Newsmax reports that 2008 Libertarian Party vice-presidential nominee Wayne Root is launching a libertarian radio show on June 6. The show will debut on stations in “the three largest markets, New York (WNYM), Los Angeles (KABC) and Chicago (WIND).” Article excerpt:
The GOP mainstream today, Root asserts, is fiscally conservative and socially conservative, while Root and libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially tolerant, resisting “the intrusion of Big Brother.”
Excerpts from Root blog commentary yesterday on home-schooling:
The freedom to live the American Dream is all about getting a good education. And getting a good education is all about parents having the freedom (and tax dollars) to choose the best education for their children. Once again, the Libertarian solution is freedom, choice and competition. […]
To be blunt, the federal government has no right to be in the education business- education is never mentioned in the Constitution. […]
The solution to the educational crisis must be increasing parental freedom; expanding educational choices; moving education spending to the state level; offering parents school vouchers; firing poorly performing teachers; and encouraging competition to the current public school system.
WTF does that mean ?
Are you a flippin racst?
or are you a troll just stirring up trouble
Can Libertarians win without Jews?
ms: The struggle of humanity is conscious vs. instinct at its most base level, and everything else is simply a manifestation of that struggle in varied levels of complexity, and most people don’t even recognize it when it’s happening, even to themselves!
me: Interesting passage. I do believe I agree. L-ism — in all its flavors — is an appeal to our conscious selves, not the instinctive, which is tribal and brutal. Most Ls I know want to see the conscious to flourish, while recognizing that aggressive behavior isn’t likely to be banished from the human condition any time soon.
Yours strikes me as a hopeless view, that war and strife are our fate. May be so, but I don’t care to play that no-win game. I’d a thunk we’d want to LIFT consciousness, and minimize instinct. Are you suggesting that instinct is the path toward liberty?
Robert Capozzi @108
Bill Handel would be described as a borderline libertarian moderate. Republicans might try to claim him in spite of his criticizing them.
John and Ken are libertarian. Without a doubt. They have been leading the attacks against Republicans due to the California budget fiasco. They aren’t 100%, they favor closed borders, but they are more libertarian than anyone else on radio I’ve ever listened to, and that includes Elder and Boortz as those I’ve listened to.
Kennedy & Suits aren’t on when I commute.
Paulie, the AFN booth went great, thanks for asking. Not as crowded as CPAC by a far piece, but definitely worth doing.
@ Seeb 120
BTW, if you read closely as so many of you are wont to do, you’d see that at no point did I deny that Root had or did a show. I simply pointed out that there was no evidence that he did. There is large difference between “he didn’t do it” (denial) and “There’s no evidence that he did it ” (agnostic).
This is simply pathetic. I’d stop picking on you if you stopped staying stupid things. sheesh.
I congratulate you for the fine efforts on the recent AFN booth, because that’s the kind of stuff we need done regularly across the nation.
Yes! How did that go?
Seebeck__That was the same objection many of us had for Barr,
me__ that wasnt my objection , mine was he has actually denied people their rights and/or taken them away thru the color of office and not long ago enuf to forgive or forget,
mike , you are correct Wayne has probably not done those things you list , nor is he likely to do so . I understand where you are coming from , perfectly believe me.
Not everybodys gifts are the same and not everybodys skills should be used in the same way.
Not every candidate is going to make a great activist and vice versa , someone who is good at fundraising maybe should never work an outreach booth.
some people give money and never show up , some people give tons of time and no money.
some people are good up front , some people best behind the scenes
In Nevada , I am ALWAYS the person at the door , because Im sickenly friendly at those times and I make people comfortable , its good for new folks .
however try and have me run a meeting and I choke, its not my thing.
there are more avenues , ways and means to serve the LP than the ones you list.
I also never said the duplicate messages were on purpose, just that they happened. You’re reading in what isn’t there again. As I said, I choose my words for a reason, and read carefully.
I’m no enigma, either. WYSIWYG. You just have to pay close attention to the details and nuances.
Of course everyone thinks I’m being ridiculous, Debra, and that’s because they don’t think like I do. In some ways that’s bad and in others that’s good. In any case, I think uniquely, and I won’t apologize for that, ever.
Nor should anyone else, either.
Call me arrogant, LG? Grow up beyond the namecalling, Debra.
Paying dues in advance–no big deal.
Being a state delegate–also no big deal.
