During the first Executive Committee meeting since the LPNH state convention on September 24, Vice Chair Rodger Paxton motioned the EC make a formal statement in response to an action by the Vice Presidential nominee, Gov. Bill Weld.
After learning that Gov Weld donated to Chris Sununu, the GOP Gubernatorial nominee, Paxton asked if the Libertarian National Committee would take action against Weld. At least 2 members of the LNC responded that it was outside the purview of the LNC, and it would be up to the state affiliate to take action. Paxton says, “Since the gubernatorial race is pivotal to ballot access retention in New Hampshire for the Libertarian Party, it is a betrayal for Bill Weld to give money to our direct competitor, money that will be used in direct contravention to the money spent by the national Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire to achieve and retain our ballot access.” The following resolution was adopted without opposition.
Whereas Gov Bill Weld donated $450 to the GOP Gubernatorial nominee, and
Whereas LPNH has a nominee in the Gubernatorial race, and
Whereas the Gubernatorial election is one of two elections that affect ballot access in NH,
Be it resolved, the EC of LPNH formally censures Gov Bill Weld for donating money in opposition to the LPNH Gubernatorial nominee.
Tom Knapp: “Friday’s kind of late for a “Dumbest Thing Tom Knapp Has Said This Week” entry, but I’ll take it.
“The party took a ball peen hammer to its own testes by nominating Johnson and Weld.”
Typo fixed, no charge.
“I agree that it’s an attempt to damage the party for nominating Johnson and Weld”
Friday’s kind of late for a “Dumbest Thing Tom Knapp Has Read This Week” entry, but I’ll take it.
The party took a ball peen hammer to its own testes by nominating Johnson and Weld. Perry’s just giving those who don’t care to participate in the self-mutilation something productive to do instead.
Robert Capozzi: “It sounds as this is an electoral stunt, somewhere in the Vermin Supreme zone. In the case, Perry for Prez appears to be an attempt to damage the LNC nominees. From a NAP perspective, J/W are not only non-NAPsters, they are anti-NAPsters on many issues. Perry and his supporters are fighting a jihad for the heart and soul of the LP, in the tradition of Rothbard’s battle with Crane and Clark over Clark’s use of the sacrilegious term ‘low-tax liberal.'”
I agree that it’s an attempt to damage the party for nominating Johnson and Weld, but I doubt it has little to do with the NAP. Notice that the only group that’s actually done anything about Perry’s run (revoking his membership for it) was the LP Radical Caucus, which is as “NAPster” as one can get.
Actually, now would be the exact optimum time for the LNC to remove Johnson/Weld as the nominees.
Ballot substitution is irrelevant, because people aren’t voting for Johnson/Weld, they are voting for electors who are pledged to Johnson/Weld. Those electors are already free to change their votes — or not — if they are chosen. The LNC would inform the electors of the change, and the electors (if the LP ticket carries any states, which remains vanishingly unlikely) would decide whether to stick with Johnson/Weld or to support the LNC’s replacement, which they would have been free to do even if the suspension had occurred two months ago.
So the only real effect would be the insanely great publicity for the party and its down-ticket candidates.
“…or come up with some kind of criteria to blacklist people from the party for unethical behavior…”
Oh, the irony.
TLK and Andy:
Everyone has a limited amount of time on Earth and can choose to spend it however they wish… fighting yesterday’s battle or focusing on tomorrow.
I said my little bit, good luck to you both.
Austin Cassidy said: “The LNC isn’t going to replace Johnson/Weld. They’re on the ballot, the election is in 3 weeks and votes are being cast.”
It probably is too late to replace Johnson/Weld right now. I found out that there was more time to replace Bill Weld than there was Gary Johnson without affecting ballot access, as there are some states that do not allow candidate substitution for presidential candidates, but do allow it for vice presidential candidates (I recently found this out about Alabama and North Dakota).
I can understand not wanting to remove Gary Johnson if it meant that the Libertarian Party was not going to be able to put a replacement candidate on the ballot (although it would have had this been done early), but if it was still possible to remove and replace Weld, then it should have been done.
I think that some bylaws changes ought to be considered to prevent future Bill Welds from jumping in the race for LP nominations. Perhaps shut the door on new candidates from jumping in so close to convention time, or say a perspective candidate has to have been a party member for a certain length of time prior to the convention, or come up with some kind of criteria to blacklist people from the party for unethical behavior (like how Bill Weld had screwed over the LP of NY back in 2006, this should have blacklisted him for life), or maybe say that delegates have to be members of the party for a certain length of time prior to the convention, or etc… These discussions are worth having.
I should have gotten on the microphone and proposed a motion to prohibit anyone who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations from being nominated as a candidate for the Libertarian Party. Why? Because if one is a member of the CFR, they are a part of the ruling establishment, which means that they are enemies of liberty, and not to be trusted. Does this sound crazy? I could see how it could come off that way to some people who are not very well informed, and I could also see some people who are unprincipled, and/or who are actively trying to sabotage the Libertarian Party getting upset over this, but so what? My goal is liberty, not to worry about offending people who are ignorant or naive or corrupt.
Would a motion to prohibit anyone who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations from running for office as a Libertarian Party candidate been likely to pass? This would have been an obvious attempt to prevent Bill Weld from being a candidate. Given the makeup of the delegates who were in attendance in Orlando, I don’t think the motion would have passed. I still think that it would have been worth it to have it voted on anyway even if it did not pass because it would have at least shined light on the fact that there are clubs of which members of the ruling political establishment who are our enemies belong, and it would have caused Libertarian National Convention delegates to take a stand on whether or not we should run ruling establishment types as candidates, and it would have left a record of this being brought up, and hopefully voted on, in the convention meeting minutes, and it probably would have gotten some publicity, at least in the alternative media.
I was not in the party at the time, but I have heard that back at the 1984 Libertarian National Convention (which may have been held in 1983), there was a Koch brothers backed candidate named Earl Ravenal who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who ran for the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination. Fortunately, there was a higher percentage of principled Libertarians at that convention, and CFR member Ravenal lost to the more principled Libertarian David Bergland. I have been told by some long time party members who were at that convention that one of the reasons that Ravenal lost is because he was a member of the CFR.
