To My LNC and Libertarian Party Friends,
I have spent the last 60 days thinking about my political future. I have consulted with many friends and political experts I trust. I have listened to my wife and my family’s wishes. And I have come to an important decision — perhaps among the most important of my life.
It has been a whirlwind last five years in my political career. I started as a S.O.B. (son of a butcher), small businessman, home-school dad, Las Vegas oddsmaker, and political newcomer running for the Libertarian Presidential nomination in 2007. Some thought my journey a longshot.
But in America anything is possible. In this great country, never discount a longshot. I was elected the Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. The Bob Barr/Wayne Root Presidential ticket went on to garner the second highest vote total in Libertarian history.
I was then elected to the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) — the governing Board of America’s Third Party. Soon thereafter I was also elected Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee (LNCC). I was honored to be re-elected this past May to the LNC Board and LNCC Board.
I dedicated myself to getting more media attention for the LP than anyone in our party’s history – and did so with about 4000 media appearances in the past four years. My libertarian commentaries now reach millions of Americans at places like, The Washington Times,,,,,,, and many more.
I sought a position in public office and was named by the Governor of Nevada to the Judicial Selection Commission in 2010, one of only two Libertarians nationwide to be given such an honor by their Governor.
For me this has been a dream come true. I want to thank every Libertarian that voted for me in each of these elections, and the many words of support and encouragement you gave me. It was you who made this success possible. I will be forever grateful for the faith you placed in me.
But it is now time for a change.
Today I’m announcing the most important decision of my political career. Today I am stepping down from my roles in the LP, LNC, and LNCC. After six years of giving my heart and soul to our party, this decision does not come lightly. I leave with nothing but fond memories. I leave awed by the intensity, love, and loyalty of Libertarians, LP political candidates, LNC members, and LP leaders.
The people I have worked with on the LNC and LNCC are warriors and patriots. I have met some of the most amazing people of my life. I hope to remain friends for the rest of our lives. I hope to work together to continue fighting for smaller government, expanded personal and economic freedoms, individual rights, and more power to the people.
Like some of my political heroes who have fought the good fight for smaller government — Ron Paul, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Jim DeMint, and in earlier generations Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater — I have come to the conclusion that I’ll have more opportunity to elect good people and change the direction of this country outside of a third party.
It is the exact same decision that Ron Paul (our former LP Presidential nominee) and his son U.S. Senator Rand Paul made. It is the decision that many libertarians have made- from David Koch (our former LP Vice Presidential nominee), to the founders of CATO. My personality is goal-oriented and highly competitive, and because of that, I aim for one metric as the indicator of success — winning elections to change public policy. My colleagues are correct when they state that there is no point to winning without a philosophical foundation rooted in liberty. But I believe it’s also correct to state there is little point to having such a philosophical foundation, if you are not going to use it to improve people’s everyday lives. I owe it to my four young children to try to actually elect people that can change policy and make a difference in their future.
But regardless of any differences there might be in matters of strategy, I will always have fond memories of my six years with the Libertarian Party. I salute all of my colleagues as heroes fighting for liberty. The hard work you do day in and day out is nothing short of remarkable. I remain amazed and stunned at your level of loyalty and work ethic. I leave with only positive things to say about my LP experience.
But I’m not really leaving. I am a Lifetime Libertarian Party member and will always call myself a REAGAN Libertarian, or Libertarian conservative. Just like a Congressman Ron Paul or U.S. Senator Rand Paul, I have simply decided to move my Libertarian beliefs and the fight for smaller government to a different battlefield.
Nothing will change with my goals. I will work harder than ever to get more media exposure than ever before. I simply think my skills and media megaphone will be more productive in a different venue. It will be easier to get my message of limited government out to mainstream voters who remain skeptical, cynical, or oblivious to third party politics. And you can bet I’ll always support ballot access for third parties too.
I want to do more than talk about issues without actually affecting them…and I want to do more than attempt to move policy in the right direction. I want to elect people to office with the aim of creating a country built upon smaller, more limited government; lower taxes; less spending; a stress on individual rights and States’ Rights versus an all-powerful federal government; a balanced budget; more economic and personal freedom; energy independence; school choice; and the principles of our Founding Fathers as embodied in the U.S. Constitution.
Perhaps most importantly, I want to restore a free market economy – one based on supporting the private sector, taxpayers, job creators, small business owners, and capitalism. History demonstrates time and again that the economics and politics of envy – taking wealth from those who have earned it and redistributing to those have not – leads to massive failure, economic collapse and eventually totalitarian government. And in the absence of economic liberty, personal liberty ceases to exist.
After all, can one really have freedom of the press if it’s illegal to own one? I want to be in a leadership position in American politics to reverse the course our country is traveling down the Road to Serfdom, and to save the future for my four beautiful, wonderful children.
To save our country and restore liberty, I have come to realize that I need to take practical steps to win office myself, so I can have a direct effect on the future of America. I plan to join Tea Party U.S. Senators like Rand Paul, Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio and Mike Lee in the near future, representing the great state of Nevada.
Do those elected officials have imperfections in their beliefs or their track records? Absolutely! Every politician does. But I don’t see how one can make progress by demanding nothing less than perfection from others. Effective politics is about finding where you agree with others, and working with them to achieve mutual goals.
I wish you all my best. And I sincerely hope there will be opportunities to work together to save our country, our economy, our Constitution, and make this world a more Libertarian place for ourselves and our children.
God Bless.
In Liberty,
Wayne Allyn Root
2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee
It’s about campaigning for Romney in 2012.
So is this about a U.S. Senate run in 2014? In any-case, this is a win-win of sorts.: Wayne is more Republican than most Libertarians, but he is also more Libertarian than most Republicans. So now the LP and GOP may both become a little more libertarian.
Somebody better call Wayne and let him know that Robme has been talking about getting rid of the mortgage interest deduction for homes.
“Good for nothing, bad in bed
Nobody likes you and you’re better off dead
Goodbye, we’ve all come to say goodbye (goodbye)
Goodbye (goodbye)
Born defeated, died in vain
Super-destructive, you were hooked on pain
Though your music lingers on
All of us are glad you’re gone
“If I could live my life half as worthlessly as you
I’m convinced that I’d wind up burning too.” — Paul Williams, “The Hell of It”, Phantom of the Paradise
Nonsense, Wayne …
The LP is actually growing again. Gary Johnson is inspiring members and donors and raising hopes. Ron Paul is, unfortunately, aging now and no longer able to lead. Eventually it had to happen. This is resulting in a search for new leadership by the liberty movement he helped to create. There being no single great savior to step forward, a diverse effort of individual actors and multiple not-so-famous leaders is emerging. Having multiple leaders and more responible individual actors is preferable in any case.
Meanwhile, Romney is proving what has been obvious to the more astute political observer for some time: The Republican party no longer represents a coalition capable of putting together a national plurality – a political realignment is underway.
Libertarians and social conservatives cannot coexist under the same big tent. But libertarians have become too important and too large a group in the American ideological spectrum to submit to the ignorance of the bible-thumping, scientifically-illiterate, communistic conservatives who wish to impose their self deluded but proudly proclaimed ignorance of reality as a legal straightjacket on individuals who wish to choose their own way and live free.
The first and most important objective of communism was always social control, not economic: creation of the “good soviet man,” imposition of draconian regulation of drug use, enforced government policy against gays, childbearing (either banning or requiring abortion), teaching scientific and historical lies in school, militarized society, imperialistic military ambitions, imposition of state views on religion (banning and enforcing religious practice are both communistic approaches). The Republican Party has become America’s party for a policy of social communism imposed against our will. Libertarians must necessarily leave. The neocons and backward social communists can fight over the bones as this ancient ship slips beneath the waves.