Speaker at meetings–also no big deal.
All three of those most if not all of us do regularly.
Travel around the country to speak–so?
Has he done any membership recruiting in those locations, or just talking?
Can we see him working the LP OPH booth at the Orange County Fair this summer, giving quizzes and flyers, recruiting members, and plugging Norm Westwell in his city council race, or will he be too busy talking to the choir at meetings or pushing media appearances?
Can we see him going door-to-door stumping for local candidates?
Can we see him doing ANY of the low-profile nuts-and-bolts bread-and-butter work of the Party, or is it all high-profile for his own visibility?
You see why he irks me, LG? Because he portrays himself as being about himself first and LP second and not the other way around. That’s why he rubs a lot of people the wrong way. He portrays the impression of doing things not because they need to be done for the good of the LP and glory be damned, but for the glory of himself.
I have an older sister with the same mentality that he does, and you know what I told her once? I told her that sometimes it’s not all about her. The same is true for Wayne Allen Root. Root needs to act like that in the LP to gain respect and support. He needs to show us that he can walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
Chuck Moulton made a comment on here a while back when Root announced his chair run. He said that Wayne should be on the LNC first and learn the ropes. Chuck is absolutely correct. Wayne needs to learn, understand, and actually do that rope learning, with the things I listed above as clear and necessary examples.
You can call me names all you want, Debra, but the facts stand on their own and you haven’t refuted them either.
As far as Root being an activist , he paid hisdues a yr ahead if time , he was a delegate to the LPNevada convention , he’s attendd every meeting since and will probably be the speaker at our next county meeting .
not to mention all the other LP groups he spends time traveling to speak to
that sounds like activism to me …
It may not be the same trenches you frequent , but its trenches nonetheless.
your arrogance is phenominal
You write:
“While I THINK I met once Root, I do my best to remember that that encounter was just some programming in The Matrix.”
If Bostrom’s Simulation hypothesis is correct, that may very well be the case.
Of course, if Julian Barbour is also correct, “was” may not be applicable.
Seebeck__BTW, if you read closely as so many of you are wont to do, you’d see that at no point did I deny that Root had or did a show. I simply pointed out that there was no evidence that he did. There is large difference between “he didn’t do it” (denial) and “There’s no evidence that he did it ” (agnostic). Apparently that difference was lost on almost everyone, proving as I have said before repeatedly that you need to read what I write carefully because I choose the words I do for a reason.
me___ look out , he’s an enigma…lol
uh Mike , the duplicate message was an accident , usually when i accidentally duplicate a message i get a disclaimer saying “oops youve already said that” .that didnt happen , but it is a little funny you think it was un-purpose. lol
every single person on this thread thinks your being ridiculous on this one issue .
its ok to be wrong once in awhile , relax
BTW, if you read closely as so many of you are wont to do, you’d see that at no point did I deny that Root had or did a show. I simply pointed out that there was no evidence that he did. There is large difference between “he didn’t do it” (denial) and “There’s no evidence that he did it ” (agnostic). Apparently that difference was lost on almost everyone, proving as I have said before repeatedly that you need to read what I write carefully because I choose the words I do for a reason.
And yes, I am a VERY crusty cynic. Deal with it. 🙁
Robert, you’re fighting a losing battle against human nature, which in this case is the animalistic survive and compete instinct that manifests itself in sacvenging, sports, crime, politics, capitalism and war, for better or worse, but it just is. The sooner you realize that, the less lame-sounding you’ll get. Human beings are just not ready to evolve beyond that instinct, and I doubt they ever will as much as we both would agree they need to, which is why these conversations even happen in the first place. The struggle of humanity is conscious vs. instinct at its most base level, and everything else is simply a manifestation of that struggle in varied levels of complexity, and most people don’t even recognize it when it’s happening, even to themselves!
As for KFI, Limbaugh and Schlesinger and Noory are syndicated. Handel, John and Ken, and Kennedy and Suits are in-studio and who I was referring to–and that’s only part of their lineup anyway. If you ever listen to them, you’d hear what I mean. Yeah, they may lean more right than left most of the time, but they are no neocons or watermelon lefties either–which is a lot more than can be said for the likes of Savage, Levin, and a lot of the KABC lineup.
