never happened under Bush.

    Root: Overnight in OFA the waste of trillions of dollars on stimulus and corporate bailouts is over.

    Nope, no corporate bailouts under Bush. Obama invented corporate bailouts.

    Root: I’m on national radio right now in ad break…

    I suppose it’s possible that Root is telling the truth. That he really does compose and post his long replies during his radio appearances.

    Still, it makes him sound insecure. Like someone who drops celebrity names to try and convince you how important he is.

    Root sounds like Edina on Absolutely Fabulous, who tells her daughter, Saffie, “I’m going to the studio, darling.”

    Pause. Saffie fails to react.

    The studio,” Edina repeats. “I’m going to the studio.”

    Yes, and Root is on the radio, even now, as he posts. Did you hear that? He’s on the radio. Spreading the libertarian message of how everything was so great under Bush.

  25. Jill Pyeatt September 8, 2011

    I don’t get the media exposure Wayne gets. I don’t WANT the media attention Wayne gets–he’s very good at it , and I’m sure I wouldn’t be good at all. However, I am good at other things, and I’m doing the best that I know how, to spread the message of the Libertarian life. I also have to make a living, however, where Wayne has found a way to make a living being a politician. In other words, it’s ridiculous for him to compare what I do to what he does. That’s not what this thread is about.

    I have NEVER talked about someone not being a pure enough Libertarian. Wayne just always goes into a defensive mode, where he sticks up for himself by telling us what he does is better than what we do, usually ridiculing us in the process. Plus, he just repeats talking points. He comes in, issues his edict, and expects us to bow down gratefully. Well, sometimes he’s comical, very funny, whether he means to be or not. This article is completely “over the top”. I wish he would just take the criticisms like the rest of us do, and laugh along with everyone else when it’s appropriate. Seriously.

  26. Michael H. Wilson September 8, 2011

    Paulie not to be rude to you, but what I do is none of Root’s business.

    However, any manager who takes that attitude he has expressed in this thread towards other people, especially people he has never met, is a very poor manager. I have spent most of my life supervising others and if I found or heard of anyone working for me who took such a tone I would call them aside and we would have a serious talk.

    Wayne may get voted to be the best Libertarian in the world, but the attitude he has taken here doesn’t qualify him for much in my book.

    Great leaders don’t insult others. Neither do good leaders.

  27. paulie September 8, 2011


    Actually from what I understand, you do a lot, but here is another thing Wayne does that I like, which folks that I agree with more on the issues don’t do: he catalogs what he does and lets us know about it.

    I wish we had media clips lists and media appearance lists for several other LP members on a regular basis.

  28. Michael H. Wilson September 8, 2011

    I don’t do anything but sit around and complain.

  29. paulie September 8, 2011

    By the way @ 22 is not to toot my own horn.

    I am far from telegenic and not even very good on the radio…I say “ugh” a lot. I’m not very good with soundbites either.

    My point was more that if I can do it, so can you.

  30. JT September 7, 2011

    Wayne, you get a lot of media exposure. A LOT of it. More than anyone else in the LP. It’s not even close.

    Now, what does that have to do with this piece being nonsense?

    I re-read the comments on this thread, and they don’t have to do with “extreme pure radicalism” vs. “common sense pragmatism.” They have to do with the claims made in this column by “Mr. Libertarian” being outlandish and absurd.

    If you want all of your commentaries (and probably all your interviews) to be about blasting President Obama, that’s your right. But proclaiming that if Obama resigned we’d have constitutional government? I’m sorry, but that’s about as nutty as the nuttiest thing I’ve ever heard another Libertarian say.

  31. Steven Wilson September 7, 2011


    Too Funny. I would like to hear what Browne would say about his latest book and how he would rebuild congress. Adding more people to congress would make Browne sick.

    I also would like to hear what Russo would say about Ron Paul now. With the polling and numbers in the debates. Fox treated Russo like a rash. He stood his ground against her and kept cool. I thought he did very well. Ron Paul/Russo in 2012 would’ve a marketing dream.

    The national is just garbage now. And confirms my point about being worthless.

    DO the hustle.

  32. paulie September 7, 2011

    Wayne makes a very good point in his comment:

    If only the people at IPR would stop complaining and start giving 3 to 5 hours per day like I do to change the country’s direction. Instead of sitting around sucking your thumbs, wasting time and hot air criticizing me and trying so hard to denigrate my achievements.