If you had asked me about this prior to 2008 (the year the Libertarian Party sold out its principles with its presidential ticket by nominating Barr/Root), I would have assumed that the Libertarian Party would NEVER nominate a Council on Foreign Relations, pro-war, pro-Patriot Act, Bush loving, Clinton loving, gun grabber, as a candidate.
“Instead, Perry is running onto the field without being called by the coach. This is chaos.”
STOP THE GAME! There’s an ant on the field at the 40 yard line!
“Austin Cassidy
October 14, 2016 at 11:36
Bill Weld made a dumb decision by giving that donation and he was censured by a state party for it. Done.”
It was not just a dumb decision. This was Bill Weld showing his true colors. It should be obvious that the man does not give a rat’s behind about the Libertarian Party or movement.
Nobody who is really a Libertarian would have donated money to Chris Sununu, just like nobody who is really a Libertarian would have praised Hillary Clinton.
It’s the term “circular firing squad” that’s getting old.
Every time someone does something fucked up and gets criticized for it, they start whining about “circular firing squads.”
Maybe they should consider not doing stuff that’s fucked up instead.
Bill Weld made a dumb decision by giving that donation and he was censured by a state party for it. Done.
Personally, I think the current party leadership is doing a very good job. But a number of people disagree — that’s fine.
The LNC isn’t going to replace Johnson/Weld. They’re on the ballot, the election is in 3 weeks and votes are being cast.
Don’t like Johnson/Weld? There are dozens of other options… including write-in candidates like Daryl Perry. Will states actually count the votes for them? Probably not.
Don’t like the LNC? Run for a seat on it or try to defeat others who are on there now.
The circular firing squad gets old.
TK, true. There’s a time and place.
Instead, Perry is running onto the field without being called by the coach. This is chaos.
How many votes Darryl gets and how many are counted are two completely separate questions. Since there’s no chance that the outcome will be affected, the latter question doesn’t really matter much. Each person who votes will know for whom he or she voted, and why; in this application, that’s all that really matters.
Yes, it’s the LNC’s call whether or not to replace the quarterback and center who are playing against the team.
And it’s everyone else’s choice whether or not to support the LNC, the quarterback and the center.
Mr. Auto correct, actually.
TK, a team has discipline and a command structure. Perry is the inappropriate judge in this case. Like it or not, it’s the LNC’s call.
“Perry will receive fewer than 500 votes nationwide.”
Actually it’ll probably be less than 10, as most states won’t count them. Regardless the point was, as I see it, to give those who were dissatisfied with the ticket and weren’t going to vote for it anyway a Libertarian to vote for. That’s not a large number, as many have pointed out the small number of “purists” in the party, but it is a significant enough group of people who have a desire to be heard. Personally my state sucks at counting write-in votes, so I’m going to go ahead and vote for Dr. Stein.
On the contrary, I DO acknowledge that politics is a team sport.
Let me know when and if the quarterback and center decide to stop playing for the other team — intentionally throwing interceptions and grounding the ball instead of running it — or when the management pulls them out and replaces them. I’ll be out at the park next door with a few others who take the sport seriously, playing a pickup game that may be inconsequential but is at least genuine.
” IOWA you don’t accept that politics is a ream sport. ”
I know that was a typo but I can’t resist. ILLINOIS they do!
“Perry will receive fewer than 500 votes nationwide.”
I agree. So why all the fuss?
On the other hand, there is a very real possibility that the candidate Weld donated to, Sununu, will cost the LP ballot retention. And I would hope there is a real chance of ballot retention this year with a sitting Libertarian state legislator running as the LP candidate for Governor. Has that ever happened anywhere before?
TK. so IOWA you don’t accept that politics is a ream sport. Most of the team don’t see it as a bed shitting.
“He’s rejecting the party’s choice publicly.”
As anyone who gives a tinker’s damn about the party should. When your friend shits the bed, the proper response is to let him know he needs to clean up, not to jump in there and roll around in it.
tk: You make it sound like he’s trying to burn down every house on the block, when what he’s actually doing is grilling burgers for a few friends.
me: He’s rejecting the party’s choice publicly.
The burger-eating friends could have PRIVATELY written in Perry if they found J/W unacceptable. Instead, a sitting state chair is making it known that he rejects J/W. The damage is minor, yes, in the grand scheme of things.
Politics is a team sport. Perry opens himself up to the charge of “sore loser.”
“Perry for Prez appears to be an attempt to damage the LNC nominees.”
In what way?
People who are inclined to vote for Perry are people who already rejected Johnson/Weld. Perry being available as a write-in gives those people a libertarian they can vote for instead of just sitting out the presidential election.
My prediction, as I’ve said before, is that:
– Perry will receive fewer than 500 votes nationwide.
– In no state will Perry’s votes make the difference between Johnson/Weld carrying the state and not carrying it.
– In no state will Perry’s votes make the difference between continuing ballot access or loss/non-accomplishment of same for that state’s Libertarian Party.
You make it sound like he’s trying to burn down every house on the block, when what he’s actually doing is grilling burgers for a few friends.
aj: Some states the registered write in candidates have to agree to it, and in some states they do not have to agree to it.
me: Thanks for providing an actual answer.
So, Perry has agreed to be a registered write-in candidate in the states that require his agreement for purposes of being counted. Which I would say is inconsequential, since Perry will not win, place, or show anywhere.
It sounds as this is an electoral stunt, somewhere in the Vermin Supreme zone. In the case, Perry for Prez appears to be an attempt to damage the LNC nominees. From a NAP perspective, J/W are not only non-NAPsters, they are anti-NAPsters on many issues. Perry and his supporters are fighting a jihad for the heart and soul of the LP, in the tradition of Rothbard’s battle with Crane and Clark over Clark’s use of the sacrilegious term “low-tax liberal.”
It sounds like the cover story is that J/W are not “real” Ls and Perry is a “real” L who is giving “real” Ls someone for whom they can vote AND that their votes will be registered and counted. My sense is the registered and counted part feels insincere to me, since any vote totals DWP is likely to get will be in the thousands at best. Anyone can — as a matter of conscience — write-in a NAPster as a protest of the LNC nominees, and leave it at that. Registering to be a write-in is simply an attempt to ding J/W, is my sense.
I don’t believe it will have any impact, either. It’s likely to be imperceptible static.
Caryn Ann,
I understand what the problems are.