LG, You can call me names in duplicate all you want, but the fact remains that it lends nothing to your position. You can call me a tool and Susan can call me a doofus or Captain Obvious, but all that means is that there is nothing to the substance behind the namecalling, and that’s a pretty pathetic reflection on you, not me.
Susan, it helps to separate things by name. Plus, I don’t give a damn about longevity, just results. I congratulate you for the fine efforts on the recent AFN booth, because that’s the kind of stuff we need done regularly across the nation. But time served doesn’t have anything to do with doing that booth, either. Time is merely a measured dimension, just like length, width, and depth, and what is done within it is what matters. See also the lesson of Sisyphus, which seems most days to be the telling tale of this Party.
If Root’s contract precludes posting of the program then he screwed up badly, because as anyone in radio will tell you, limiting your reach in that manner is FATAL. But neither of us know what his contract says one way or another.
Comrades are for statists. I prefer patriots, thank you, and I ain’t seen Root even TRY to do anything anywhere local. Granted none of us are everywhere at once, but he hasn’t exactly indicated that he’s done anything like that as he does with the vast exuberance he does when self-promoting himself in the right-wing media. He’s no activist and puts himself out as only a shill, and a raw and not ready one at that. Is he getting better? Perhaps, but he hasn’t done the time in the trenches to even begin to try to claim himself a general in this war for Liberty. That was the same objection many of us had for Barr, IIRC, and it still holds true for him, and for Root. So all of a sudden he’s this great leader because he lands a radio show on three stations one day a week where at least one of the three doesn’t even advertise it? I don’t think so! He deserves credit for trying but that’s about it. When I see them work an actual Outreach Booth, help build a local affiliate, or assist a candidate campaign instead of being the candidate, then they’ll be closer to earning spurs.
As for questioning people, those that earn my trust and move beyond question do so unequivocally, but not easily, and those people that have know who they are. I’ve had too many betrayals of that trust in the past to give it away easily, and I readily admit that’s very damned personal, and it comes home to roost every year on this specific day, so take it or leave it.
I know that meal.
I don’t know about Wayne, but I’m fueled by booze, marijuana, and sex – part of a balanced libertarian breakfast. 🙂
He’s really a robot , how do you think he just keeps going and going.
While I THINK I met once Root, I do my best to remember that that encounter was just some programming in The Matrix.
Welcome to Strawberry Fields!
I don’t think we can be sure the Wayne Root Show exists until Congress & the President appoint a blue-ribbon bipartisan panel to look into the matter. They will have the final word. All the speculation on this thread about the existence of the Wayne Root Show is just wild-eyed conspiracy theory until we get the official report.
Could someone please verify IPR exists? Thanks in advance.
Seebeck your acting like a tool.
Seebeck your acting like a tool.
Ditto Susan.
ms, speaking of “verification,” you’ve said KFI is “decidely L.”
Here’s the line-up:
Bill Handel
Rush Limbaugh
Dr. Laura
John and Ken
Kennedy & Suits
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Limbaugh and Laura are not L in my book, yours? Noory seems to be a conspiracy theorist.
Are the rest L?
ms: …we simply CAN’T all just get along. (If we could, there would be no need for politics, war, taxation, crime, or forced anything!)
me: Hmm, well, I’d surely suggest we DO NOT “need” those things at all. Yet, they DO seem to recur. One way to demonstrate that we DON’T need them is to show that peace and civility works. Why not start a trend among ourselves? Could it hurt to try?
Seebie, I knew that – just saving space by putting two replies in one. Question for Holtz, and pure snark for you. Don’t you feel special? 🙂
Brian, yes, Boortz does – or did, anyway. Rather a mixed blessing; he did take care to point out that he was reviled by many party members for his stance on the war(s).
Back to Seeb: duh, it’s an uphill battle. Thanks, Captain Obvious. Wayne’s a comrade; the correct sendoff isn’t “Yer doomed, Bud!” but “Good luck! And, oh, can you actually work harder on the representing-the-LP thing if you’re going to claim to?”
His contract, by the way, may well preclude his posting of the program.
And it’s a bit disingenuous to question the word of a longtime comrade (Scott L) about such a ridiculous thing as whether he heard a radio broadcast, and then act surprised and play the ‘question everything’ card when people call you a doofus for doing it.
Just my take.
Susan @101, that quote wasn’t me. That was Brian @98.
My points for all those that seem to keep missing it, which is almost everyone even though I have repeated it more than once, are thus:
1. Never assume anything, and verify facts. As Libertarians we ALWAYS have to do that politically as part of our uphill battle. Libertarianism 001, folks.
