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Former Green Party VP Butch Ware Announces 2026 California Gubernatorial Run

Dr. Butch Ware, who appeared on the ballot this year as the Green Party’s vice presidential nominee alongside Dr. Jill Stein, announced last week that he will run for Governor of California in 2026. Ware first hinted at his intention to run for the position in September.

“I hereby officially announce my candidacy for Governor of the State of California.” Ware posted on X last Monday. “Election Day is 11/3/26. We need your support to make our political institutions actually serve ALL the people for the first time in the history of the US. It starts here. The Sun rises in the West.”

As of this Monday morning, Ware has not yet launched a campaign website or outlined specific positions for his gubernatorial run. Following his announcement, Ware stated that he is suspending his X account, which he added was specifically created by the Stein-Ware presidential campaign, and will be transitioning to Instagram.

However, Ware is scheduled to discuss his campaign at the Green Party of California’s General Assembly, which will convene remotely this upcoming weekend. Ware will give a presentation on the future of the state party in 2026 and provide more details about his gubernatorial run, as well as how the party can best prepare to assist, according to a rough outline of the assembly agenda.

Notably, while his X statement is presented as though it is the first official announcement of his gubernatorial bid, Ware had initially disclosed his interest in running twice in September while still serving as the party’s vice presidential nominee. He first mentioned his intentions on System Update with Glenn Greenwald and later that same week with Mark Lamont Hill on Night School.


  1. José C November 18, 2024

    He will be a blip . . .

    That may be but his honor and the honor of the members of the Green Party of California and the voters of California will be intact. I am glad he is running.

  2. Nuña November 18, 2024

    A shame really. Commiefornia deserves Ware and Ware deserves Commiefornia. A match made in hell.

    Speaking of Kamalafornia, turns out they are still counting votes (despite not allowing hand-counting) and potentially even allowing new votes to be cast almost two weeks after the election. And rather than be embarrassed and apologetic, they are smug about it. What a banana republic.

    I pray to God that Russia responds to the Democrats authorizing nazi “Ukraine” to strike deep inside Russia using US long-range missiles, by glassing every blue city in SoCal, the Bay Area and Greater Sacramento. In the Name of Christ. Amen.

  3. Andy November 18, 2024

    He will be a blip on the radar screen who will get wiped out in the Top Two Primary.

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