Published June 28, 2013 on the Libertarian Party of Ohio website:
COLUMBUS—Libertarians from across Ohio showed their pride during Stonewall Columbus Pride Saturday, June 22.
The Franklin County Libertarian Party (FCLP) and members from the Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO), one waving a Gadsden flag on a rainbow background, walked alongside the FCLP float decorated in balloons, streamers and messages about the civil liberties the Libertarian Party aims to protect.
Members did more than just march to show their support. Before and after the parade, many helped collect signatures for Freedom to Marry Ohio.
“In the three years we’ve participated, support has grown so much, and we were so happy to be a part of a record-breaking- attendance year,” said FCLP Chair Michael Johnston. “More than 40 years ago—back when it wasn’t popular—the Libertarian Party was formed in support of full equality for all citizens, and today we continue that support by helping groups like Freedom to Marry to put marriage equality on the Ohio ballot.”
The presence at Pride did not go unnoticed. A picture of two members holding the rainbow Gadsden flag was shared across the Internet this week, garnering more than 280 documented shares on Facebook and more than 290 notes on Tumblr.
“I couldn’t imagine a community right now that is being ‘tread on’ anymore than the LGBT community,” said LPO Field Development Director Brad Lowry. “I thought this flag was a fantastic symbol of the Libertarian Party belief system. Don’t tread on … ANYONE!”