I also understand where the problems are.
Removing Johnson and Weld would be entirely up side, no down side for the party.
It might be down side for some or all members of the LNC, especially if they expect to run again.
I care a great deal about the party. About the people who don’t want to do their job because doing their job might incur some oppobrium? A little, but not nearly as much.
Here’s an interview with Darryl W. Perry where he addresses some of the topics discussed in this thread.
Darryl W. Perry Interview (Libertarian Proponent) 10/4/2016
“Jill Pyeatt
October 13, 2016 at 23:22
Gail Lightfoot and I did what needed to be done to get Ron Paul on the ballot as a write-in in CA in 2012. I don’t recall exactly what we did, but I had to notarize something. I’m proud that I was part of that.
It may have been 2008, actually. I’ll ask her about it. I have an excellent short-term memory, but not such a great long-term memory. I’m usually really clear up to about 5 years, and since I’m a bit vague on this, it might have been 2008.
In any case, I was proud to be involved.”
It was most definitely 2008.
“Jill Pyeatt
October 13, 2016 at 23:22
Gail Lightfoot and I did what needed to be done to get Ron Paul on the ballot as a write-in in CA in 2012. I don’t recall exactly what we did, but I had to notarize something. I’m proud that I was part of that.”
Jill, I had not idea that you were involved with qualifying Ron Paul as an official write in candidate for President in California in 2008. I voted for the Ron Paul / Gail Lightfoot ticket in that election in California. Thanks for giving me somebody for whom I could vote (and have it counted), as I was not going to vote for the Bob Barr Wayne Root ticket. and the only other candidate whom I would have considered voting for, Chuck Baldwin, was not on the ballot in California.
Gail Lightfoot and I did what needed to be done to get Ron Paul on the ballot as a write-in in CA in 2012. I don’t recall exactly what we did, but I had to notarize something. I’m proud that I was part of that.
It may have been 2008, actually. I’ll ask her about it. I have an excellent short-term memory, but not such a great long-term memory. I’m usually really clear up to about 5 years, and since I’m a bit vague on this, it might have been 2008.
In any case, I was proud to be involved.
I comprehend the problems. I am sure that Johnson, Weld, and all of their handlers and flunkies and supporters would whine. They may miss interviews, like a CIA, er um, CNN Town Hall, where they MISREPRESENT LIBERTARIANISM to millions of viewers and make BUFFOONS. out of themselves (and the rest of us).
I really do not care.
These corrupt non-libertarian clowns NEVER should have been nominated in the first place. It was only because the party is a big disorganized mess.
Wow. The fact that you cannot even comprehend the problems, even if you don’t agree, is mind-blowing.
Have a good day.
Some states the registered write in candidates have to agree to it, and in some states they do not have to agree to it.
Mr. C,
Different rules in different states. If you don’t care whether your write-in vote gets tallied or reported, why not just skip that race? You won’t be sending a message to anyone, not even to the afficianados who pore over the numbers years later, much less anyone seeking election returns in the immediate aftermath of an election.
What alternative is worse? Eject Bill Weld and replace him with somebody better, like Larry Sharpe or Will Coley.
Send a message that the Libertarian Party really is “The Party of Principle”.
What is so bad about this?
Mr. B, counting isn’t such a big-deal for write-ins, since they don’t count in any meaningful sense.
Does the registered write-in have to agree to be registered? (Not that it matters, not really.)
Should read, “best interests” above.
Robert, some states require write in candidates to submit a slate of electors and/or jump through some other hoops to have their votes counted, but of course some do not, and a few states do not even allow write in votes.
And, there are some states where you can’t write in at all.
“Huh? Can’t anyone write in anyone? Can’t I write in Thomas Knapp and Andy Jacobs if I want to, at least in most states?”
In most states it won’t count unless it is for a registered write-in.
When the alternative is worse. And that is what we are elected to determine. My Region is happy with my performance so far. I won’t lose sleep that you are yelling at me on IPR.
You are correct, I meant Andrew Johnson.
tk: After quite a bit of cajoling, he agreed to ALLOW his name to be written in.
me: Huh? Can’t anyone write in anyone? Can’t I write in Thomas Knapp and Andy Jacobs if I want to, at least in most states?
How is it in the Libertarian Party’s best interest to have candidates go on national television and MISREPRESENT what it means to be a Libertarian to millions of people? How is it in the Libertarian Party’s best interstate to have a candidate who DONATES MONEY TO SOME BIG GOVERNMENT JACKASS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE WHO IS RUNNING AGAINST A LIBERTARIAN PARTY CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR?
“Congress has the power to impeach and remove a President from office, but this has not happened since Andrew Jackson.”
You may have meant Andrew Johnson, although he was also acquitted, albeit by one vote.
If you think every situation is exactly that same you are uncomprehendingly reductionistic.
Does it just make you feel righteous to call other people cowards rather than just mistaken?
While you might expect different from the LNC, I expect other Libertarians don’t just hurl charges. I expect better.
aj: Can’t you see that these guys are plants?
me: No. Who “planted” them? How did they carry out this “planting”?
Caryn Ann, Congress has the power to impeach and remove a President from office, but this has not happened since Andrew Jackson. Richard Nixon was facing impeachment but resigned before it happened. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives, but was not convicted but the Senate. Articles of impeachment against George W. Bush were put forth in the US House twice, but it never went anywhere either time.
Congress has the discretion as to whether or not to impeach a President, and whether or not to remove them from office upon impeachment.
Do you believe that Congress did the right thing by not removing Bill Clinton from office, and do you believe Congress did the right thing by not even bringing the Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush to a vote? How many US Presidents have deserved to be impeached and removed from office in your opinion (you can just stick to the ones that held office in your lifetime)? Do you believe that Congress did the right thing by not impeaching and removing more Presidents?
My opinion is the reason that more Presidents have not been impeached and removed from office is because Congress has been filled with a bunch or corrupt cowards.
I expect the LNC to have higher standards than what we get out of Congress.
Johnson/Weld’s still “libertarian” policies. LOLL!!!!
Can’t you see that these guys are plants? Bill Weld is CFR. He is in no way a libertarian, and neither is Johnson. They are frauds. A real libertarian would NEVER praise Hillary Clinton and call her a “wonderful public servant” (for just one example of how Johnson/Weld are NOT real libertarians).
