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Glenn Beck interviews Darrell Castle

Earlier today, Glenn Beck interviewed Constitution Party presidential candidate Darrell Castle on his radio show. The interview is 16 minutes long:


  1. Joe M. August 27, 2016

    yea I saw that Cody…very strange, also with the Ohio ballot…despite the differences between the minor parties, im really getting sick and tired of us spending all our resources on ballot access…its an absolute crime.

  2. Cody Quirk August 25, 2016

    Unfortunately the way you speak and communicate your ideas/views is a big deal to a lot of voters and others.

  3. Joe M. August 25, 2016

    Darrell did a good job. I think people may not care as much now about how you speak, as long as what you are saying is true and correct…anyway it was good that he got on Beck’s show.

  4. Bob Haran August 25, 2016

    Castle’s idea’s are better then the four Democrats; Clinton, Trump, Johnson and Stein.

  5. Krzysztof Lesiak Post author | August 25, 2016

    Agreed. Castle is a good candidate, but Baldwin was a much better public speaker. He did have a lot of practice, after all, from serving as a pastor for decades.

  6. JamesT August 25, 2016

    I thought Darrell didn’t do a great job with this articulating his ideas. I was surprised Beck didn’t try to set him up or sabotage him given his track record with people like Debra Medina. He doesn’t seem to have the oratory skills of Howard Phillips or Chuck Baldwin.

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