2. Root has his own uphill battle to fight on radio, and if he’s going to fight it there needs to be a much better organization to promote himself, stuff that he should already know. Hell, Antiwar radio has podcasts up within an hour of the live show each day. If they can do it, and they do it well, every day then so can Wayne once a week. (Where is that podcast anyway?)
I can be critical of his operations all I want, and that’s what I’m doing. All I said was “Prove it”, and people go fucking bananas.
Tom, that was done on Friday June 5, not on Saturday June 6. Any indication that was what was aired on Saturday? Must properly connect the dots.
Yep, Capozzi, if that’s really you, it’s all part of my master plot (if this is really me) to drive everyone paranoid, starting with the alleged you, because human nature has proven over millenia that we simply CAN’T all just get along. (If we could, there would be no need for politics, war, taxation, crime, or forced anything!)
What I meant by a host “in the LP” is someone willing to use their media access promote the Libertarian party and brand. I’m not sure whether Boortz does that.
Here’s some third party evidence of Wayne’s show.
Happy now?
I can’t think of anybody else in the LP besides Root who could exhibit such command of this talk-radio format.
What format, exactly? Interview? Isn’t Boortz an LPer? How does Wayne’s format differ from Boortz’, and/or how does his command exceed B’s?
Seebeck, you’re not doing yourself any favors here. JMO.
ms, I respect that you feel the need to verify everything, but my goodness that sounds like an energy drain. If one had to verify every single fact one is presented with , it seems to be silly. Meet a person and ask for a photo ID?
Incorrect or misleading facts are often the grist of the public square. As is injustice, as you seem to’ve experienced in court.
Seems like that’s life…guess we have to deal with it.
Why Lieberman would fabricate such an first-person account that would be easily falsifiable is beyond me…
Perhaps something deeper is at play, hence my co-founding of the Rodney King Caucus 😉
I get snotty, as LG incorrectly puts it, because I happen to follow a simple maxim: verify everything.
I’m not calling Scott a liar, and what I am saying is that if he’s on KABC, and KABC hasn’t verified it, then something’s suspect.
THE POINT IS that claims at that point were unverified.
It appears that they have been verified since then, so I will readily admit that they were wrong.
But I take Scott’s word with a grain of salt.
I just came from traffic court where I demolished the cop’s case, because he couldn’t verify anything in his case. The idiot judge ignored my case and found me guilty anyway, claiming it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt and citing something in the vehicle code that did not exist, nor would he verify his own statement with a proper citation of the code. I told the judge that hearsay evidence and unverified evidence was hardly anything near that standard.
So yes, I can be snotty, but there’s nothing improper about demanding proof of something when it can be reasonably presented. There’s no reason to simply roll over.
As a practicing Physician, Scott knows that, or at least he should. As an exercise in common sense, so should LG.
I caught the last half of the show Saturday morning. Root and Napolitano did lots of Obama bashing, but admittedly there is plenty to bash there. I can’t think of anybody else in the LP besides Root who could exhibit such command of this talk-radio format. We need to find the LP’s best speakers and funnel them to Root as future guests. Steve Kubby is great as a radio interviewer, and it would be cool if he were a regular on the show. Chris Agrella (running for Congress near L.A. in a July special election) proved to be an excellent extemporaneous speaker at the LPCA convention in Visalia.
The Napolitano segment didn’t mention the libertarian brand very much; I hope/presume it was mentioned more in the Ron Paul segment that I missed.
Christ, Seebeck, quit while you’re ahead.
Oh, wait, too late.
You’re entering Davidson-land.
Mike , it is flippin ludicrous that you suggest there was no show.
whoTF would lie about something so easily verifiable.
why are you so snotty sometimes?
I hope that Dr. Ruwart or Mr. Kubby or some other LP Radical gets a regular show on broadcast radio
I hope so, too. I don’t claim to have any talent for it, but I’m willing to talk to just about anyone on our blogtalk. Let me know if you (generic you) are interested, and we’ll set it up.
For our more prominent radicals, especially those who are either serious about seeking the presidential nomination or at least interested in making a serious effort to keep Wayne Root from getting it by default, I hope they make a real effort to get a “real” show (as in broadcast, not just blogtalk) and/or become regular guests on “real” shows.