    Wayne also says

    Let’s see how popular your extreme pure radical Libertarianism is- try to get invited on 120+ media in a few weeks.

    Try to have your views read by millions…on a daily basis.

    Try to get published on a regular basis in major newspapers.

    Prove your version of Libertarianism is more popular than mine.

    Out-work me. Out-shine me. Out-smart me. Out-hustle.

    Ah, but we know the answer. You can’t. You’ve tried for 40 long years and never been able to achieve any serious success or credibility or interest from anyone.

    Actually, I think we can. The real problem: We don’t try.

    In my experience, it is very easy for Libertarians – including radical Libertarians – to get LTEs published in college and free weekly newspapers, as well as in the city daily covering a county of about 200,000 people. Me showing up at the post office by myself with a picket sign on April 15th got a front page article. I could get a cover story in the free weekly or a talk radio or local TV show segment for the asking.

    There are tons of media markets that size, and tons of college and free weekly papers, all over the country. Radical libertarians could get those if we tried. It is unfortunate that we don’t try.

    Wayne is correct that he is helping rebrand the LP. Those of you who are not happy with that should listen to what he says about getting media, and do something about that.

  33. paulie September 7, 2011

    Root should challenge his LP critics that for each anti-Root nastygram they post here, they should write one letter to the editor promoting the Libertarian brand.

    Great idea. If you are a LP candidate or officer (even local) send us a copy too, especially if it gets published.

  34. Thane Eichenauer September 7, 2011

    If you are going to call someone a liar I would think you would have an example of a lie to offer.

  35. Brian Holtz September 7, 2011

    When Root’s critics out-shrill him to criticize his shrillness, they merely give him room to continue being too shrill. Ya gotta love the irony of using unpersuasive rhetoric in criticizing another’s rhetoric as unpersuasive.

    I too encourage other Libertarians to get their LP-branded views out in front of the public. Root should challenge his LP critics that for each anti-Root nastygram they post here, they should write one letter to the editor promoting the Libertarian brand.

    You can write a LTE right now. Just type in your zip code at

  36. Michael H. Wilson September 7, 2011

    Wayne nothing is extreme or radical about getting your facts correct!

  37. Jill Pyeatt September 7, 2011

    GP @ 15: LOL

  38. Wayne Root September 7, 2011

    Funny, I did 9 media interviews yesterday…5 today…I’m on national radio right now in ad break…

    and surfed on over to IPR to read such friendly comments from my sour grapes critics…

    By the way I’ve had 120+ media interviews in recent weeks…

    And my 2 commentaries in the past 2 days all over the Internet…front page of Newsmax to 6 million conservative readers in back to back days…on Glenn Beck’s web site now reaching millions…on front page today of Breitbart…millions reading and obviously interested in what I have to say.

    Yet here at IPR you’d never guess that. I wonder why?


    If only the people at IPR would stop complaining and start giving 3 to 5 hours per day like I do to change the country’s direction. Instead of sitting around sucking your thumbs, wasting time and hot air criticizing me and trying so hard to denigrate my achievements.

    I’m trying to make a difference. And I am. That is clear.

    Except at IPR.

    Perhaps you need to do a little soul searching as to why my commentaries are featured all over the Internet…and literally hundreds of media across USA want to interview me to hear my opinions…but you’re unimpressed.

    I wonder why radio hosts call me the greatest guest of their entire career…and “Mr. Libertarian”…and “the hardest working man in Libertarian politics.” Yet the sour grapes critics on this site call me names and make believe I’m a used car salesman.

    Funny. A used car salesmen invited by media nonstop to entertain and empower their audience. I must be a damn good used car salesman.

    And by the way, if I’m a used car salesman…and I make 9 media appearances a day…

    What does that make you…my critics…who can’t get any one in the country interested in hearing your views?

    I think you need to look in the mirror and do some deep soul searching.

    Maybe this is why your third party candidates go nowhere.

    I mix my Libertarian views with popular common sense pragmatism that my dad the blue collar butcher could understand and cheer.

    And for far too long the LP has ignored or purposely run away from any popular appeal.

    You get what you wish for.

    Strict pure extreme views repel most mainstream voters…thereby making it impossible to ever elect Libertarians…keeping your tent small…and insuring there will never be progress towards a more Libertarian world.

    I’m changing all that. And it rankles many of you that my Tea Party populist Libertarianism is a big hit.