I will debate anyone on the topic of whether or not Johnson or Weld are libertarians, and I want this debate posted to YouTube.
Anyone want to accept my debate challenge?
Its the peat, I tell ya, the peat!
Alright, dammit. I’ll buy a bottle of Kentucky straight bourbon this weekend and see what’s what.
Guy walks into a bar, sits down, asks the bartender for a 12-year-old Scotch, neat. Bartender goes to make it, discovers he’s out of 12-year-old scotch, and decides to pour bar scotch instead. Guy takes one sip, spews it all over the bar, says “this is bar scotch — I ordered 12-year-old scotch!”
“Oh, I’m sorry sir — I must have grabbed the wrong bottle. Yes, I see that we’re out of 12-year-old scotch up front, let me go check the storeroom.” Goes to the storeroom. There’s 12-year-old scotch but it’s way up high and he doesn’t feel like dragging out the ladder. There’s a good 7-year-old scotch that he can reach, surely the guy won’t notice. Pours the glass from the bottle as he’s carrying it out, hands it to the guy. Guy takes one sip, spews it all over the bar, says “what the hell are you trying to do to me? I ordered 12-year-old scotch, this is only 7-year-old scotch.”
“Oh, dear, it is — I know we have some 12-year-old, I must have accidentally grabbed the 7-year-old bottle. Be right back.” Goes back to the storeroom, hauls out the ladder, gets the 12-year-old scotch, pours a glass as he walks back out. Guy takes a sip, sighs, says “now THAT is 12-year-old scotch!” and quaffs the rest right down.
Guy next to him pushes another glass down the counter, says “try this.”
Guy takes a sip, spews it all over the bar. “Tastes like piss!”
“It is. How old am I?”
Round of The Macallan, 10-year old scotch on me when they do!
If Johnson and Weld have started offering libertarian policy positions, you should really let someone at IPR know. That would be big news!
per Wikipedia on Landham:
On June 25, 2008, Landham announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Mitch McConnell on the Libertarian line.[5] The same day Landham called for genocide against Arabs and referred to them as “ragheads”.
The fact the Andy equates that to Johnson-Weld’s less than purist but still libertarian policy positions says a lot about him.
I just know he has an iron maiden in his basement. There, he imagines putting pragmatics in. rejoicing in their blood-curdling screams.
I don’t recall that, but pointing out that it is discretionary is not the same as claiming no one understands that. Which is what you said I did many times.
Caryn Ann (thanks for the reminder),
My recollection is that you started pointing out that removal of candidates by the LNC is discretionary on June 24th when I phrased the question (in response to Johnson running against the LP on no fewer than three questions in his first CNN “Town Hall”) as “does the LNC have any plans to do its job)?”
A “double standard” occurs when the same person or people act differently in a similar situation.
Last time I checked, the LNC was not the executive committee of the Libertarian Party of Kentucky.
Actor Sonny Landham was removed as a US Senate candidate in Kentucky by the LP State Committee there because he made multiple anti-libertarian statements after being nominated. So why the double standard in removing him, but not Weld (and Johnson too for that matter)?
“The Libertarian Party is reminding me more and more of the Democrats and Republicans, both of whom lack the principles and courage to punish one of their own politicians no matter how corrupt they are.”
lol. This from the guy who continues to insist his vision of the LP is not a 24-7 Inquisition.
With that much talk of punishment, Andy, you must be Catholic.
Not that many people are paying attention – but I am giving it the old college try again after giving up five years ago or so, I prefer “Caryn Ann.” Thanks.
Really Tom, how “many times.” To my recollection, this is the first time I have ever said that.
It was a direct answer to the question of why it is in the bylaws if not enforced this time. And the answer is – to leave open the door for discretion. Not exercising it does not invalidate the purpose for the bylaw.
You know Tom I have given a fuller explanation on Facebook. I am way too busy and have no desire to expend more energy on it on IPR. But cowardly I am not.
Chuck, I totally disagree with you about Darryl Perry’s write in campaign.
Why? Because THERE IS NO LIBERTARIAN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL TICKET THIS YEAR. Yes, there is the ticket of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, a couple of Republican con-artists who are posing as “Libertatrains,” but their actions post nomination have PROVEN BOTH OF THEM TO BE FRAUDS. The LNC has chosen the unprincipled and cowardly route of allowing these lying, two-faced establishment shill con-artists too continue their charade of a “Libertarian” campaign in spite of both Johnson and Weld advocating multiple violations of the Libertarian Party’s platform on multiple occasions, and in spite of Weld actually DONATING MONEY TO THE BIG GOVERNMENT REPUBLICAN OPPONENT OF THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE’S CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR, MAX ABRAMSON.
So everyone should forget this notion that there is a Libertarian Party presidential ticket this year, BECAUSE THERE IS NOT. There is a LINO (LIBERTARIAN IN NAME ONLY TICKET) ticket that the LNC has neither the principles or the balls to remove.
Considering that THERE IS NO LIBERTARIAN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL TICKET THIS YEAR, it is fair game for Darryl W. Perry or any other Libertarian Party member who actually has any libertarian principles (unlike Johnson and Weld) to jump in the race.
The Libertarian Party is reminding me more and more of the Democrats and Republicans, both of whom lack the principles and courage to punish one of their own politicians no matter how corrupt they are. Disgusting.
No, deciding not to do it is not necessarily “cowardly.”
On the other hand, pointing out over and over that defending the party from attack by its presidential candidates is “discretionary” — something that I’ve never heard anyone deny no matter how many times Caryn pretends that people don’t “understand” it — really isn’t a very good explanation for not doing it.
There is NO ONE who witnessed the stand I took in calling for a Motion to Rescind on the contract who can call me cowardly.
Yes of course, it is easy to just accuse other people of “cowardice” rather than just disagreement. Because it is oh so brave to name-call people on IPR.
I was elected to make certain decisions, and I am doing so to the best of ability. I may be wrong. One thing I am not is cowardly. How dare you. Honestly. How dare you.
Libertarians sometimes. SMDH.
Should read, “chooses” above.
Yes, it is discretionary as to whether or not the LNC choses to remove unprincipled candidates, and the LNC has chosen to make the unprincipled and cowardly choice to not remove them.
