The Alliance Party announced on Wednesday its national strategy to recruit candidates to run for Congress, with the specific aim of forming a new caucus dedicated to breaking congressional gridlock.
In a press release shared with Independent Political Report, the Alliance Party outlines its strategy to recruit candidates for Congress with the goal of establishing a non-partisan, independent caucus within the House. The objective of the caucus would be to combat gridlock and typical partisan conflicts. The party believes that electing even a small number of candidates could disrupt the influence of the two predominant parties in Congress, ultimately fostering a more responsive government.
To that end, the party is actively pursuing candidates to run under its ballot line in several states. Endorsements have already been given to candidates running in South Carolina’s third and sixth congressional districts, with ongoing recruitment efforts underway in states such as Colorado and Minnesota. The party estimates that it could enact its plan to establish a new caucus with only six to eight members.
The Alliance Party originated from the merger of the American Moderates Party, the Modern Whig Party, and the American Party of South Carolina in 2018. The organization registered with the Federal Elections Commission the following year. Since then, several other parties have joined with the Alliance Party, including the American Alliance Party and the Independent Parties of Minnesota, Connecticut, and New York, among others.
Readers can view the full press release shared with Independent Political Report below:
COLUMBIA, S.C. (March 20, 2024) – Now more than ever, your country needs you.
The Alliance Party today announced a national strategy to recruit and help elect candidates for the U.S. House who share the party’s mission, vision and beliefs and are ready – after their election in November – to stand up to congressional power brokers, break the gridlock and end the partisan bickering, bullying, revenge, retribution and back-biting.
“With civic-minded people running for House, we will be able to create a non-partisan, independent caucus in the House free of big party intimidation that is dedicated to breaking the stranglehold by the two ruling parties and establishing a government serving the electorate once again,” declared Jim Rex, former South Carolina State Superintendent of Education and National Chair Emeritus of The Alliance Party.
Alliance Party analysts have calculated that electing only 6-8 of this new breed of candidate to the House will upset the congressional balance of power by eroding the two ruling party’s domination in Congress, mired in a continual loop of gridlock.
Rex urged all Independents and third-party candidates to consider running under the Alliance Party banner for the House. To learn more, visit The Alliance Party’s website, read the party’s Core Values Statement, and contact Rex to start the process of becoming a candidate.
Already announcing their independent candidacies and receiving The Alliance Party’s endorsement are:
Mike Bedenbaugh, U.S. House, South Carolina District 3
Joe Oddo, U.S. House, South Carolina District 6Active recruitment of additional candidates is underway in Colorado and Minnesota among other states.
“We strongly believe there are caring, thoughtful, honest and decent men and women in America who are deeply troubled about the sad state of Congress today, which shows no signs of improving,” said National Chair Michelle Griffith. “We further believe many are willing to step up and take on the challenge of being elected to the House and speak truth to power, quite frankly because the future of our nation is at stake.”
Andrew Bowen, APR
Founder and Senior Public Relations Counsel
Clearview Communications & Public Relations Inc./The Message Masters
M: 404-822-3309
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