I (of course) think our ideas are better, but at present, they are like the tree that falls in the deep forest; most people don’t see it or hear it, so to them, it may as well not exist.
For example, I think Tom Knapp might make a good talk show guy, if he wants to (the fizzled internet radio show notwithstanding). He knows how to punch up arguments with sensationalism when he wants to, and how to throttle back and be calm and collected when need be. Since many talk show conversations are of such level, he can use his personal history of many years as a “blue collar” worker to answer any class warfare arguments from the left, and his status as a Marine Corps veteran to answer any impugning of weakness and/or treason from the jingoistic right. This would disarm a good portion of the arguments our political opponents use, right off the bat.
From working on the Kubby campaign, I can tell you for a fact that many radio stations still do not have any way to listen to a recording of the show after the fact over the internet, as of last year (although others do). I realize adoption of newer technology is an ongoing process, but I doubt the numerous non-early adopters have all come around within one year.
“Michael Seebeck // Jun 7, 2009 at 8:29 pm
I don’t. In this day and technological age, there should be a podcast or a digital recording somewhere. Plus the complete lack of corroborating evidence.”
Mr. Seebeck – do you really think I would make up a story about Wayne Root’s radio show being streamed on KABC when dozens of LP Members could have been listening to the stream, and would have already chimed in if I was lying?
I don’t. In this day and technological age, there should be a podcast or a digital recording somewhere. Plus the complete lack of corroborating evidence.
I’ll admit I’m wrong if such evidence exists. ‘Taint seen it yet, though.
But none of that detracts or refutes the fact that he’s got an uphill battle to get listeners or ratings, and the lack of publicity is not helping him any.
“All we have is Lieberman’s word for it”
On this particular type of question, I consider “Lieberman’s word” dispositive. If he says the show aired and that he listened to it, there’s no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the show aired and that he listened to it.
I’m not writing it off, Tom. I’m simply saying there’s no evidence it has even started yet, and that he has an uphill battle, especially since KFI is decidely libertarian and #1 in the market, while KABC is at least third and in some cases fifth on the side (behind KFI, KMBC, KNX, and KTLK).
All we have is Lieberman’s word for it, no show archive or listing, and no independent verification from anyone at the station.
That and very few people listen to AM on weekends anyways.
I think it’s somewhat premature to write Wayne’s show off because it isn’t on the most popular stations (yet) or in slots it’s likely to dominate (yet).
Talk radio jocks don’t pop into a seat that reaches a bazillion stations in a premium timeslot from the beginning. If they get a shot at all, they get a small one and have to make it into something bigger.
Wayne is getting a shot, which itself indicates something positive about him. He’s starting on three stations instead of one, which means he either impressed three programming directors (or the programming kahuna for a network), or raised/risked considerable money to buy the time.
Three months from now if he’s still just on three stations and not doing well in that slot, it might be appropriate to imply that the show’s a bust. It ain’t yet, though.
Dr. Lieberman,
Thanks for the update.
I attempted to listen to the show, but couldn’t get the stream to work (probably because of my somewhat eccentric machine setup).
Anyone care to take a stab at a more detailed review?
“Michael Seebeck // Jun 6, 2009 at 2:00 pm
Well, Scott, since at 8AM I was doing real work in staining my patio, I wasn’t tuned in (as if I’d listen to third-rate KABC anyway), and that’s past time anyway. So no bet.
Besides, Leo Laporte and Bill Handel dominate that slot anyay.”
Wayne Root’s radio show was on KABC yesterday. Although Wayne was not at his very, very best, Mr. Root still did quite a good job, especially considering it was show number 1.
I hope that Dr. Ruwart or Mr. Kubby or some other LP Radical gets a regular show on broadcast radio, so we can see who gets the better audience numbers 🙂
“NAP applies to mature consenting adults.”
So according to you one can aggress against 99.999% of the population without violating the NAP?
There is a school of thought that coercing children leads to coercive behaviors in adults. Taking children seriously is an educational philosophy which some anti-diaper types like. You can read more about it on the inter-webs.
Of course, the non-aggression principle applies to anyone who says it applies to them. The right to keep and bear arms begins at whatever age one wants to begin. Only a cop-lover could disenfranchise seventy million people of their rights for the “crime” of being under 18.
Michael Seebeck isn’t a libertarian because he prefers it when cops beat up suspects. Seebeck loves all cops and their boots smashing human faces.
