Last month, former Orange County (Florida) Libertarian Party chairman and attorney Augustus Sol Invictus, a widely-covered and controversial candidate for the Libertarian Party’s 2016 U.S. Senate nomination in Florida, was found not guilty in a criminal trial for domestic violence. A South Carolina jury came to the verdict after less than 30 minutes of deliberation. Afterwards, Invictus requested apologies from the authorities.
Invictus’s accuser, his wife, did not attend the trial and did not testify. She alleged Invictus choked her and put a gun to her head in December 2019. Authorities arrested Invictus January 2020 on charges of kidnapping, high and aggravated domestic violence, and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence. The kidnapping charge was dropped the next month. Bail was denied after Invictus’s wife testified he had abused her for six years. The judge granted his release on bail March 2020 due to concerns of the coronavirus pandemic. He was re-arrested the next month after his wife alleged he threatened and harassed her. In August 2020, Invictus was finally granted bail. The judge tossed the gun charge at the start of trial. In total, the trial lasted two days. The accuser’s absence and the prosecution’s reliance on circumstantial evidence is said to have contributed to the quick not guilty verdict.
Invictus previously faced domestic violence allegations in 2017 from his ex-fiancee but charges were never filed due to a lack of evidence. No stranger to controversy, Invictus lost the 2016 Libertarian U.S. Senate primary in Florida to Paul Stanton after past statements were uncovered in which he endorsed eugenics and admitted to sacrificing a goat and drinking its blood as part of his Thelemite religion. He left the Libertarian Party after the campaign and started associating with the Alt-right, participating in the infamous 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
Recently, Invictus left Thelema and returned to his roots in the Roman Catholic Church. He is currently a member of the Republican Party and has a YouTube channel.
These sick twisted women tried to treat my guy Augustus like Johnny Depp. He should sue them for everything they got.