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wkms radio:”Meet Libertarian Candidate John Hicks, A Third Choice For Kentucky Governor”

Kentucky voters head to the polls this November to choose the state’s next set of constitutional officers, including the position of governor. While most are familiar with Republican incumbent Matt Bevin and Democratic challenger, Attorney General Andy Beshear, some may not be aware of a third option: Libertarian candidate, business consultant John Hicks.

When asked why voters should choose him over Matt Bevin and Andy Beshear, Hicks said he’s “the one candidate that hasn’t been yelling at another candidate for the past four years.” Hicks say she’s running on the themes of liberty, civility and election reform. “Depending on the voter I think civility might be something where I really shine,” he said.

Hicks said Libertarians believe a large part of problem with the lack of civility in politics is due to the two-party system. “It basically exaggerates our differences,” he said, adding that election reform could help overcome the challenge.

Hicks said the biggest issues affecting the state involves the “snarl” in pension funding, legalizing marijuana and election reform. On pensions, he said he believes Bevin is doing the right thing, but takes issue with his rhetoric and says it’s necessary to get the parties working together. On marijuana, he said one doesn’t have to be a “pot head” to understand that criminalizing marijuana has made criminals of good people, burdens the prison system and ruins lives. On election reform, he said he’s advocating for runoff elections “so the winner always gets the majority of the votes” and said computers allow for precise instant runoff, ranked-choice voting. Another election reform measure, he said, involves proportional representation for elected assemblies.

The Libertarian Party of Kentucky website features a graphic that suggests the party is in the middle when it comes to the left/right ideological divide. Hicks says the Libertarian Party is in a position to appeal to both the left and right. “We’re the only party that really stands up for civil liberties the way the Democrats used to. We’re the only party that really stands up for living sustainably and self sustainably, fiscally responsible, pay-as-you-go, the way the Republicans used to. We’re against crony capitalism. We call ourselves the ‘live and let live’ party. Against war in general – against the war on drugs, in particular. I think we’re in a beautiful position now to appeal to people in both parties and independents.”

Full post @ link to radio interview @



  1. Reed Ebarb July 30, 2019

    A good article and a good interview. Glad to see Kentucky doing a great job!

  2. Richard Winger July 30, 2019

    that’s a good interview. And the only reason Hicks is on the ballot is because the Libertarian Party filed a federal ballot access lawsuit earlier this year, and won injunctive relief.

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