Michael Seebeck says; “NAP applies to mature consenting adults.”
So y’all think it is just fine to whack on kids?
pot vs meth
I have to choose just one?! No one told me before. Damn.
Well, Sludge, you may object to being diapered but the adults here also understand the difference between consenting adults and unable to consent children. Those diaper-fee groups belong with the nuts and fruits of America, right there with NAMBLA, Democrats, Republicans, PETArds, and neocons.
NAP applies to mature consenting adults.
Well, Scott, since at 8AM I was doing real work in staining my patio, I wasn’t tuned in (as if I’d listen to third-rate KABC anyway), and that’s past time anyway. So no bet.
Besides, Leo Laporte and Bill Handel dominate that slot anyay.
mdh, we non-NAP-answers-everything Ls need MUCH more guidance on what will brand us “deviationists” in your opinion.
When Root said he’d like to abolish the income tax, but that’s not realistic, so a 15% flat tax with a 50k exemption would be a big step in the right direction, was THAT unL?
There’s a whole long list of these: vouchers vs. credits; pot vs meth; etc.
We non-NAP-adherent Ls would like a comprehensive list of litmus test violations on where incremental change will evoke the dogmatic ire of NAPsters. Would you be willing to put such a list together?
@ # 78 mdh I happen to know someone who thinks putting a diaper on a baby is wrong and there is a diaper free group in America. I often wonder how that fits in with the non aggression principle?
@75 – Simple question.
Simple answer: the non-aggression principle. It’s the very core of what being a libertarian means. Actions which abide by its simple terms are libertarian actions, while those which do not, are not. The same is of course true of political policies which lead to such actions.
mhw, great start! I’m for those things. Where intra L contention begins is when increments in those directions is discussed. It’d be useful to know just how big the increment needs to be for one to avoid the scarlet D, for “deviationist.”
Robert while I am not Steve, how about we try these three ideas; Civil Liberties, Economic Freedom and a non interventionist foreign policy.
Good for starters?
srl, ok, what is the doctrinal L bible?
A listing of unacceptable deviations would be helpful for us to better understand your perspective.
I don’t want ANY deviations from doctrinaire libertarian principle by any LPHQ spokesperson or Presidential candidate! LPHQ and the Presidential candidates are largely educational in nature, and therefore require Libertarian answers to contemporary problems.
Anti-semitism, racism, and anti-freedom ideas are NOT libertarian principles. These “ideas” should NEVER be expounded by our spokespeople. Even expounding on conspiracy theories should be eschewed whenever possible.
sh: I find it embarrassing enough to have him misrepresenting (as I see it) libertarianism to the right; why would I want to encourage him to expand his misrepresentation?
me: clear enough. Is this a case-by-case thing for you, or do you have an “embarrassing” list of issues and people you’d prefer NOT represent L-ism? A listing of unacceptable deviations would be helpful for us to better understand your perspective. Please clarify if there’s a rank ordering; whether there’s a cumulative scoring system; etc.
I’ve had similar “I wish s/he’d not said that,” with Root and with most high-profile Ls of various stripes. If I recognize them as “lessarchists,” I overlook the small embarrassments.
Hey Michael Seebeck:
I will bet you a beer or a coffee that Wayne Root’s voice will magically appear on this link…
at about 8am Pacific Time on Saturday, June 6 despite the webmaster’s inability to keep his radio station’s on-line programming schedule
Aaron writes:
If we want Wayne Root to break through more into liberal media — and I know he would like to do so — it’s going to take more of us willing to ask producers of those programs to have him as on a guest.
I, for one, do -not- want Root to ‘break through’ more into liberal media. I find it embarrassing enough to have him misrepresenting (as I see it) libertarianism to the right; why would I want to encourage him to expand his misrepresentation?
I find it amusing that Root never seems to mention Boortz (“I’m bringing a libertarian/conservative viewpoint, while the other major talk stars are strictly conservative.”).
And as for Knapp’s comment that Root could have been quoted out of context, note that Root does not say ‘Republicans need to…’ but that “We need to bring libertarian/conservatives back into the tent, along with moderates and independents.” If he was misquoted, he should say so; if not, he is clearly identifying himself as a Republican here.