So, Wayne, you see, you have jumped aboard a sinking ship – seemingly the opposite of usual behavior for a rat. You should have four more years of productive Obama bashing ahead of you and that should be fun and profitable, after you get over the crushing defeat that Romney will record come November. You should try to avoid the embarrassment that will come to you should you attempt a run for Senate, as rumored – you will be crushed in the process and lose your cachet as a commentator.
The Libertarian Party has long been early on the scene – ahead of its time. Various players have resorted to infighting out of frustration, wrongly blaming the platform, strong principles or dangerous phrases such as the “cult of the omnipotent state” for the fact that social and political change is just slow to be accepted and realignment must wait for the collapse of a major party in a system like ours.
But now, the time has come. Gary Johnson and a revitalized membership have the opportunity to become one of the two in our two party system. We have the opportunity to lead the realignment – to look forward and put together a new winning national coalition. The majority of Americans supports social tolerance and fiscally responsible government. This is our chance to form a new winning coalition using the strengths of our Electoral College system and plurality elections we can build an electoral majority and turn the country in a new direction – for the first time in history – toward liberty.
But, not to worry Wayne. The Libertarian Party will be good for you. You will be able to prosper and thrive financially in a libertarian society. You will be free. We will set you free. And you will discover that you didn’t need the communistic theocratic socialists of the moribund Republican machine to thwart the ambitions of others to live free in order for you to live free.
Good luck, Wayne.
Reality check: The Libertarian Party is imploding.
Readers should remember that Wayne wrote a book “The Conscience of a Libertarian” in which two words seem to be in error in the title.
@174 Other than Ron Paul, who returned to retake a safe Republican House seat he had previously occupied for several terms, I have not heard of any former LP Candidate who has gone on to win a significant political seat as a D or an R.
There have been numerous failures who were lured by the mistaken premise that they could have won if only …
At the Vegas convention, I pulled Wayne aside and advised him to listen to his fellow libertarians…
Evidently he did!
Thanks Wayne…
No surprise.
No loss.
Good riddance.
JT, sorry, I thought you were referring to BR’s “Then they make a try for office as a D or R, fail totally…”
My bad.
I agree that it doesn’t have to play out that way.
L running on the L line lose for a lot of reasons. Ls running as Rs do sometimes win.
I say if the intention is virtuous, “winning” or “losing” take on a different meaning for the candidate.
Capozzi: “164 jt: And each time, [returning to the GOP is] a sad thing to witness.”
You misquoted me & I’d appreciate if you don’t do that. I was referring to the entirety of what I specifically quoted from Be Rational, not just “returning to the GOP.”
To spell it all out, I’ve seen many good Libertarian candidates who think that they’re going to win their elections lose by a mile, blame their failures on the LP platform or lack of support from the national LP, switch to one of the top 2 parties, run again for office under that banner, lose again (whether in a primary or a general election) & then just disappear.
One should be aware that, at least in the past & for the near future, one probably won’t win a major partisan election as a Libertarian running against a Republican & a Democrat (neither Ron Paul nor Dana Rohrabacher ever ran for office as a Libertarian & thought they’d probably win a major partisan election).
A Libertarian should run like he or she is in it to win it, of course, but that candidate should set another more realistic goal for the campaign. There are other meaningful things that one can achieve other than being the first-ever Libertarian X. However, I’ve seen many individuals who didn’t do that & thus set themselves up for the frustration-resentment that kicks off the cycle I mentioned above. Too bad. It doesn’t have to play out that way.
164 jt: And each time, [returning to the GOP is] a sad thing to witness.
me: Ron Paul did it. I think Rohrabacher may’ve been in the LP at one point. The Kochs have certainly become influential in the GOP, too. And I think a few others have been “successful” in converting to R from L. Many have not.
I don’t advocate doing so, by any means. If I thought the GOP could be appreciably moved in a L direction, I might have a different opinion. But I don’t. My perception of the GOP is that the social cons have at least a veto, but I’d say they pretty much run the show, with the neo cons and the corporate elite having much sway.
OTOH, could a libertarian/conservative R like Root get elected? Possibly.
165 es, I don’t recall Quixote being a “thug.”
The choices you list do not include the Tao’s other option: wei wu wei. Charging the windmill might be indicated, or it might not. I’d note that charging on Rocinante might lead to bouncing, which might distort one’s perception of the “cold” universe.
But, yes, thank you, reading anyone’s mind is a daunting proposition. Note that my list of fetishes @ 131 were not necessarily “anarchist” fetishes, just ones I perceive to be on the fringes for the general population, but ideas that some in the LM take quite seriously.
(‘course, I’d say that’s the first mistake: taking anything seriously.) 😉
Reading anarchists minds in the LP is a dubious proposition . . . a common iteration by those who do leave is that the time spent in politics is useless in their quest for what I would call a ‘liberty event horizon’.
This is vastly different than any fixation for private nukes or penchant for Zomian modelling. I heard there is a great exhibit for the latter at the Guggenheim this Fall.
While Mr. Holtz might represent my participation as a hipster practitioner of the black flag, the truer spirit thereof, might be more akin to a liberty ‘thug’ (as Roger Stone has called me) who gets to go home unharmed after the sticks and stones are hurled.
Taking no offense to the moderates, extremists, the indifferent or the kooks, one must simply embrace the absurd and charge the windmills when your horse is fresh and the armor still fits. Otherwise one becomes an angry scrivener or pathetic key pounder with no recourse to appreciate the cold universe that we temporarily occupy.
Be Rational: “This is a common problem we’ve seen all too often with Ls who campaign for some office and blame all their failings on LP radicalism or the drag of being a 3rd party nominee. Then they make a try for office as a D or R, fail totally, prove their own self-delusions were wrong, and slink off into obscurity, unable to return to the LP out of embarrassment, and with no home in the major party that rejected them.”
You said it! I’ve seen that very thing happen in the LP over the years so many times. And each time, it’s a sad thing to witness. Oh well…you can’t make people have realistic expectations.
George @84:
Here’s the difference between Harvard and Columbia.
The Harvard man and the Columbia man meet in the restroom and after doing his business, the Columbia man starts to leave.
The Harvard man says (nose high in the air): “At Harvard, they teach us to wash our hands after using the facilities.”
The Columbia man responds: “At Columbia, they teach us not to pee on our hands.”
Robert Capozzi said, “Who will the Root-o-phobes take aim at now?”
Shhh, don’t spread it around, but I hear that the Root-o-phobes will be going after the moderate absolutist radical centrists next.
Robert Capozzi said, “Who will the Root-o-phobes take aim at now?”
That is a TOTALLY un-called for statement. Libertarians want to “take aim at” liberty, they aren’t “phobes” and they only wanted non-libertarians to not promote themselves as libertarians and confuse people as to what libertarian REALLY is.
And finally I must say . . . never mind, Tom Blanton has already so eloquently said it!!!!!
Next up, (after failing to reach the 1 million vote mark), Gary Johnson will leave . . . or maybe just fade away.
“It is the exact same decision that Ron Paul (our former LP Presidential nominee) and his son U.S. Senator Rand Paul made.”
I don’t know about Rand Paul, but Ron Paul is still a member of the LP. I wish W.A.R. would go all the way and rescind his association with the LP in TOTALITY.