    In the end, what matters is progress. 120+ media interviews in a few weeks is a sign of popularity, electability and progress. My commentaries reaching millions on a daily basis is a sign of popularity and progress.

    I’m changing minds and re-branding the LP.

    But you’re angry because it’s being branded as…God-forbid… popular and common sense and pragmatic like the Tea Parties.

    And I stick to popular fiscal conservative themes that a majority of voters actually care about.

    Here’s my close…stop fighting…stop complaining…stop criticizing…we’re on the same team. Either cheer me on…

    Or if you don’t want to be on my team…beat me. Let’s see how popular your extreme pure radical Libertarianism is- try to get invited on 120+ media in a few weeks.

    Try to have your views read by millions…on a daily basis.

    Try to get published on a regular basis in major newspapers.

    Prove your version of Libertarianism is more popular than mine.

    Out-work me. Out-shine me. Out-smart me. Out-hustle.

    Ah, but we know the answer. You can’t. You’ve tried for 40 long years and never been able to achieve any serious success or credibility or interest from anyone.

    Game. Set. Match.



  39. George Phillies September 7, 2011

    On the other hand, Root saying “I resign…from the LNC” would be a positive step.

  40. Jill Pyeatt September 7, 2011

    Just when I think he can’t get sillier…he gets sillier.

  41. Thomas L. Knapp September 7, 2011

    Harry Browne’s 1996 campaign book was titled Why Governnment Doesn’t Work..

    Root’s next book should be titled I Don’t Understand How Government Works.

  42. George Phillies September 7, 2011

    11 No! How could you possibly suspect such a thing?

  43. Jill Pyeatt September 7, 2011

    I’m starting to think that Wayne doesn’t like Obama.

  44. George Phillies September 7, 2011

    On the other hand, just imagine a Republican-run America
    — a Torturer-General to supervise prisoner interrogations
    –NSA spies listening to your every phone call
    — religious war against Unitarians, Islamites, Pagans and — they’ll get there sooner or later — Jews and Catholics.

  45. George Phillies September 7, 2011

    The massively stupid part of these claims is, of course, that the Republicans do not have 2/3 of both houses of Congress, to overcome Biden vetos. Indeed, they mostly do not have the votes to overcome Democratic filibusters of whatever things escape from the House.

  46. Brian September 7, 2011

    Another Root commentary? Wonder what it’s about?

  47. JT September 7, 2011

    Oh, good lord.

    Was the “American Dream” alive and well under George W. Bush for Obama to destroy 2 1/2 years ago? Is Obama’s presidency our only impediment such that markets would be freed “overnight” if he resigned?

    “I’ve gone off the deep end.” Say it with feeling, Wayne.

  48. Michael H. Wilson September 7, 2011

    Wayne wrote “Overnight we allow and encourage medical freedom. In OFA doctors are allowed to compete for patients. Insurance companies are allowed to compete for customers. Consumers are allowed to shop nationwide for the best policy for their family and unique situation. Tort reform dramatically reduces insurance rates, reducing the cost of medical care for every American.”

    Wayne if you think for one minute the AMA is going to accept a free market you ain’t been readin’ history. Over the last 160 years they have done everything they can to stop any and all competition.

    For consumers to buy insurance across state lines the nation will have to repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act (same McCarran the airport is named for). That was passed in the late 40’s.

    Tort reform will put patients last. The state medical boards do a damn poor job of policing the doctors. Deaths from medical errors is a huge problem in this country. Then there is the issue of unnecessary surgery and other procedures.

    Btw lawyers are not the problem.

  49. Michael Cavlan RN September 7, 2011

    How can you tell if Wayne Root is lying?

    His lips are moving.

    My God Libs. This man is a liar, an idiot and looks and talks like a used car salesman. He sure the hell is no Ron Paul.

    It is your gig though. Like I said, I have no real dog in this fight.

  50. George Phillies September 7, 2011

    The description of an America under President Biden is a bit surprising.

  51. AroundtheblockAFT September 7, 2011

    Wayne grossly overstates what would happen when President Biden took over from President Obama. Most of those changes would be welcome, but wouldn’t happen just because Obama went back to Illinois. I doubt President Biden would be particularly scary as long as a SCOTUS justice doesn’t die or resign. Give him an Amtrak pass and a system timetable and tell him to enjoy himself.

  52. Nicholas Sarwark September 7, 2011

    Imagine an Obama-Free America.

    President Joe Biden.

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