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Libertarian Party Reports At Least 20 Confirmed Wins in November State Elections

The Libertarian Party announced this week that at least 20 of its candidates were elected to public office in state elections held earlier this month. A majority of these victories have so far occurred in the states of Nebraska, California, and Michigan.

“During one of the most contentious election cycles ever seen, Libertarian candidates still pushed back against the two-party system, the media madness, and literally billions of dollars spent by major party candidates, to win elections in numerous states across the nation in 2024,” the party stated in an email on Tuesday.

The party added that it provided more candidate resources “than ever before.” These included campaign website templates, multiple training and strategy sessions, access to the party’s new “Voter Gravity” database, and plug-and-play campaign video templates. It also mentioned plans to pursue “an even greater array of tools for candidates running for office” in the future.

According to the party, the majority of the 20 confirmed wins came from town and city council elections in Nebraska, with additional municipal victories in California and Arkansas. Other successful candidates were elected in Colorado, Kentucky, Kansas, and New Jersey. Independent Political Report has compiled a list of the candidates, including whether they were incumbents at the time of their election or running for the first time.

NameOfficeLocationBallot LabelIncumbent
Frank GilbertPulaski County Constable, Big Rock TownshipArkansasPartisanNo
Thomas TurcolVan Buren County Constable, Washington TownshipArkansasPartisanNo
Bob KarwinMenifee City Council, District 1CaliforniaNonpartisanYes
Aaron StarrOxnard City Council, District 3CaliforniaNonpartisanNo
Brian HoltzPurissima Hills Water DistrictCaliforniaNonpartisanYes
Wendy HewittCalimesa City CouncilCaliforniaNonpartisanYes
Terri L. WallertKeenseburg Board of TrusteesColoradoNonpartisanNo
James DoyleBelleville City CouncilKansasNonpartisanNo
Aaron JuddDayton City CouncilKentuckyNonpartisanNo
Chad FinkenbinerOrchard Grass Hills City CouncilKentuckyNonpartisanYes
Ben DejongLake Odessa Village TrusteeMichiganNonpartisanNo
Brice BurgeMunising City CommissionerMichiganNonpartisanNo
Larry JohnsonYpsilanti Township Parks CommissionerMichiganNonpartisanNo
Jim PinkmanAshland City CouncilNebraskaNonpartisanNo
Jesse SchmidtBennet City CouncilNebraskaNonpartisanNo
Clay AndersenChadron City CouncilNebraskaNonpartisanNo
Don JacobsonLower Platte South Natural Resources District, Subdistrict 1NebraskaNonpartisanYes
Katherine SchwiegerReynolds Village BoardNebraskaNonpartisanNo
Cole StarkWaverly Public School Board, Ward 4NebraskaNonpartisanNo
Caitlin StatkusMontague School BoardNew JerseyNonpartisanNo
Information not provided by the Libertarian Party is pulled from various election records, municipal documents, and town websites.

The Libertarian Party previously maintained a comprehensive list of elected Libertarians on its website. However, as of this article, that list no longer appears to be functional. Its website still reports that there are currently 186 elected Libertarians nationwide, including 56 in partisan offices and 130 in nonpartisan positions.


  1. Jordan Willow Evans Post author | November 29, 2024

    In light of this article, once the D.C. Board of Elections releases its write-in results, two more Libertarians will be elected in nonpartisan races for Advisory Neighborhood Commission. This is in addition to Joe Bishop-Henchman, who also won his ANC race earlier this month but was not listed by the Libertarian Party as an electoral win.

  2. George Whitfield November 22, 2024

    Jim, Thanks for introducing the Libertarian Booster PAC. They look like a positive force.

  3. George Whitfield November 22, 2024

    Congratulations to the 20 Libertarians elected to public office and to the voters who elected them!

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