He is not now, nor has W.A.R. EVER been a libertarian. At most, he is a libertarian leaning conservative with strong neo-con sentiments.
156 jt, the personal savagery I recalling was during Root/Myers dustups. Sipos and Moore seemed to do it a fair amount. But, I grant, I may be mis-remembering the screed-a-thons. I’m not that interested in the subject to do research on the matter….
Capozzi: “Root did what he did. It was widely predicted he’d do what he did. If you were paying attention to the Rise and Fall of the House of Root as L, it’s long been clear that he was not comfortable being a L, but rather a libertarian/conservative, a “fusionist.””
Absolutely. I thought for a long time that he’d abandon the LP to return to the GOP. Some others did too. It seemed very likely given his myopic focus on the political right & his enthusiasm for conservative politicians. In fact, I was more perplexed about why he was involved in the LP at all.
Capozzi: “He’s been conflicted since stepping into the L box, made a few adjustments, but was savaged personally for his “violations” of “dogma.””
Savaged personally for violations of dogma? That’s in interesting take on it. I’m not aware of that happening much.
Flood: “My “sadness” just disappeared. That mo**er f***ing piece of c*** just sent out an email saying that he’s going to be on Fox and Idiots on Sunday to talk about his resignation from the Libertarian Party and his rejoining the Republican Party.”
Yet again, what a shock.
154 tlk, yes, walking in others shoes is no easy task. I’m open to hearing more on-point anarchist frustrations with the LP…if there’s a most-common one, that’d be esp. helpful for me.
RC @147,
“Similarly, when anarchists leave the LP, I can understand their frustration, truly I can.”
But you follow that claim with an explanation of your “understanding” that doesn’t resemble the state frustrations of any former LP anarchists I’ve ever met.
I used to be on his mailing list so that I’d know what he was up to before other LP members told me. I just unsubscribed and listed as my reason that I do not wish to subscribe to the mailing list of a Republican Party Puppet.
So as LG said…Wayne who?
My “sadness” just disappeared. That mo**er f***ing piece of c*** just sent out an email saying that he’s going to be on Fox and Idiots on Sunday to talk about his resignation from the Libertarian Party and his rejoining the Republican Party.
His tag line still says he’s the head of the LNCC.
Wayne who?
Robert @147, I am furious that he was on the LNC, LNCC and part of LPNevada and stumped this year for Romney…I thought that was clear. What does my ferocity do for me?…well, it feeds me, it sustains me…I sit and stew in my own juices at night so the next morning’s breakfast of battery acid and nitroglycerin goes down easy. I don’t begrudge Root his positions on political issues…that is his and he has a right to disagree…but when we have a candidate, that he supported at convention…and then does what he did in the press…I feel a bit butthurt by it. that’s it though…onword and uh…forward? shoot, can’t use that now…I guess in a frontfacing direction.
I’ve been a big fan of the idea that there should be Liberty Republicans and Freedom Democrats. Copy what the Ron Paulites have been doing for years and then eventually create a party within the 2 parties.
The latest on the Missouri Senate race is that Todd Akin missed some payments for TV ad buys. He’s looking like a pathetic loser.
There’s a point at which Republicans in the State will realize Dine actually has a shot, and when that happens, the $$$ floodgates will open. We must defeat McCaskill. If you have any friends in Missouri, tell them about Jonathan’s campaign.
146 Rev: I have no problem with people being mad at what [Root] did, I am furious and made it known…
me: I wonder what your ferocity does for you, Rev? And what you could possibly be mad about?
Root did what he did. It was widely predicted he’d do what he did. If you were paying attention to the Rise and Fall of the House of Root as L, it’s long been clear that he was not comfortable being a L, but rather a libertarian/conservative, a “fusionist.”
He’s been conflicted since stepping into the L box, made a few adjustments, but was savaged personally for his “violations” of “dogma.”
If you were Root, wouldn’t you consider going home to the GOP? Walk a mile in his shoes.
Similarly, when anarchists leave the LP, I can understand their frustration, truly I can. In their minds, the LP’s purpose is to advance a rigid interpretation of the NAP, the NAP rigidly interpreted implies statelessness, therefore the LP should advocate statelessness. And anyone calling themselves a L must agree with them OR be “unprincipled.”
It’s – I’d suggest – all good. The past is past, now is now, all we can ever do is our best now, that’s it, that’s all….
Tom @144: What do you mean? Please clarify”I happen to believe Root is an evil lying opportunist that has no qualms about hurting others. So, when bad things happen to Root, I won’t be shocked and I won’t feel sorry for him.” It sounds like you aren’t a fan of Wayne’s. Obviously I’m kidding…guys…he’s gone. Let’s focus on what this means for the movement of liberty. I have no problem with people being mad at what he did, I am furious and made it known…but there is a lot of energy here that, if focussed, can be very useful and positive. How about one more day of venting how we feel about Root, then some ideas about how to move forward. Every moment spent lamenting the past is a moment not used to keep us from repeating it. Deep…huh? I think Ghandi or Elvis, or maybe it was Mayor McCheese that said it…I can’t remember.
I find it comical that Wayne Allyn Root says he wants to “make this world a more Libertarian place for ourselves and our children.” Then why is he moving to the Republican Party. The last time I checked Republicans don’t want to expand “personal freedoms”. Looks like Root was paid off by the Romney’s special interests.
Joseph, I am appalled and offended by those in the libertarian community who have embraced Wayne Root and encouraged him to spew right wing propaganda while calling it libertarianism.
Not only have the supporters of this shyster appalled and offended me for a number of years, I have also been offended by those in the libertarian movement, especially those in the LP, who did not speak out against Root’s bigotry.
What monster will “libertarians” embrace next in order to enlarge the big tent? How many “libertarians” will turn away and pretend that any fascist that is in favor of tax cuts is a libertarian?
Joseph, I’ve been appalled for years by the LP’s acceptance of people like Boortz, Barr and Root. If you’re appalled now, tough shit Joey.
Maybe you should go visit Root’s magic star on the Sidewalk of the Gods in Vegas and find solace there.
I’m also offended that those who babble on about personal responsibility chastise me for wanting Root to suffer the consequences of his actions. Everyone should suffer the consequences of their actions.
If you believe that Root walks on water, then you would have to believe the consequences of his actions would be only good things coming his way.
I happen to believe Root is an evil lying opportunist that has no qualms about hurting others. So, when bad things happen to Root, I won’t be shocked and I won’t feel sorry for him.
I hope his Republicrat buddies chew him and spit him out. The thought of him being a Senator is repulsive, but he would be right at home there among the liars, thieves and murderers.
My guess is that Wayne watches himself more than anyone else does. He convinces himself everytime he watches and then repeates the same hype, over and over. So now he has convinced himself that he can get a nomination for US Senate in the R party.
This is a common problem we’ve seen all too often with Ls who campaign for some office and blame all their failings on LP radicalism or the drag of being a 3rd party nominee. Then they make a try for office as a D or R, fail totally, prove their own self-delusions were wrong, and slink off into obscurity, unable to return to the LP out of embarrassment, and with no home in the major party that rejected them.
If Root tries at all, I expect to see him near the bottom of the pile, flattened by reality. What happens the will be quite a test for his self-delusions.
I am appalled by the venom and spittle being hurled at Mr. Root. From the moment I met him four and one-half years ago he has been nothing but gracious and a gentleman to me. We have (and do) disagree on some major issues yet he was never disagreeable. I disagree with Mr. Johnson on some issues, in fact I have disagreed with every Libertarian candidate for President all the way back to 1988, prior to that I was just voting against the D’s and R’s, on one or more issues. On every occasion that Mr. Root and I were in the same room he made a point of walking up to me to say hello. He took the time to introduce me to his family. So while he and I will continue to disagree on certain positions I hold him in great respect and wish him well.