Perhaps it is time to remove the “Party of Principle” line, or maybe add a disclaimer to it that says, “Unless it comes to Gary Johnson and William Weld, then we throw our principles out the window.”
==Yes, it is in the bylaws for a reason. The LNC has discretion here… and they have chosen not to remove Johnson or Weld from the ticket.==
That is what people truly failed to understand. It is discretionary. And I am probably one of the most radical members on the LNC and I would not have supported it (unless my Region gave me clear direction to do otherwise). Nick, Arvin, Starchild, David are all either radical or radical-friendly, and they would not have to my knowledge.
We felt, in our discretion, that such would have been not in the Party’s best interest. I have explained why at length on Facebook.
However, I do feel that picking the right battles, such as defeating the eternal secrecy clause in the contract, were battles we were willing to fight, and won.
Matt it was a monstrous effort to get the meeting scheduled we did, and yes, that was not on the agenda.
“Tom, can the removal vote take place in a teleconference meeting? The LNC has several teleconference meetings per year, and they do vote on things in these meetings.”
Teleconference meetings have to be scheduled ahead of time and the purpose for the meeting has to be stated in the motion to call a meeting. After months of trying, several LNC members managed to get a teleconference in September – the first one this term and only the second ever, if I am not mistaken – and removal or censure of the ticket was not on the agenda. A teleconference for this purpose seems very unlikely to gather the votes to be held even if it is technically possible.
Just because the national convention delegates decided to shit the bed, it doesn’t necessarily follow that all of us want to roll around in that bed with them.
Some of us would like to vote for a libertarian.
Since the Libertarian Party couldn’t be bothered to help us out by providing one to vote for, some of us asked Darryl to help out.
After quite a bit of cajoling, he agreed to ALLOW his name to be written in.
So far, you’ve done about as much campaigning for him as he has.
Andy wrote:
Andy wrote:
Yes, it is in the bylaws for a reason. The LNC has discretion here… and they have chosen not to remove Johnson or Weld from the ticket.
How does this discretionary bylaws provision (that was not used) in any way morally or ethically justify Darryl Perry (who is nowhere mentioned in those bylaws) to ignore that due process and run against the LIbertarian Party ticket as a sore loser in direct conflict of interest with his affiliate LP position?
This is nothing more and nothing less than Darryl Perry again demonstrating that he doesn’t give a damn about the Libertarian Party and he only cares about his own self-aggrandizement — much like he did at the 2010 LP convention.
“Cheaper to get to, though”
But making it more difficult to get there is the whole point.
” I know that the people in New Hampshire have elected Libertarians before but I doubted it was these guys”
Max Abramson is a current Libertarian member of the NH legislature and the current Libertarian candidate for NH Governor. Bill Weld donated to his Republican opponent in a crucial ballot access race.
Cheaper to get to, though
“The embargo is falling. The free market is coming to Cuba, eventually. Great beaches. Perfect spot!”
Cuba has nothing on Vietnam.
Thomas Knapp, I know that the people in New Hampshire have elected Libertarians before but I doubted it was these guys.
The embargo is falling. The free market is coming to Cuba, eventually. Great beaches. Perfect spot!
It will be the perfect place to nominate the Sanders/Santorum ticket…
Too easy to get to. Why not Antarctica, Bora Bora, or the dark side of the moon?
I’ll be okay though. Assuming J-W don’t win, my next party task is getting Havana, Cuba to land the 2020 Convention.
I gotta be honest, I don’t think Johnson-Weld is gonna pull this thing off.
Pull what off… Burqas?
You may be right. Scotch is for dilettantes and they tend to get pissy when you propose that they man up and get after the real whiskey.
I gotta be honest, I don’t think Johnson-Weld is gonna pull this thing off.
Anthony can correct me if I’m wrong but my first guess is that it has something to do with Old Laphroig.
What’s got you going now, Anthony?
I don’t think so. But I could be wrong. I haven’t combed the bylaws over this, since it’s obvious the LNC isn’t interested in defending the party from Weld.
Tom, can the removal vote take place in a teleconference meeting? The LNC has several teleconference meetings per year, and they do vote on things in these meetings.
“Perry stepped outside of that to actively campaign against the nominees.”
In your imagination, perhaps.
In the real world, he announced that he is available as a write-in choice for people who want to vote for a libertarian, and that’s about it.
He seems to have been reluctant to do even that. At least he refused to do it when I asked him to the week after the Orlando convention.
“For chrissake, get off your duffs and take action, LNC deadbeats. ACTION THIS DAY!”
I’m pretty sure that’s not possible. IIRC, candidates can only be removed at a meeting, and there are notice requirements for a meeting even if the LNC decides to have one. Not that they would. The attitudes on the LNC seem to range from “please don’t make me take notice of the situation” to “I, for one, welcome our new Republican overlords.”
“@ Darcy G Richardson
Steve, use this link:
The only thing that proves is that some person who gave his name as William Weld donated money.
Moving to censure or expel someone based on nothing more than the fact someone who put down “William Weld” in a text box when donating seems rather dubious.”
Well, this was reported in the Boston Globe some time ago, as well as by WMUR in New Hampshire on September 27th. Surely, if it wasn’t true William Weld would have publicly denied it by now.
Just Some Random Guy,’
So.. did this supposed dirty tricks operative also take out a credit card or open a bank account in the name of William Weld? Has Weld denied making these donations? This story has been out for a while now.
Those ticked off at Weld’s contribution a big government RINO and political insider Chris Sununu can donate to my campaign at MaxAbramson.org and clicking on the Donate button. Just enter “Max Abramson for Governor” in the Intent field, and the LPNH will handle it from there.
This is an important state to get the LP established because the Republican Party is on its way out in the northeast, as National GOP does not need to region to win majorities in Congress nor the presidential races. In effect, they are gradually abandoning socially liberal areas like the northeast, west coast, and urban areas. Developing the LP in those areas would likely get us the backing of most of the Republican voters in those areas, while also bringing in a lot of younger, urban, hip voters for whom the GOP brand name has become toxic.
@ Darcy G Richardson
Steve, use this link:
The only thing that proves is that some person who gave his name as William Weld donated money.
Moving to censure or expel someone based on nothing more than the fact someone who put down “William Weld” in a text box when donating seems rather dubious.
Darryl Perry is an operative for a political party called the Libertarian Party. You may have heard of it.
