At Ballot Access News comments Howie Hawkins or someone who is a big fan of his predicts Sharpe will fall short of 50k. Hopefully not.
Eric Sundwall
August 10, 2018
RC: Millennials. Twenty-Two people listed as “employees” of the Sharpe Campaign on LinkedIn – only three have submitted signatures. To be fair, quite a bit are from out of State.
Eleven days to go, I’m sure we’ll be fine. To my understanding, a statewide LPNY petition was only challenged once, by Sam Sloan in 2010. An absurd claim that was dismissed readily. We still had to move resources to defend however. To say nothing of the Roger Stone attack later on . . .
My concern is that not enough emphasis is not on this vital aspect of the process. Not sure I can hit 1K, but what can you expect from loyal, tinfoil hat NAPsters?!? I’m sure the valiant volunteers for Larry will ride into the Valley and cut the Statists down, oops sorry. Seriously . . . please? Help?
LOL, happy hunting.
robert capozzi
August 2, 2018
Mil-kiddies? Wazzat?
Eric Sundwall
August 2, 2018
Well this anarchist’s been on the sig trail for about three weeks and only two or three folks have known who Larry is . . . I’m approaching 500 sigs by this Saturday . . . so figure a hit rate of 1 out of 5 asks. So maybe 2500 folks I’ve come across? There’s decidedly anti-Cuomo sentiment upstate, with a recognition of the futility of counter acting the “City”. That 2-1 ratio is demoralizing.
The Mil-kiddies are talking a good game on social media for the Larr-ster, but it’s the old guard out there knowing what needs to be done in the trenches. Hope the M-Kids don’t hit the panic button and tip off the establishment of the “troubles”. We’ll pull this off . . . passion for the cause always does.
All that being said, I’ll probably pass on that 30 minute private convo with L if I grab 1K sigs. Bring 3 friends to the rally and get 2 buttons! Stopped watching the vids last summer. As always, I’m rooting for the LPNY and plan to run for town council if we get ballot access. Privatize our Roads! Because after all, once you make them public it’s only a matter of time before a handful of collecto-capitalists control where they can split atoms.
I’ll set Larry up in the B&B across the street, if he’ll sit for a Capital Outsider interview. Stumped Gravel on the Road thing too. Enjoy the summer and stay safe out there folks.
robert capozzi
August 2, 2018
Oh, yes, “better communicators” is for external consumption. Internally, that translates into “we have got to cut the cord for this abstraction-laden millstone known as the NAP and start to engage voters where they are, not where we (really, our great grandchildren) ultimately hope to arrive.”
robert capozzi
August 2, 2018
While I don’t buy it, I did find LS’s case that a “business guy” is what NY needs to execute a turnaround reasonably compelling. I’d rather see him run for Congress with no political resume, but if he lives in Queens, he’d have no chance of winning and probably no chance of receiving this sort of media.
He’s a good-enough communicator that this is probably his best move.
Anthony Dlugos
August 2, 2018
We could be better communicators,” and “the media has been closed-minded to third parties, (so I really appreciate this opportunity today),” coupled with “the time is now ripe for a real 3rd party. People are simply disgusted with the Rs and Ds. For the first time in history, since about 2008 til now, more people consider themselves Independent, over R or D.”
That’s good.
Yea, I would never say “we’ve had a sh*tty product.” I would internalize that message and figure out a more positive way to deliver it, as your decent attempt demonstrates.
“They don’t know any better,” is sub-optimal, agreed. Insulting, too.
However, confessing that Ls have historically been dogmatic and sanctimonious strikes me as sub-optimal, too.
“We could be better communicators,” and “the media has been closed-minded to third parties, (so I really appreciate this opportunity today),” coupled with “the time is now ripe for a real 3rd party. People are simply disgusted with the Rs and Ds. For the first time in history, since about 2008 til now, more people consider themselves Independent, over R or D.” Topped off with, “my campaign — if we work hard and smart enough — is going to be the breakthrough moment. Mark it down!”
Or something…
Anthony Dlugos
August 2, 2018
Agreed on the reframing technique.
Not many Libertarians could sound as fluid on the issues (for their particular state/office) as he does, for as long as he does in this interview, and not veer into Libertopia. This is what happens when you become a skilled speaker through real-world practice speaking in front of normal people, not rooms filled with Libertarians.
The only quibble I have is that, at 1:25, one of the hosts asks Mr. Sharpe how come more people don’t vote for us, and Larry’s response is that “they don’t know any better.” I’d rather he put the onus on himself and us as a party for presenting a sh*tty product our customers don’t want. In my opinion, its better that Larry internalizes that mindset so that he doesn’t inadvertently fall into dogmatic trap of telling the voters, “you can have our philosophy in any color you want, as long as it is black.”
robert capozzi
August 2, 2018
I especially like how he reframes issues. He agrees with the question, but then reformulates the question.
Fred Stein
August 2, 2018
He is cool and has has a great knack to make complex issues understandable. ..
robert capozzi
August 2, 2018
Mad skilz.