I think its funny that some of the comments on this thread suggests that all the traffic we get is from WAR supporters or detractors. I promise you that him leaving will not have any effect on IPR, with the exception of FINALLY not having a topic about him every other day.
There is so much third party news, that I am eager to get back on board this weekend when my computer is fixed. Not just for the Presidential election but for state and local elections as well. Very few websites focus on independent news, and I think IPR is incredibly important.
This argument whether Root leaving is a good or bad thing is a moot point. It is done. Let’s move on, and work towards getting third parties in general, (but for me and others the LP specifically) to grow and topple the two party system. Despite all of our differences I think we can all agree that we need to get other individuals to consider their options and reject the two major parties.
@115 Of course this could be bad news for IPR, as most of the traffic on IPR was related to Wayne Allyn Root.
Maybe we could get more Barr columns posted rather than Root? Barr often writes about things, like the Bill of Rights, that Root never seemed very concerned about.
I fear [Root’s] defection will be used against us…. especially if he gets lots of press over his departure.
I doubt Root’s departure will get much press.
Some posts on rightist echo chamber websites.
A few brief sound bites over the next few days on talk radio. Maybe.
Root never was all that famous.
Romney is smart enough to realize that he’s got to focus on issues of concern to mainstream American voters — and not waste time trying to spin a non-story from Root’s departure.
That’s assuming Romney even knows who Root is.
“I don’t buy into the hype that Obama is so absolute a destroyer that we should vote for someone not quite as bad. It’s too limited a vision. It only looks at the next four years and not beyond. ”
Didn’t you get the memo? A thousand years of darkness, dude. The only industry THAT will be good for is tanning parlors.
Mr. Thrasher has the qualities that are needed on a professional board of directors, such as the LNC: Energy, passion, professionalism, TEAM player, puts the LP first. I know that many on the LNC are reading this. Please consider this young man for the LNC. He has what it takes.
Thank you.
Ohio LP Chair
Former LNC member
Good riddance. He’ll be with his true “peers” with the likes of Obamney and the tea bagger morons. Hopefully all of Root’s wacky followers do just that and follow him into the cesspool of the two major parties and I can, in good conscience now support Gary Johnson’s LP Presidential bid.
Post 132 was in response to post 130. Sorry.
129 LG, yes. Although Lennon taught us that it’s INSTANT karma that’s gonna get you. Why wait til it “comes around”? Feel it NOW.
Actually, I was kidding!
Teeth and TB, yes, angry-tarians can come from various sub-schools. I stand corrected in the sense that “plumbline” connotes “Rothbardians,” I think, but some Randians and some non-Randian hawkish Ls seem to have a neck-vein-bulging thing going on as well, at least near as I can tell, based on their divisive rhetoric.
I also agree with Brother Blanton that some moderate Ls can be people pleasers, often trying to paper-over seemingly significant disagreements among the various strains of the less-archist community. My tiny role is to bring these disagreements to light, as I don’t find political sublimation to be productive. Most of the time, I tend to suggest an “agree to disagree” palliative, but I also do think it’s important to entertain – at least briefly – some of the extreme ideological fetishes on the fringes (conspiracy theories, bestiality “moralists,” Zomian modelers, 9th-month abortion apologists, private nuke enthusiasts, etc.). If I’ve learned anything from history, it’s that today’s kook may well become tomorrow’s visionary, although that is a rather rare development.
@90…um no!
TB_I only wish that karma works its magic on Root and those that mean the most to him
me_ clearly you have no idea about the concept of Karma or the way its meant to work…..
Not all “angrytarians” are “plumbline” “absolutists.” Many “angrytarians” are minarchists.
A lot of “angrytarians” are Republicans trapped in their traditional role of angry white men victimized by everyone else in the world.
Some “angrytarians” are even passive-aggressive moderates desperate for the acceptance and approval of others at any cost.
Finally, some of the “angrytarians” who claim to be minarchists are actually libertarian central planners that toss around think tank jargon to demonstrate their superior statist wonkishness. Minarchists used to believe the government as it existed in 1975 was too big and intrusive. Now, many who self-identify as minarchists in the LP are comfortable with the level of government as it existed in 2004.
I suppose striking the root is too radical for most modern libertarians. Best to snap twigs that have fallen to the ground already.
Don’t forget to vote, kids.
Maybe Romney would be a moderate safe choice, after all he’s 85% libertarian.
I got to know Thrasher at the party after the Vegas LNC meeting. Besides having the uber patience to put up with my “leaving sara marshall get him to the greek” jokes , he was intelligent and likable , seeemed like a hard worker
I’m saddened at Root’s departure on several levels.
Not that I think he was a great Libertarian, but I though he could add something to the talent pool of leadership. Especially in his first LNC meeting after the 2010 convention, where he offered some assistance in California’s effort against the “top two” ballot.
I never thought he was good enough to lead the party or be on our ticket, as he was too much of a self promoter, as his attempt to run for the LNC chair in 2010 was part of a prospective reality TV show about himself.
I really wasn’t fond of people making him out to be the worst thing ever in the LP.
I’m tempted to just shrug my shoulders and move on after this. But…
He left in the middle of the election season, and I fear his defection will be used against us. He didn’t depart as a former VP candidate. Heck, Barr’s endorsing Mitt, and nobody anywhere gives a crap. It’s that he ran for re-election to the LNC, he continued in a leadership position.
He may be acting out of conscience, the knife is still in the LP’s back at any rate. I’m tempted to call him a Judas, Quisling, or Benedict Arnold; especially if he gets lots of press over his departure. (I already cringed at reading the Instapundit post about him)
But those of us in the LP have the broader issue beyond the persona of Wayne Allyn Root to look at. We have to make the argument why the fears that WAR claims to have about Obama are short sighted.
I don’t buy into the hype that Obama is so absolute a destroyer that we should vote for someone not quite as bad. It’s too limited a vision. It only looks at the next four years and not beyond. It also looks at the presidency as the only seat of political power and its problems.
We have two parties in power. Both are to blame, and they are using each other as alibis.
Mitt Romney is gaining some traction by running a good campaign against Obama. But Mitt is no better a choice by being “Not Obama” than Obama was for being “Not Bush”.
Its one thing to run against something, but if the supposed alternative is a milder version of the same, maybe a third choice is better.
And of course, I’ll be making the argument for that third choice, Gary Johnson.
Mr. Thrasher should be seriously considered for LNC replacement. He represents future of the LP.
117 tb: ….preys on the ignorant to the extent Wayne Root has…But, you myopic libertarians prove my point.
me: Yes, we “ignorant” and “myopic” Ls need some SERIOUS skoolin’, apparently. Time for a new Freedom School? Blanton as the new LeFevre messiah?
Ever open-minded, that might just be the ticket. 😉
Capozzi: So far, [Johnson’s] plumbline violations seem less offensive to the angrytarian element.
Not all “angrytarians” are “plumbline” “absolutists.” Many “angrytarians” are minarchists.
(I think I’m using Capozzi-speak correctly, as best I understand his unique language.)
My hope is that GJ will not have to endure the savagery that Barr and Root did. Barr and Root brought a lot of it on themselves, while GJ is seems like the cooler cucumber. So far, his plumbline violations seem less offensive to the angrytarian element.
