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American Muslim 2024 Task Force Urges Support of Ceasefire Candidates for Presidential Election: Highlights Stein, Oliver, and West

The American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force is encouraging Muslim voters to support any presidential candidate who advocates for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, specifically mentioning Green nominee Dr. Jill Stein, Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver, and independent candidate Dr. Cornel West.

In a statement on Friday, the Task Force said, “After extensive consultation, discussion, and deliberation, the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force has decided to encourage American Muslims to vote for any presidential candidate of their choosing who supports a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a U.S. arms embargo on the Israeli government, such as candidates Dr. Jill Stein, Dr. Cornel West, or Chase Oliver.”

The Task Force explained that all three candidates have shown “moral clarity” in espousing their views, and further praised the West and Stein campaigns for selecting Muslim vice presidential nominees in Dr. Melina Abdullah and Dr. Butch Ware, respectively.

In addition to its praise, the Task Force explained why it could not justify backing other presidential candidates, namely Democratic VP Kamala Harris and Republican former President Donald Trump. The organization criticized Harris for her unwillingness to impose an arms embargo on the Israeli government and for not shifting away from the policies of the current Biden administration, stating that her “softened rhetoric is simply not enough.”

“We warn Vice President Harris that polling shows a significant number of American Muslims and other voters in key swing states will likely not support her candidacy unless she meaningfully changes course on the Gaza genocide,” it added.

Regarding Trump, the Task Force condemned him for recent comments made on the campaign trail and for his continued support of the Israeli government and recommended that no Muslim voter support his candidacy.

“President Trump’s latest attempts to inflame racial tension in our nation, from inciting hate against Haitian and Latino migrants to using ‘Palestinian’ as a racist slur, are completely inconsistent with our values. So is his steadfast support for the Israeli government’s genocidal war on Gaza and his threat to crack down on Americans who advocate for Palestine,” the organization explained.

According to its website, the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force is a newly formed coalition of 501(c)(4) advocacy groups focusing on the rights of the American Muslim community and increasing American Muslim participation in the upcoming election. Coalition members include Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, the ICNA Council for Social Justice, the Muslim American Society Action, the Council on American-Islamic Relations Action, and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations Civil Action Network, in addition to several similarly-focused organizations.


  1. Curious October 4, 2024

    Is something missing in the comments below?

  2. Nuña October 3, 2024

    Awww. Was the truth about you well-established nazis so embarrassing to you that you had the bitch and moan, whine and cry about it till it got silenced? Boo-fucking-hoo.

    Take Esther 9 any way you like. It is the Word of God. And it is a fact that the US is in dire need of it’s repetition due to nazis like you. Fuck around and find out.

    From the river to the sea, God shall rid Israel of “palestinians”. He will destroy the “ukrainians” in nazi occupied western Russia and eastern Poland and Hungary. No nazi terrorist anywhere shall escape His Divinine Wrath. The the greater glory of God!

  3. SocraticGadfly October 2, 2024

    The ADL and Schumer are anti-semitic Jews? Can I have some of the crack you’re smoking?

    And, the reference to Esther 9? I’d take that as a threat.

  4. SocraticGadfly October 2, 2024

    Ahh, the well-known Nazi is officially in the world of hasbara lies now. They’re lies. We’ve already proven the lie about Palestine.

    Why don’t you go visit Joey Dauben in his prison cell?

  5. Nuña September 27, 2024

    * western Russia and eastern Poland and Hungary

  6. SocraticGadfly September 27, 2024


    To be flat-out blunt, you bigot:

    Antisemitism is NOT anti-zionism.


    Per me. Per Mondoweiss. Per Ken Silverstein. Per Ilan Pappe. Per Shlomo Sand. Per many other non-/anti-Zionist Jews.

    Also, Palestine is a country, you liar.

    “From the river to the sea, Zionist lies will never set you free.”


  7. charles September 25, 2024

    It is refreshing to see a coalition of groups under attack take the moral high ground and speak truth to power. The example set by the Arab-American and Muslim-American communities over the past year of crisis will shake our nations political foundations.

  8. Nuña September 24, 2024

    @Thane Lee Eichenauer

    Thanks for the laugh. Notice how Niraj Warikoo carefully crops and superimposes quotes so as to falsely imply that the Chaldean community sides with their perpetual persecutors against their perpetual protectors, who, however grudgingly, have always been guarantors of their freedom to worship. That’s some peak urinalism right there.

  9. Nuña September 24, 2024

    Even Jihad Joe and Holocaust Harris weren’t antisemitic enough for them.

    The US is in dire need of a repetition of chapter 9 of the Book of Esther.

    “President Trump’s latest attempts to inflame racial tension in our nation, from inciting hate against Haitian and Latino migrants to using ‘Palestinian’ as a racist slur”

    Firstly, when did Trump ever incite hate against Haitian and Latino migrants? Surely not by simply being transparent about what’s going on in Springfield and Dayton, Ohio.

    Secondly, “Palestinian” is not an ethnicity let alone a race, and “Palestine” is not a country let alone a nation. Pretending the name of a nazi terror organization is a “racist slur” is almost as stupid as identifying oneself with it or treating it as a source of pride when someone else does.

    It’s the same expired old “Palestinian” chestnut of calling every truth that inconveniences their occupation of Israel or genocide of Jews, “hate speech” and “racism”.

    Well, fuck ’em. The only good nazi terrorist, is a dead nazi terrorist. Therefore from the river to the sea, God shall rid the Israel of nazi terrorists.

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