My one concern is his point about changing the “culture.” While politics can change the culture indirectly, the goal of politics is to improve civil society, not the culture, IMO.
Anthony Dlugos
August 2, 2018
Another great interview by Mr. Sharpe. He fits the New York attitude & mentality to a “T.”
At Ballot Access News comments Howie Hawkins or someone who is a big fan of his predicts Sharpe will fall short of 50k. Hopefully not.
RC: Millennials. Twenty-Two people listed as “employees” of the Sharpe Campaign on LinkedIn – only three have submitted signatures. To be fair, quite a bit are from out of State.
Eleven days to go, I’m sure we’ll be fine. To my understanding, a statewide LPNY petition was only challenged once, by Sam Sloan in 2010. An absurd claim that was dismissed readily. We still had to move resources to defend however. To say nothing of the Roger Stone attack later on . . .
My concern is that not enough emphasis is not on this vital aspect of the process. Not sure I can hit 1K, but what can you expect from loyal, tinfoil hat NAPsters?!? I’m sure the valiant volunteers for Larry will ride into the Valley and cut the Statists down, oops sorry. Seriously . . . please? Help?
LOL, happy hunting.
Mil-kiddies? Wazzat?
Well this anarchist’s been on the sig trail for about three weeks and only two or three folks have known who Larry is . . . I’m approaching 500 sigs by this Saturday . . . so figure a hit rate of 1 out of 5 asks. So maybe 2500 folks I’ve come across? There’s decidedly anti-Cuomo sentiment upstate, with a recognition of the futility of counter acting the “City”. That 2-1 ratio is demoralizing.
The Mil-kiddies are talking a good game on social media for the Larr-ster, but it’s the old guard out there knowing what needs to be done in the trenches. Hope the M-Kids don’t hit the panic button and tip off the establishment of the “troubles”. We’ll pull this off . . . passion for the cause always does.
All that being said, I’ll probably pass on that 30 minute private convo with L if I grab 1K sigs. Bring 3 friends to the rally and get 2 buttons! Stopped watching the vids last summer. As always, I’m rooting for the LPNY and plan to run for town council if we get ballot access. Privatize our Roads! Because after all, once you make them public it’s only a matter of time before a handful of collecto-capitalists control where they can split atoms.
I’ll set Larry up in the B&B across the street, if he’ll sit for a Capital Outsider interview. Stumped Gravel on the Road thing too. Enjoy the summer and stay safe out there folks.
Oh, yes, “better communicators” is for external consumption. Internally, that translates into “we have got to cut the cord for this abstraction-laden millstone known as the NAP and start to engage voters where they are, not where we (really, our great grandchildren) ultimately hope to arrive.”
While I don’t buy it, I did find LS’s case that a “business guy” is what NY needs to execute a turnaround reasonably compelling. I’d rather see him run for Congress with no political resume, but if he lives in Queens, he’d have no chance of winning and probably no chance of receiving this sort of media.
He’s a good-enough communicator that this is probably his best move.
We could be better communicators,” and “the media has been closed-minded to third parties, (so I really appreciate this opportunity today),” coupled with “the time is now ripe for a real 3rd party. People are simply disgusted with the Rs and Ds. For the first time in history, since about 2008 til now, more people consider themselves Independent, over R or D.”
That’s good.
Yea, I would never say “we’ve had a sh*tty product.” I would internalize that message and figure out a more positive way to deliver it, as your decent attempt demonstrates.
“They don’t know any better,” is sub-optimal, agreed. Insulting, too.
However, confessing that Ls have historically been dogmatic and sanctimonious strikes me as sub-optimal, too.
“We could be better communicators,” and “the media has been closed-minded to third parties, (so I really appreciate this opportunity today),” coupled with “the time is now ripe for a real 3rd party. People are simply disgusted with the Rs and Ds. For the first time in history, since about 2008 til now, more people consider themselves Independent, over R or D.” Topped off with, “my campaign — if we work hard and smart enough — is going to be the breakthrough moment. Mark it down!”
Or something…
Agreed on the reframing technique.
Not many Libertarians could sound as fluid on the issues (for their particular state/office) as he does, for as long as he does in this interview, and not veer into Libertopia. This is what happens when you become a skilled speaker through real-world practice speaking in front of normal people, not rooms filled with Libertarians.
The only quibble I have is that, at 1:25, one of the hosts asks Mr. Sharpe how come more people don’t vote for us, and Larry’s response is that “they don’t know any better.” I’d rather he put the onus on himself and us as a party for presenting a sh*tty product our customers don’t want. In my opinion, its better that Larry internalizes that mindset so that he doesn’t inadvertently fall into dogmatic trap of telling the voters, “you can have our philosophy in any color you want, as long as it is black.”
I especially like how he reframes issues. He agrees with the question, but then reformulates the question.
He is cool and has has a great knack to make complex issues understandable. ..
Mad skilz.
My one concern is his point about changing the “culture.” While politics can change the culture indirectly, the goal of politics is to improve civil society, not the culture, IMO.
Another great interview by Mr. Sharpe. He fits the New York attitude & mentality to a “T.”