Those of us who have been members of the LP for a long time have seen many people come and join us and some of them go and leave. Recently we have seen Barr and now Root depart. But those of us like Richard #120, have found our political and philosophical home and we become even more determined to make the Libertarian Party a viable organization to give Americans a choice for peace, prosperity and liberty. Although we have faults, I am very proud of the LP and its historical record.
I am actually a Libertarian Party Member because of Wayne Allyn Root. I had left The GOP in late 2007 and I stumbled across Wayne’s 2008 Presidential Web Page. I liked what I read. I changed my party registration to Libertarian and signed up to be a Root Delegate at The Denver Nat Con in 2008. I went to Denver as a newbie Libertarian and I got actively involved with his campaign in Denver.
From Denver, I got involved in my county party and I have served 4 years as Contra Costa County Vice Chair and I am serving my 2nd term on Libertarian Party of California Executive Committee. For the last 13 months, The Gary Johnson 2012 Presidential Campaign has been my non paying part time job, lol.
My views have evolved over the last 5 years and I have made many dear friends within The Libertarian Party. I have scene many positive changes in The LP of California in the last 5 years.
Joining The Libertarian Party has changed my life for the better. I am raising my 4 kids to self sufficient individuals and to never depend upon the government to take care of you. But most importantly, I am raising my children to be Libertarians.
No one is perfect. Not Wayne Root and especially not me. But I want to personally thank Wayne Allyn Root for introducing me to Libertarian Party. Wayne may have left the party, but I have no intention in following Wayne back to The GOP. I like, some of you, have invested too much blood, sweat, tears, time and money to drink The GOP Kool-aid again. I will personally miss Wayne Root and I sincerely wish him well in his future endeavors.
Paulie should get Root’s LNC seat.
Since Root could never bring himself to promote the Libertarian brand as an ideological alternative to both Left and Right, it’s probably better that he infiltrate the GOP.
An LNC member writes: “a common sense non-interventionist policy is being destroyed”.
How so?
To wish jail time for a fellow libertarian, because you disagree on foreign policy–that is going too far.
A fellow libertarian? Root was never any kind of a libertarian and never will be as far as I’m concerned. He is a right-wing statist and I disagree with him on far more things than foreign policy.
At least I know when I am being offensive. Something many people, including Root, are totally unaware of as they offend others.
I don’t know what purpose will be served by wishing harm to Root and his family.
I only wish that karma works its magic on Root and those that mean the most to him. When someone spends their life promoting statism, either Republican or Democrat versions – even neolibertarian versions – and preys on the ignorant to the extent Wayne Root has, I hope he suffers the consequences of his actions. That is all. Poetic justice.
But, you myopic libertarians prove my point. No wonder the LP is moribund and irrelevant. Welcoming people who openly say they want to remake an organization into something it is not is never going to accomplish much.
Meanwhile, there are those that think Romney is somewhere between 85% and 99% the same as libertarians?
Apparently, ideas no longer matter in the LP. It’s all about conformity, being polite to people who want to destroy you, using false pretenses to attract supporters, and clinging to delusional beliefs that third parties can compete politically in Amerika.
T.B. accuses Wayne of “warped needs” while urging Wayne get a taste of “santorum” (which is cum mixed with fecal waste)–who is warped here? What needs are being fed by this obnoxious display?
I never urged Wayne to get a taste of Mitt’s santorum. But, it is likely to happen considering how far Waynes honker is buried between Romney’s cheeks as he kisses those tight lips.
The LP’s loss is the world’s gain.
What a hoot, Bjornson!
Anyone notice that the best fundraising day Root ever had was the day he left?
That says volumes right there.
So what are all of the IPR trolls that suffer from Root Derangement Syndrome going do now? What are you going to do with your all of your free time?
Of course this could be bad news for IPR, as most of the traffic on IPR was related to Wayne Allyn Root.
Very glad to hear that Wayne has brought his farce to an end. Folks who think the GOP is just a little bit off the correct path, and want the LP to be a better version of it, aren’t doing us any good. Having Root be one of the most visible spokespeople for the LP has undermined our legitimacy with each of his 4000 appearances.
The only reason I’ve been comfortable supporting Gary Johnson is that I don’t get the feeling he will turn his support back to the GOP when it’s convenient for him. (And even still, my support of Johnson has been tempered by that very possibility.)
BTW, click my name to sign a petition asking the CPD to allow all ballot-qualified candidates in the debates. (I can dream, can’t I?)
Good riddance, Wayne! Thank you for setting the LP free of your brand-damaging rhetoric. Here’s hoping that others who think the LP is an adjunct of the GOP follow your lead.
KB @ 109: Fair comments. I don’t know what purpose will be served by wishing harm to Root and his family. He’s done the LP a favor, and I think made a move that will ultimately make him and his family happier. I have been a very outspoken critic of Root’s, but he’s always been a gentleman with me. In return, I did my best to be fair with him, and tried to keep my comments centered around the behaviors I had a problem with–not issues that were personal.
He made my day today and now I hope I can spend my time doing positive work for the LP.
This makes perfect sense to me. Good luck to Wayne, and MUCH BETTER LUCK to the LP!
oops… “yes iraq, was a good idea”
What is wrong with the LP is that a common sense non-interventionist policy is being destroyed by a few who believe that Iraq, yes Iraq, was a bad idea.
Honestly if you think Iraq was a good idea, the Libertarian Party is not a good fit for you.
And that’s okay. Not everyone is a libertarian. You don’t have to make us something we are not.
Tom Blanton’s rude remarks exemplify what is wrong with the LP.
To wish jail time for a fellow libertarian, because you disagree on foreign policy–that is going too far. That would be like me wishing that Tom Blanton be incarcerated at Gitmo, just because of his mental illness.
Not only that, but T.B. wishes ill for the man’s family because of”misery”, “death” and “destruction” Wayne has allegedly inflicted on the world.
T.B. accuses Wayne of “warped needs” while urging Wayne get a taste of “santorum” (which is cum mixed with fecal waste)–who is warped here? What needs are being fed by this obnoxious display?
Much to my surprise, Wayne refutes many stereotypes about Las Vegas odds-makers and Republicans. He is a gentleman, sincere, and kind. The LP’s loss is the world’s gain.
85% of common ground between libertarians and Romney?
On planet earth (yes if you ignore the melting polar caps)
carbon-based life form Check.
bipedal check
DNA more than 85% in common with the orangutan — actually, its more than 99%.
Have an opinion on torture — well, it may be an opposite opinion, but it is an opinion. OK, in Romney’s case it is an opinion at any given instant.
Keith, They are more like 40% . Corporatist warmongers aren’t Libertarians, no matter how many times they say freedom and liberty.
“Romney / Ryan share 85% of the common ground with libertarians.”
In some alternate universe, perhaps. In this universe it’s more like 5%, and being Republicans, it always turns out they were lying through their teeth about that 5%.
Romney / Ryan share 85% of the common ground with libertarians.
See what I mean?
Fucking crazy!
The anarchists haven’t won any battle. The Republicans who think themselves to be libertarians have won the war.
You now have a Libertarian Party that runs Republicans and “true conservatives” and most members of the party consider these candidates to be libertarians. Hell, most of the LP tolerated Root, pretending there were just slight disagreements over trivial issues with Root – he was always getting better and better many would say.
Instead of advocating for liberty and trying to persuade people to value freedom, the new libertarians only seek the approval of others by telling people what they think people want to hear.