Thank goodness no one cares what Darrel Perry thinks abt anything!
This sort of thing just makes the Libertarian Party look like wackos. As if Perry were a paid operative for some other political party.
My opinion is as worthless as anyone else’s. You can consider it or you don’t.
Maybe you might want to have an open ear to someone who was a member of the LP for around 15 years but felt compelled to leave.
You say by my own admission I am not a libertarian. Maybe you didn’t fully read my post from yesterday – not surprising with your usual 5th grade reading comprehension.
I just took the Nolan Test again and score on the line between Centrist and Libertarian. A few months ago it was just a smidge to the left of that on the corner of liberal and libertarian. (NOTE: I used this version of the test which does not give number scores: https://www.nolanchart.com/survey-php)
While I am a member of the Democratic Party, I have always taken positions that were more libertarian than liberal – particular when it comes to foreign policy, the drug war and social issues.
So am a BIG L libertarian? Not anymore. But do I hold some libertarian positions? yes, very much so.
According to you, anyone who isn’t 100 / 100 isn’t a libertarian.
I want the LP to become a viable alternative to the two parties. I have always felt that way – when I was in the LP and now that I am not. I despise to two headed monopoly. At the same time, if I am forced to choose between a Democrat and a Republican, I will choose the Democrat 99.9% of the time.
Tony From Long Island said: “And to make this post relevant to this thread, I think it’s completely ridiculous that LPNH ‘censures’ Gov. Weld (for whatever that’s worth) but has no problem with a sore loser launching a write-in campaign against his own party’s POTUS candidate. If anyone needs to be ‘censured,’ it’s Creeepy Daryl Perry.”
Why should any Libertarian give a rat’s ass what you say when you are not a member of our party, and, by your own admission, you are not even a libertarian?
“Creepy” Tony From Long Island’s opinion means nothing.
Can somebody here explain why Article 14, Sections 4 and 5 are in the Libertarian Party’s bylaws, particularly if these sections are not going to be used?
4. The National Committee shall respect the vote of the delegates at Nominating Conventions and
provide full support for the Party’s nominee for President and nominee for Vice-President as long
as their campaigns are conducted in accordance with the Platform of the Party.
5. A candidate’s nomination may be suspended by a 3/4 vote of the entire membership of the
National Committee at a meeting. That candidate’s nomination shall then be declared null and
void unless the suspended candidate appeals the suspension to the Judicial Committee within
seven days of receipt of notification of suspension. The resolution of suspension must state the
specific reasons for suspension and must be signed by each member of the National Committee
agreeing thereto. The Judicial Committee shall meet and act on this appeal within 30 days and
before the election. ”
Have Gary Johnson and Bill Weld conducted their campaign in accordance with the Libertarian Party’s platform, or have they advocated for multiple violations of the Libertarian Party’s platform on multiple occasions? Was Bill Weld’s donation to the big government Republican candidate for Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, a sign of loyalty to the Libertarian Party, and to Libertarian principles, particularly when Sununu has a Libertarian Party opponent he is running against, Max Abramson? Why did the Johnson/Weld campaign allow Republicans to speak at the campaign event in New Hampshire that Abramson organized, but not allow Libertarians to speak?
How many platform violations must a candidate advocate before actions against a candidate are taken? How much disloyalty to the party and cause can a candidate show before actions against a candidate are taken?
I remember several years back an actor by the name of Sunny Landham joined the Libertarian Party, and got nominated to run for US Senate by the Libertarian Party of Kentucky. Shortly after being nominated, Sunny Landham made multiple statements that were at odds with the Libertarian Party’s platform, so the Libertarian Party of Kentucky State Committee removed Landham as a candidate. It didn’t matter to them that he had just been nominated for US Senate, or that he was a celebrity, they did the right thing and they removed him.
So if it was OK for the Libertarian Party of Kentucky to remove Sunny Landham as a Libertarian Party candidate for US Senate for advocating for multiple violations of the Libertarian Party’s platform, then why has the same standard not been applied to Gary Johnson and Bill Weld?
Why is Darryl W. Perry being demonized by some people in the Libertarian Party, including some so called radicals, for jumping back in the presidential race as a write in candidate, when Perry only did this AFTER Johnson/Weld advocated for multiple platform violations and directly attacked his state affiliate? Why have any outrage against Perry at all here when he is the one who is standing up for Libertarian principles? Where is the outrage against Johnson/Weld?
Do some of you people out there think that after candidates win nominations they can just do whatever they want, much like Democrats and Republicans who think that their candidates can violate the Constitution and engage in all kinds of unethical behavior and that it is OK just because they are their party’s candidates?
Why continue to call the Libertarian Party “The Party of Principle” if the party is going to throw its principles out the window?
Jill Pyeatt said: ” we have our regional meeting tonight. We had over 40 people show up last month! This is not a county region, it’s simply one region in Los Angeles County. We’re far more organized than even the Democrats in the area. So, I’m doing some things for the cause, too.”
Awesome work, Jill! I’m glad to hear this. The Libertarian Party needs more people like you. Well done.
Andy how is it hard to understand, that the only person that I am negative toward is you? How does that make me a troll “in general?”
My posts on every topic other than you are generally confined to the thread topic and I would hope relevant.
Why are you “suspicious” of everything? Maybe it’s you rather than everything else in the world.
Nobody knows me? So do you personally know each and every person who posts here? There are around 350 million people in the United States alone. So why is it odd that no one knows me?
You only object to the “content of [my] posts” because I am no longer a 100/100 purist like you are. The only issue that I vehemently disagree with the LP on now is Guns. I post positive coments every Monday through Friday about the LP POTUS candidate and that makes me suspicious?? I don’t make the connection.
Since I discovered IPR about 6 months ago, I love coming to work and posting on here. It feels like a small special group of friends I have – except for you. I despise you. If I was a “general troll” it would be very apparent.
And to make this post relevant to this thread, I think it’s completely ridiculous that LPNH “censures” Gov. Weld (for whatever that’s worth) but has no problem with a sore loser launching a write-in campaign against his own party’s POTUS candidate. If anyone needs to be “censured,” it’s Creeepy Daryl Perry.
As for your constant whining about “the platform.” No candidate should be bound 100% to any party’s platform. Especially one that when actually read, turns off a huge majority of voters. I base this on vote totals and my attempts over the years to woo friends and family to libertarianism.
