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Kennedy Campaign Announces Joint Fundraising Committee with Libertarian National Committee

The Kennedy campaign recently announced the creation of the Kennedy Victory Fund 2024, a partnership with the Libertarian National Committee that allows individuals to donate beyond the general election limit of $3,300.

According to a press release from the campaign on Friday, the agreement with the Libertarian National Committee establishes a Joint Fundraising Committee. This committee will let individuals donate up to $41,300 in addition to the general election contribution limit by utilizing the specific FEC laws that apply to national party committees. The campaign additionally states that any state party committee that meets specific FEC requirements can also join the Joint Fundraising Committee, adding “an additional $10,000 in donation capacity per individual.”

“This historic collaboration breaks the fundraising stranglehold that the two major parties have on this election,” Kennedy states in his campaign’s release. “Together, the Kennedy campaign and LNC are democratizing fundraising to make this independent run viable.”

Information on the Kennedy Victory Fund 2024 website further indicates that the Reform Party of Florida is also actively involved in the Joint Fundraising Committee.

News of the agreement was first made public through a meeting of the LNC Executive Committee—as well as information shared to the LNC business list—which voted earlier this month to enter into an agreement with the Kennedy campaign for the purpose of establishing this joint project. Information from the meeting indicated that the Libertarian National Committee would receive ten percent of the donations, reportedly amounting to $100,000 each month of the agreement, according to commentary made during the meeting. The Committee ultimately authorized the agreement by a margin of four to one with one abstention.

That decision has since prompted some backlash from LNC members, who unsuccessfully attempted to rescind the agreement after expressing concerns related to transparency and consistency with party bylaws. Members are now trying to temporarily halt the public execution of the Joint Fundraising Committee until the final resolution of the LNC Judicial Committee appeal becomes available.


  1. Joe Wendt July 23, 2024

    This is stupid. The LP hasn’t had problems raising money since McArdle and the snowflake brigade took over. I remember the days when the LNC would brag that they can raise, I think it was 300000ish and proudly claim they don’t need matching funds. Now, they want to work with a gun control statist to raise money. The LP is now a loser party and will have a hard time recovering from this.

  2. Reality July 23, 2024

    According to four people familiar with the matter = we just made this up. Kennedy will help Trump more by continuing to run. Trump has more hardcore supporters than Harris does, or than Biden did. Thus, Kennedy’s growth potential is at the expense of the Democrats far more than at the expense of Trump.

    Kennedy is a lifelong Democrat who was running for their presidential nomination just a few months ago. Nobody at the time thought he was more closely aligned with Republicans. The policies section of his campaign website is mostly about making big government even bigger on taxes, spending, regulations, etc.

    Trump would do himself a lot of good by debating Kennedy and raising Kennedy’s profile. It wouldn’t raise it all the way to surpassing Trump, since Democrats and Republicans still both have many legacy voters and additionally Trump has a large cult following. Plus, Kennedy has that vocal issue.

  3. Nuña July 22, 2024

    They want to halt a “public execution” (which Darr defines as “promotion of the fundraiser by the LNC on social, email, and other assets”), which they never initiated in the first place… The only ones advertising are the Kennedy campaign, the only ones donating to it are Kennedy donors. The conditions of the agreement are for more favorable for the LP than for RFK: they get to collect 10% of his donations without putting in any effort or sacrificing anything.

    The LP is on the verge of bankruptcy and what are the national committee doing? Trying to stop promoting something which is overwhelmingly to their advantage and which they’ve never promoted in the first place.

    Meanwhile Harlos is convincing herself ever further that she is in fact the chair rather than the secretary, and can therefore rule on what is out-of-order, dilatory, “diktatory” [sic], obstructionist, etc.

    This is the national committee of the third largest party in the US. And three officers, an at-large representative, two regional representatives and two alternates are making sure it is run less professionally than any student government ever was. Harlos is literally behaving like a spoilt toddler on a public mailing list for all the world to see. It’s pathetic. It’s an embarrassment to the entire LP. It needs to stop.

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