The enemies of freedom have won this war and the LP is a dead horse. You can kick this beast and all you get are some farting sounds.
Root did all the damage he could do and then moved on. He didn’t do it alone.
By the way, will the Netanyahu-Libertarians continue to post Wayne Root articles on IPR or will they be moving on to Romney-Libertarian blogs?
Good move by Wayne Root. Paul Ryan is a libertarian! He has the legislative plans that Romney will enact. When it comes to the Presidential election, only one of two men will be elected. Romney / Ryan share 85% of the common ground with libertarians. Let’s take 85% versus 5%. As Obama says, math.
Everybody here seems to be saying goodbye, either with good manners or by gloating. But you all miss the point – what does this do to help the LP fix it’s dual personality disorder? The anarchists have won this battle, but the war is far from over. Let me know when one side or the other wins.
Electing Mr Frankel would not be musical chairs, since he is an alternate.
Correction: an excellent choice.
Agreed. But since all seats on the LNC have an equal vote, the argument should be made that Pojunis has already been elected. Moving him up would just be more of the musical chairs that took place last term.
Personally, I don’t care who they elect, as long as he or she is not a key holder. They are the problem, not the solution.
I take that back. I do care.
Upon reflection, I believe Mr Frankel would be a good choice.
@95 The argument will be used that Pojunis-Hinkle-Thrasher were the next three highest vote getters.
I sincerely wish Wayne nothing but the best of wishes for him always.
Yuk, yuk. Just kidding. I hope the slimeball winds up in a Vegas jail cell for some half-baked pyramid scheme gone awry.
Most of all I wish upon him and his lovely little family the full consequences for his actions and the actions of his Republicrat cronies who have inflicted much misery on the world.
Twisted and evil little lying bastards like Root and his counterparts across the political aisle in the bullshit left/right charade of death and destruction deserve at least as much suffering as they have imposed on others.
I wish nothing but the worst for all the low-rent liars and control freaks like Root that inhabit political offices and those who seek to use those offices to fulfill their own warped needs.
Mitt deserves Wayne and Wayne deserves a good taste of Mitt’s santorum for being such a devoted disciple.
@95 Key-thingies. Many readers, I expect, continue to look forward to your revelations.
Key holders, not key droppers. This is a serious blow to their plan. Expect to see an attempt to elect of one of them to the LNC to fill the empty seat. My guess is that they will push Pejunis up, then fill his region’s seat with the key holder.
That is option A
Option B is to attempt to directly elect the key holder to the seat. They may even try a mail ballot, because of the “dire need” to fill the vacancy.
This makes a trip to DC to watch the November meeting sound like fun. I think I’ll be feeling like a road trip about that time.
Wayne in his core being has always been a red-state statist ( a Reagan Conservative). In due time, he’ll be locked in arms with his right-wing brethren cheering for the expansion of the warfare state.
Remember, he was for the warfare state before he was against it.
Good riddance!
So Root says, “But I’m not really leaving” in that letter full of self-serving crap. No, please go and good riddance. Root was no Libertarian. He was using the LP as a stage for personal gain. He was easy pickin’s for the Romney team, who, alarmed at the growing popularity of Gary Johnson in Nevada, bought off Root to pitch for Romney. What the hell was Root doing supporting Romney while in the Libertarian Party anyway? I’m glad he’s gone.
It is my understanding that the lnc is having quite a good fundraising day today.
Jim Duensing?
Ill take him over Reid or Angle also but dont countout the LPNevADA to run a damn fine Libertarian candidate for US Senate!
Jason Pye over at
is reporting:
“When I asked if he was now backing Mitt Romney, Root responded, “I am,” adding, “I don’t deny that Romney and Ryan aren’t libertarians, but Romney is a pro-business capitalist and Obama is a Marxist-socialist.””
so there’s the fulfillment of the Bill Cunningham show comments from last spring.
I stand corrected. Yes, I am a President Gary Johnson Libertarian.
And Inauguration Day, January 21st, is my birthday. So guess what I’d like as a present?
BTW, the more I get to know Ron Nielson, the more I feel he’d make a terrific Libertarian President as well. Certainly an effective Chief of Staff.
I’ll not make it to Charlestown (although I have fond memories of vacations on Kiowa Island near there), but I will be going (at my own expense) to the UNLV rally on Sept 26th.
Mark @ 77
>>My friend Wayne Root and I are from opposite sides of the plane. I hope he is remarkably successful infiltrating the statist Republican Party and arguing for libertarian concepts therein.<
@80 And she went to Harvard and, I gather, now Oxford.
I heard there was a WAR bomb going on here:
I had been a fan of Root up until earlier this year when he started to always mention Romney and then Ryan and almost completely ignore Gary Johnson and Jim Gray. I had predicted that if Romney won, Root would leave the Libertarian Party. He definitely left with class and no hard feelings, and I wish him luck in what I think is a better fit for him.
@71 , What differentiates Angle from Root, policy-wise?
I really like Wayne. I was paid to work as his campaign coordinator when he ran for POTUS nomination. He’s the hardest working and most efficient person I’ve ever worked with or for. I understand many of the disagreements that LP members have had with Wayne, but they have overlooked many of his positive qualities. Hope he gets elected, NV could do worse.
And Dakota IS brilliant. She did write the nominating speech she gave. I was there when she was editing it, her dad off doing other things.
Best of luck in your future endeavours! I suggest checking out the Republican Liberty Caucus.
Oh and all this talk about his brilliant daughter…
How come Dakota didn’t go to a good college like her dad and moi?
Off to go see Gary Johnson…..
We build alliances everywhere we can. Four years ago, Steve Kubby reminded us that it takes both wings of the LP to get the plane off the ground.
My friend Wayne Root and I are from opposite sides of the plane. I hope he is remarkably successful infiltrating the statist Republican Party and arguing for libertarian concepts therein.
As far as his running for Senate as a Republican–terrific news! I cannot wait to see him debating Harry Reid in 2016 on the welfare state.
@72 The hooded key-droppers?
All joking aside, I wish Wayne the best. I suspect the Senate thing will end up like Bill Hunscher’s effort in New Hampshire after he lost the nomination to Ed Clark.
So Joe…
Are you going to come along when we get Governor Johnson to visit Charleston? I promised him last night that I’d actually get new glasses before his visit if he’d come to Charleston.
I also promised a great venue, which we’ll announce once I’ve gotten the funding for it from the state party.
“I guess unlike Wayne, I am a (Insert Name of First Libertarian President Here) Libertarian.”
Johnson. You forgot to paste the name Johnson in.
I certainly agree with your comments about Wayne. Outside of the political sphere he (and his family) are very nice people.
I was one of the people on the phone conference call when Wayne was first discussing joining the LP. Several of us advised him that he still had a number of issues that he needed to think about from the libertarian perspective. During his first year or so he showed promise, but he hit the glass ceiling and was unable to break through and rid himself of his remaining non-libertarian beliefs.
It is likely that the same fear of the “other guy winning” that keeps libertarians in the GOP is what stopped him and pulled him back to the dark side.
He showed promise at first, which is why I am both happy and sad to see him go. I am happy to see him off the LNC and the LNCC, since he refuses to stop promoting the Republican candidate.
I am sad to see him leave the party entirely (as evidenced in his comments about “outside of a third party”). It is always sad to see someone who tried to find the meaning of liberty fail.
“Who will the Root-o-phobes take aim at now?”
Bob Capozzi? 😉
I’d certainly take Root over Angle or Reid all day long.
Who will the Root-o-phobes take aim at now?