If you want to achieve your purist fantasy, it will only happen with baby steps. As I say often, A to B, not A to Z
Thank you for answering my comment, Tony.
Sometime in the next few days I’ll post some of Andy’s works, but it won’t be today because we have our regional meeting tonight. We had over 40 people show up last month! This is not a county region, it’s simply one region in Los Angeles County. We’re far more organized than even the Democrats in the area. So, I’m doing some things for the cause, too.
“Tony From Long Island
October 12, 2016 at 11:42
You have yet to explain why you would merit your own personal troll Andy.”
I don’t know if you are a personal troll, or if you are just trolling in general.
There has been a long time troll problem here at IPR, and there are only a few people who really know the extent of it (Jill is one of the few that does).
Why would I draw the wrath of trolls? Because I have been posting anti-government stuff online for a long time, and because I have been very active in the Libertarian Party and movement. The fact that I have been attacked just tells me that I’ve been effective, and that I’m hitting the truth, or very close to it.
I don’t know if you are here to troll or not, but the fact that nobody here knows you, along with the content of your posts is reason for suspicion.
“campaign even in New Hampshire”
Should read, “campaign event in New Hampshire…”
“Susan Hogarth
October 12, 2016 at 11:22
This is LPNH’s issue, and I don’t presume to judge it. I do think the comment regarding Perry’s write-in campaign against the nominees of the Party he claims to represent are misguided. ”
Gary Johnson and Bill Weld have both advocated multiple violations of the Libertarian Party’s platform since becoming candidates, and Bill Weld directly attack the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. So given these facts, how is Darryl Perry’s write in campaign misguided?
“Losing a nomination and responding by trying to undercut the candidates chosen by the convention is a slap in face to the entire Party. We are a parliamentary organization. Perry stepped outside of that to actively campaign against the nominees. I think it’s sad that people who want Weld excommunicated for a bad choice are lionizing Perry for a much worse one.”
How in the HELL is what Perry is doing worse than what Weld and Johnson have done? There is NOTHING wrong with what Perry is doing. The LNC’s bylaws CLEEALY STATE that the LNC has the power to remove candidates who campaign AGAINST the Libertarian Party’s platform. Johnson and Weld have advocated MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS of the Libertarian Party’s platform, on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, after the national convention. Bill Weld DIRECTLY ATTACKED the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, by donating money to the big government Republican candidate for Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, who has a Libertarian Party opponent in the race in Max Abramson. New Hampshire has a vote test for ballot retention that applies to the the Governor’s race, so by aiding the Republican candidate for Governor, Chris Sununu, who is not even a libertarian leaner, Weld is attacking the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire’s ballot access for 2018. The Johnson/Weld campaign also PREVENTED Libertarian Party candidates from speaking at a campaign even in New Hampshire that was organized by the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor, Max Abramson, and they allowed Republican candidates to speak at the event instead (the donation from Weld, along with not allowing Libertarian candidates to speak at the event, led to Abramson REVOKING his prior endorsement for Johnson/Weld).
These actions from Johnson/Weld are EGREGIOUS. Candidates are not entitled to do whatever they want to do after winning a nomination. They are supposed to promote the party and the platform, NOT campaign against the platform and promote candidates from other parties who are hostile to the Libertarian Party’s platform. The Libertarian Party’s bylaws have a procedure in place to deal with candidates who have committed acts like these, and that is that the LNC can take a vote to remove said individuals as candidates. This is in the bylaws for a reason. Just because nobody has the balls to bring this to a vote, and to vote in favor of the removal of Johnson and Weld as candidates, does not mean that they do not deserve to be removed.
So when you take into consideration the EGREGIOUS actions of Johnson/Weld, and the LNC’s failure to remedy the situation, Perry’s response is morally justifiable.
That’s not true, either. Andy has offered a lot of constructive suggestions and positive comments as well. And is there any particular reason you think my first name merits ALL CAPS in “scare quotes”?
You have yet to explain why you would merit your own personal troll Andy. Unless you have delusions of Grandeur (which is completely possible).
As to what I have done, I have donated money to the LP POTUS candidate in 1992, 2000, 2004, 2012 and 2016. I don’t make much so I can’t donate much, but I give what I can. In full disclosure, I have donated to candidates from other parties, but I would say 90% of my donations were to LP POTUS candidates.
In past years, I recruited a few votes for LP candidates through friends.
It’s not much, but it’s not nothing either. Would you like me to post photos holding old issues of LP news and Harry Browne’s books Andrew?
And to “MATT” who wants to take things literally, I will amend my statement to say ON HERE all he does is bitch and complain.
I consider myself an optimist by nature and (unless he has some other persona) Andy is a constant pessimist.
This is LPNH’s issue, and I don’t presume to judge it. I do think the comment regarding Perry’s write-in campaign against the nominees of the Party he claims to represent are misguided. “He did something wrong, too!” is never an acceptable rationale for wrong behavior. Losing a nomination and responding by trying to undercut the candidates chosen by the convention is a slap in face to the entire Party. We are a parliamentary organization. Perry stepped outside of that to actively campaign against the nominees. I think it’s sad that people who want Weld excommunicated for a bad choice are lionizing Perry for a much worse one.
“Jill Pyeatt
October 12, 2016 at 11:02
‘Tony said, about Andy: “does nothing but bitch and complain’
I realize you have personal issues with Andy, but he does much more for our cause than just bitch and moan.”
Thanks for pointing this out, Jill.
Funny how somebody I have never met or communicated with outside of this website has “personal issues” against me. I still have to wonder if “Tony” is a troll.
And I think this was a good move for the LPNH.
I have had trouble as a regional leader denouncing Gary because of Weld, but I’m still planning on voting for Dr. Stein. Weld doesn’t even pretend to be Libertarian. There were so many decent candidates for vp that it’s heartbreaking to see what’s happened to our Presidential ticket. Ane I consider Hillary the worst threat to this country at this time. Anyone who doesn’t see how wicked she is must be bought by someone.
Thias monstrous creature can’t wait to see us at war: http://www.mintpressnews.com/clinton-repeats-call-for-syrian-no-fly-zone-as-pundits-push-pro-war-propaganda/221289/
Tony said, about Andy: “does nothing but bitch and complain”
I realize you have personal issues with Andy, but he does much more for our cause than just bitch and moan.