First Barr and now Root gone. However, most of us were in the LP before they joined and we still remain. I am glad Gary Johnson joined. I agree with Charles Lupton #19 above. Gary’s new video ad is effective and positive. See:
First, Barr and now Root gone. However, must of us were in the LP before they joined and remain. I am so glad that Gary Johnson joined. I agree with Charles Lupton above 19. Gary’s new video ad is effective and well-done, “America Needs a Handyman.”
Wayne, I wish you all the best, with your true spiritual family. Our encounters will not soon be forgotten.
William Sparkman,
and Log-Jam Remover.
Be Rational @ 60. Thanks.
“Liberty calls to us from the future.”
I guess unlike Wayne, I am a (Insert Name of First Libertarian President Here) Libertarian.
And, no matter the odds, I love working my heart out for Gary Johnson.
No reason to give up on the possibility of a Third President Johnson yet!
Jill @67 He did say that if you are in a state that is already decided, you can vote for Johnson, but just don’t do it where it matters.
Peter O @ 63: I’m not aware that Root ever actually endorsed Johnson/Gray.
Best of luck to Wayne and his Family.
I guess the number of post on this website will drop by about half with Wayne leaving the LP. LOL!
I wish Wayne well. I doubt there was any kind of payoff – I think that grossly overestimates how many Republicans even know who Wayne Root is, let alone think he is some great influential columnist or pundit. Being a big fish in the LP pond is not equivalent to being a big fish in the GOP pond. It will be interesting to see if he is even influential enough to be nominated in NV (if he ever really runs, because there goes the punditry if he does), or how many people care about the tea party in 4 years.
How about just one day or cheering and back slapping, then we stop talking about him and start promoting Johnson?
All that is left now is to see if the rest of the 2006 drama club can be torn down and we can get back to the original platform of protecting and expanding civil liberty and extreme free markets.
I say good riddance.
@49 Joe Buchman …
“Liberty calls to us from the future.”
A lot of us always thought Root was a Republican in Libertarian’s clothing, and today’s announcement just confirms it.
And he’s wrong when he says the economic message is the only one that matters, because that gets people thinking of us as pro-drug Republicans. If Johnson or any other Libertarian wants a message that would resonate, then civil liberties is where they should be concentrating. Obama has been awful in this department, and we all know Romney would be even worse.
If Wayne does decide to run for the Senate in the Republican primary he will find that there are other candidates with more credentials and more resources ahead of him.
It has always been easiest for libertarians or other dissenters to get Republican nominations in safe Democrat districts where there are few
Republicans, but there are alot of active Republicans in Nevada.
I’m in the Constitution Party and will not make any comments about Mr. Root; I just wish to ask two questions: Would it serve the LP movement better if people as well-known as Mr. Root ran for State Legislature or State Senate instead of aiming for the US Senate? In the 1990’s many well-known people (Steve Forbes, Gary Bauer, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan) ran for President and did not win. Would America be better off it they had run for Congress instead?
I was one who was hoping for a settlement between the multiple factions in the LP, but with him leaving the party, there may be some who will come back in, but there may be some who will follow him. Who is to say for sure what sort of effect long term this will have on the party.
With that being said, I hope he does well and hope that if no LP candidate is running that he will win in Nevada. For what its worth, his economics is more solid than most.
He never really reconciles himself with true war, Constitutional or otherwise.
Four thousand media appearances without a passion for peace. Pity really.
I await verification that a well to do Mormon GOP’er provided a quick payout to Root who is in deep financial trouble to have him lend his name to Romney and propel him into a senate race. When I know for sure, you too will know.
Balzer: I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s bankrupt because his businesses have collapsed under the weight of their scamminess. I think he was a useful idiot spouting his pro-Israel nonsense and tarnishing the LP, but he won’t even be that any more so who knows if he’ll get media. So I doubt he was paid off. Probably wants to go out with a bang “Ill run for senate” and drop from view as he moves out of the big house and brings the kid home from Harvard to work the gambling tables with him…
Wayne Allyn Root is a kind and generous host. As are his beautiful wife, and brilliant children.
He has welcomed me and others into his magnificent home with boundless graciousness on more than one occasion.
I thank him for that and wish him and his family all the very best.
Wayne, when you’re back in Park City, Cindy and I would love to return that favor by having you, your wife and family over to our somewhat more modest log cabin in the mountains here for dinner, and introductions to our kids as well.
what JT said
@ 47
>>One cannot really imagine a greater oxymoron <<
I tried. At the Vegas convention running for Treasurer I said I didn't know what a Reagan Libertarian was any more than I know what a "Lincoln Astronaut" is. Liberty is not something we once had and lost in our past. Liberty calls to us from the future.
You are right to admonish me because my assertion is not proven (yet) but I promise you that I am working on getting that intel. Root’s bankrupt condition has been fairly well known. Put it this way, my statement is no more audatious than his claim about Obama being a foreign exchange student. Nevertheless, I will get back to this forum with proof ASAP.
“I am a Lifetime Libertarian Party member and will always call myself a REAGAN Libertarian,”
One cannot really imagine a greater oxymoron – Reagan raised taxes a number of times, spent excessive sums of money on defense while the Soviet Union was already collapsing, vigorously fought the war on drugs, and supported apartheid while linking Nelson Mandela to communism. Some libertarian. The Tea Party seems like a nice fit for Wayne – nothing like selling out your soul so hard that you prop up a man (Ryan) who voted for the legislation (TARP) that set off your movement. I have no problem with the RP per se…just a problem with 95% of their candidates due to their positions. Going the third party route is never easy or fun but it becomes necessary when the major parties consistently betray their principles…like WAR. Oh well, it’s good to send WAR off on peaceable terms as the LP takes one more step in its recovery from the Portland convention.
Someone must have pointed out to Root (and he actually listened, no mean feat) that being a member of the LNC while going around and promoting Romney to libertarians wasn’t a smart thing to do politically and maybe, to be fair to both the party and himself, he should step down.
I find it strange given the fact the LP has nominated arguably its most qualified man for the Presidency that any libertarian (outside of Dondero war-monger types) would not seriously consider voting for Johnson, especially compared to Romney or Obama. This is actually an important election for the LP. If Johnson can break past the million vote barrier, if he can get 1-5 percentage points and if he can cost Romney or Obama several states, then I think LP can make the case for its viability, especially when the Republicans continue to believe the road to victory goes through old white people. If they continue on this path, they will be in for a period of long-term decline while the LP has a chance, if it focuses young, to surpass them.
Someone has to be the opposition to the Democrats? Who is it going to be?
Balzer: “Root ran out of money and got a payoff from the GOP to make the defection.”
I think Root is a total opportunist, but do you have proof of this? If not, you shouldn’t make such accusations.
Good luck and best wishes. Maybe the Nevada GOP is more receptive to libertarians than most states. One suggestion: get elected to a state house or senate seat before thinking that the “powers that be” will let you anywhere near a U.S. Senate race.
I am sure Harry Reid is shaking in his boots. Well, shaking from laughter maybe.
@36 Surely 2016 or 2018. Building a Senate campaign takes time.
He is smart enough to know when to leave. He can now tell the RP he was too sane for us. I only wish the article had mentioned that Aaron was going with him.
Let’s see if Wayne keeps getting all that media he used to get. ..
I suspect he will get on O’Reilly and other FOX shows when he tells them he is taking with him “rational libertarians” that want Romney elected. FOX after all has to make the LP and real Libertarians seem irrational.
That is great news! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Wayne
Root ran out of money and got a payoff from the GOP to make the defection. While I wish him no ill will he is making an idiot out of himself. There is a reason that Ron Paul has stuck to his guns, never wavering for decades. Root went broke and sold out fast. Those Libertarians we have left should push hard to get Gary Johnson into the national debate so the voice of liberty does not go dark in America.
Surely the U.S. Senate race for 2012 in Nevada is already fully staged. I thought it was Heller (R.) v. Berkley (D.). Or is he talking about another, later Senate race?
He probably would have left four years ago if Mary Ruwart hadn’t handed him the VP nomination.
@28, perfect assessment of why I am happy he is not in leadership role. To spew GOP talking points and push Romney in most of he “4000 media interviews” infuriated me…and I was a big fan of his until this year. That being said, I hope he shows the GOP why they are not the fiscal stewards they claim to be…but I think the same rules apply for Wayne’s success…he must kiss their ass to maintain his popularity…and if he points out their hypocritical issues…he will be labeled “unviable”. I guess we’ll see, but the GOP machine is tough to derail…ask any of the politically dead in Romney’s wake.
Let’s see if Wayne keeps getting all that media he used to get. I’ll divulge my theory of why NOT if he does not 🙂
What a shock.
Best of luck, Wayne. I hope you do well as a liberty Republican.
“To thine own self be true.”
Best of luck in your future endeavors. I’m sure we’ll continue to see each other around. Thank you for all your help with the GJ campaign.
David Staples writes: “As to the comments saying you are glad to see Wayne leave the LP… seriously?! Should we just wish that everyone that perhaps may disagree with you on one issue or another leaves as well? Wayne expresses a valid point – one must win to truly have an impact.”
I don’t think you understand why so many people were uncomfortable with Root in a leadership role within the LP, and are happy to see him leave it. It’s not because they disagree with him on specific issues, but because he was promoting Republican candidates and utterly failing to promote Libertarians.
For my “now what” reference.
Time to get the party started!
He must mean 2016 vs Reid, unless he’s an independent this time around. Republicans all sewn up for 2012.,_2012
But he enjoys keeping us guessing, I suppose…
Best of luck, Wayne.
Zapper, did Piggy Norwood become an R? I will say that Piggy’s 1983 speech at the LP National Convention was a top 10 moment of my life. I’m STILL laughing at his line: “I have here…the p-y-c-h-o-l-o-g-i-c-a-l warfare…necessary…to WIN this election.” Off the hook!
I HAD wanted him to run for Senate with the LPNevada ………..obviously that was never to be self serving enough……oh well….I hope he does well within the Republican Party , he may have to just hope for awhile though as both the Clark County and Nevada State Republican Parties have been entirly taken over by the RP folk led by the incomparable Cindy Lake. I think they may have a couple issues with Wayne …..
Now what?
LG @ 16: I’ve never seen Root be rude to me, which is saying quite a bit because I made his life difficult with a few articles here on IPR. I also have always commented on what a great family man he is. He does indeed have a lovely family.
Wayne – Good luck! I wish you all the best!
As to the comments saying you are glad to see Wayne leave the LP… seriously?! Should we just wish that everyone that perhaps may disagree with you on one issue or another leaves as well? Wayne expresses a valid point – one must win to truly have an impact.
For instance, I’m running as a Libertarian in a two way statewide race against one of the most unethical Republicans in Georgia. I’ve gotten quite a bit of support from Democrats and Republicans alike… but zero from the national party. This is a winnable race, and is the same type race that John Monds set the record for most number of votes by a Libertarian… anywhere… ever.
While you may disagree with Wayne and other party members on an issue or two, one should never be happy to see someone leave the party because the party isn’t achieving what it could.
David A. Staples
Candidate, Georgia Public Service Commission
We must all choose our battles in the war for liberty. The LP is the only party I’ve registered with and the only party that I’ve called home. As he states, we already have the philosophy, but we lack electoral success. I didn’t come to the LP myself for the philosophy, I already had that. I’m here not to change the LP’s philosophy, but to change our electoral results. With that aim in mind, I am doing all I can to make sure our nominees have the best electoral success possible.
I also plan to run for partisan office myself when I feel the time is right in my personal life. Until that time comes, I will do all in my power to help others within the LP in that endeavor. When (not if) we get people elected to statewide and national office, it is my sincerest hope that those who are fighting from within the system join us in continuing the fight for liberty.
Wayne – Good luck! I wish you all the best!
As to the comments saying you are glad to see Wayne leave the LP… seriously?! Should we just wish that everyone that perhaps may disagree with you on one issue or another leaves as well? Wayne expresses a valid point – one must win to truly have an impact.
For instance, I’m running as a Libertarian in a two way statewide race against one of the most unethical Republicans in Georgia. I’ve gotten quite a bit of support from Democrats and Republicans alike… but zero from the national party. This is a winnable race, and is the same type race that John Monds set the record for most number of votes by a Libertarian… anywhere… ever.
While you may disagree with Wayne and other party members on an issue or two, one should never be happy to see someone leave the party because the party isn’t achieving what it could.
David A. Staples
Candidate, Georgia Public Service Commission
I sincerely wish him well, also. I think the Senate seat in Nevada would be a good spot for him.
I never said more than 5 words to WAR, so I am neither a friend nor detractor. That being said, he was too often the focus of criticism and derision that bordered on obsession with a lot of people. He was blamed for all the ills of the Party and he did garner a LOT of media attention to the Libertarian Party. HOWEVER, looking at the content of his personal message it was obvious that he was much more a republican than a libertarian and his almost total exclusion of libertarian social beliefs (Marriage equality, Drug Prohibition, etc) crippled his ability to correctly explain and convey what it means to be a libertarian. I think we should not shy away from opportunities to work with him on economic and business issues, but recognize that he is and always has been a republican or perhaps a social conservative with some libertarian leanings.
ive never seen him be rude actually
My limited personal experience with meeting this guy, is that he’s a pure rude jerk.
I wish Wayne success in his future endeavors and appreciate the years of service he provided to the LP.
@12 Nicholas, Headline: Wayne Root resigns, paid membership skyrockets. No connection seen!”
I guess I will renew my membership now.
Good luck Wayne.
I too wish Wayne the best of luck getting elected as a Republican. This decision is best for both Wayne and the LP.
Too me, Wayne Root is just a young Piggy Norwood.
Dear Wayne,
Best of luck! And my best to your charming wife, lovely and brilliant daughter, and the rest of your children.
i do as well………
It’s things like this that restore my faith in humanity! While I’m thrilled to see Wayne leave the LP, I really do wish him the best of luck with the Republicans.
hell you can probably bet the current LPNevada leadership would not run a candidate against him…..well see if we cant help that issue
he did exactly what i predicted he would do , a little sooner that Id thought….lol ,musta felt the smoke at his feet………he has 0 apologies to make to the Republican Party or Mitt Romney for his stint as a libertarian since he has been incessantly working for both as olate and hasnt even bothered to mention Gary Johnsons name…1 word- guess?
regardless of party jumpers or vanity, his ambitious will move to get things done. I am not sure if he can win Nevada, but I appreciate his energy.
I am sure he feels a thousand pounds of … are now gone from his shoulders. His true colors will set him free.
Depart well and be true to yourself.
Glad to see that Wayne Root can take a hint. Now I don’t have to organize at protest at the next LNC meeting. Of course, if he runs on a major party his history of accusations of business fraud will pursue him virulently. Might think twice about that, Wayne.
Good luck, Wayne!