What about you? What do you do besides bitch, moan, and call Andy names?
Shame on Libertarians being AT LIBERTY to donate to and support whomever they so choose. I have been a Libertarian since 1984 and I haven’t always supported every Libertarian nominee: Cases in point, Bob Barr. Rupert Boneham.
Has anyone asked Gov Weld if he made those donations? Verified the address?
“lifelong public servant ”
You mean lifelong government parasite. “Public servant” is a euphemism to say the least.
” does nothing but bitch and complain . . . ”
How do you know? Unless you follow someone around you have no idea what else they do besides “bitch and complain.”
“better than Trump (or Clinton)” is not precisely the highest bar that a politician might seek to cross.
Yeah! That’ll show him!!!
Andy: ” . . . . They have done a hell of a lot more to advance the cause of liberty than Bill Weld has ever done in his worthless, parasitic life. . . . ”
Entering the gutter like Generalissimo Trump . . .
Worthless and parasitic? Hmm let me compare a lifelong public servant to a conspiracy theorist who thinks mass shootings are a hoax, 911 was a government conspiracy and does nothing but bitch and complain . . . who do those words apply to more? Hmmm
Bravo, LPNH! And why exactly is this not in the LNC’s purview?
RA: Doug Casey, who has a significant following in financial circles,
ME: depends on your definition of significant.
I approve.
Longtime libertarian Doug Casey, who has a significant following in financial circles, has been pointing to Weld as the reason the LP can no longer be trusted to defend liberty and why libertarians should abandon the party. He said this in July:
“I’m especially concerned about his running mate, William Weld, who’s an actual neocon. He’s an overt statist, an active promoter of warfare, welfare, taxes and regulations. He has no libertarian tendencies at all that I’m aware of. I mean, he’s a pure Deep State guy. It appears that the Libertarian Party has been captured by the Republicans, which is surprisingly clever on the Republicans’ part. Now they have two parties that are registered in all 50 states. It’s kind of a backup system to the regular Republican Party. They’ll need a backup, since the old GOP is a dead duck.”
Dump Weld NOW! For chrissake, get off your duffs and take action, LNC deadbeats. ACTION THIS DAY!
Quoth Michael Wilson:
“And in the meantime what have these individuals done to advance the cause of liberty other than bitch?”
LPNH is one of only a handful of Libertarian Parties which have actually elected state legislators to office. IIRC, the only other state to do so has been Alaska (a couple have changed party affiliations while in office in Nevada, but I don’t think any have managed re-election as Libertarians yet).
Man…. this website is really where the LP retards plot to destroy the party isn’t it? I predict by 2020 the LP will be no more… unfortunate. They’re the only thing even remotely promising in the current political environment that could work to pull us back from complete collapse; but according to the purists and the paleo-conservatives that’s totally not worth doing. Seems like you’re more concerned about being right than doing what’s right, and would like to see the country collapse into nothing than try a slow incremental shift towards liberty. By bitching about the short term, you do absolutely NOTHING in the long term. Apparently this is far to difficult to get through the heads of people with less than an IQ of 50… which seems to be the other people that really frequent this website.
“He may not be my idea of my favorite politician but in the electoral realm one only is allowed to choose among those on the ballot.” — Thane Eichenauer
Not necessarily. There are other choices and voters in the vast majority of states still have something resembling what one might reasonably describe as the “power of the pen,” arguably the most powerful statement of protest available in a year when the corrupt and stale duopoly has apparently gained an unlikely ally.
Some might say that a symbolic write-in vote this year — in many ways, the ultimate act of individualism (i.e., making a moral, political and philosophical judgment) — is a necessary defense of libertarianism against the triple threat posed by the country’s three leading political parties.
Bill Weld also signed gun control bills as Governor of Massachusetts.
“Thane Eichenauer
October 12, 2016 at 03:20
Bill Weld advocated for restrained government spending while governor. To me fiscal liberty is a worthy realm of support.”
Yeah, but he did not accomplish it. Much like Ronald Reagan, it was just a bunch of hot hair.
Bill Weld’s Revolution That Wasn’t
Massachusetts’s governor came to office promising drastic reductions in government. Five years later, the bureaucracy is bigger than ever.
Bill Weld advocated for restrained government spending while governor. To me fiscal liberty is a worthy realm of support.
He may not be my idea of my favorite politician but in the electoral realm one only is allowed to choose among those on the ballot.
“Michael H. Wilson
October 12, 2016 at 02:15
And in the meantime what have these individuals done to advance the cause of liberty other than bitch?”
They have done a hell of a lot more to advance the cause of liberty than Bill Weld has ever done in his worthless, parasitic life.
“why Darryl W. Perry jump back in the race is a write in candidate.”
Should read, “why Darryl W. Perry jumped back in the race as a write in candidate.”
While running on the Libertarian ticket, Weld has been effusive in his praise of Hillary Clinton while financially aiding the Republican nominee for governor of New Hampshire in a race featuring a Libertarian candidate. The LPNH should be commended for censuring the party’s vice-presidential candidate.
And in the meantime what have these individuals done to advance the cause of liberty other than bitch?
“Can anyone produce a link to the report that shows these donations?” — steve m
Steve, use this link:
On the left side of the page, select “Search Filed Reports,” and then “R&E Reports” (Receipts & Expenditures) and under Registrant Name type in “Friends of Chris Sununu.” That’s Sununu’s campaign committee. On the right side of the page, select the Reporting Period that you wish to view. The reports will open in a separate window.
In this case, you’ll want to look at the 8/24/2016 campaign finance report that shows William Weld contributing $250 to the Republican gubernatorial candidate on 8/2/2016. You’ll also want to look at the 9/21/2016 report to see Weld’s $200 contribution to Sununu. That donation was made on September 8th. Since the contributions are listed alphabetically instead of chronologically, Weld’s donation is the last one listed in the latter report.
Dump Weld Now.
And some people wonder why Darryl W. Perry jump back in the race is a write in candidate.
Bill Weld should not just be censured, he should be removed as a candidate and kicked out of the party.
Can anyone produce a link to the report that shows these donations
using http://cfs.sos.nh.gov/Public/ContributorToDate?
Shows no donations.