Hey LandShark, he STILL isn’t listed on KABC yet…
Root to Appear on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” Today on FOX News Channel
Las Vegas, NV-June 5, 2009-Syndicated national radio talk show host and 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee Wayne Allyn Root will appear on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” today at 4:30 PM EST/1:30 PM PST on FOX News Channel.
That comes on heels of Root guest hosting for the 2nd time in a week for “The Jerry Doyle Show” the #7 rated radio talk show in USA with just under 4 million listeners. Root was also a guest last week on “The Glenn Beck Program,” “Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano,” and “FOX & Friends.” His quote about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor was featured Wednesday night on the NBC News primetime special “The Obama White House.”
Wayne’s new syndicated radio show “W.A.R: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” debuts on Saturday June 6th in New York on The Apple 970 AM talk radio, and Los Angeles on KABC 790 AM talk radio. Chicago WIND 560 AM talk radio joins the lineup on June 20th. Wayne’s guests on his debut show will be 2008 Republican Presidential candidate and lifetime Libertarian member Congressman Ron Paul and FOX News Judicial Analyst and host Judge Andrew Napolitano.
thanks Scott
To listen to the Wayne Allyn Root Radio show on a streaming feed on the Internet:
Noon-1pm Eastern Time
Go to…
and then click on “Listen Live”, which is in a red oval in the upper left part of the page.
fixed the spelling on my name …LOL
good idea
I’d like to get Wayne on the air syndicated here in WV. Maybe you could do some outreach to a local station or two in Vegas for him as well.
stupid question , but will i be able to litsen w/o satellite radio in Las Vegas
Just for the record, Wayne Root’s radio show is listed on the schedule for WNYM in New Jersey.
Thanks, Beth. I grew up in Duneland country and could never get his name spelled right! 🙂
Mike –
No offense meant by this correction. Spelling is Kupcinet.
I grew up in the Chgo. Suburbs where Irv Kupcinet was affectionately known as Kup.
Agreed , the NYT sucks…
LG @54: Why can’t Root do it if he wants to be the media darling?
AS @53: No, it just means that Root is not balanced enough in his apporach to develop a proper appeal to the left, which illustrates the major flaw in his approach and presentations that he needs to work on–more proof that he’s raw and not ready yet. If he wants to lead this Party, both on the LNC, and as a Presdiential nominee, he needs to grow a balance to both sides of the specturm, and right now it ain’t happenning. So he has a major gap to fill in his media savvy, and that’s his problem.
BTW, Libertarians get on Air America all the time–I personally have heard Judge Gray on Hartmann, Ron Paul all over the place, Reason and Cato and von Mises folks on Hartmann as well. It’s not as difficult as you think.
RE: Time: You mistake what they publish vs. what he presents. The coup is to get the column space to present yourself, not what they write about you.
I don’t read the New York Times, because I prefer real news and real journalism. The only “Times” paper of significance in the nation is the Chicago Sun-Times, and they’ve gone downhill since Mike Royko and Irv Kupsickin died.
The fact that I think we need to aim our outreach more to the left than Wayne does doesn’t mean that Wayne’s a bad guy or in some way deficient at outreach.
Good point, Tom. Wouldn’t it be great to start getting on Tom Knapp on Olbermann, Maddow, etc., to add/balance what Wayne is doing with Beck, Savage, etc.?
I hope that even those folks here who don’t want to lift a finger to help Wayne would help get someone else – Knapp, Ruwart, or any of the folks who get quoted in the CLIPR press releases, or themselves – on some of the left-leaning shows, rather than just criticize Wayne for going on conservative shows.
And thanks to Susan Hogarth and anyone who tabled at America’s Future Now the last few days. I was hoping to go myself, but I needed to stay in Morgantown and get enough signatures to pay for a month’s rent and a month’s deposit at an apartment I subleased.
Sometimes a person can get on radio and television shows because listeners and viewers are making requests of the producers. If we want Wayne Root on these programs, let’s make a list of them and target them.
Anyone want to volunteer?
I’m not the best volunteer for the job, given that I have very little internet access right now, but here’s a start:
MS__I was commenting that he could work as hard at it
me_ why dont we work hard at it
Michael Seebeck @ 50
“Aaron, if Root doesn’t have the connections on the left and needs help, what does that say about his alleged media savvy?”
The fact that he’s in the media almost every day is evidence that he has media savvy, certainly more than any of the rest of us do.
It’s not impossible to get into the “left” tilting media outlets, it just isn’t the low hanging fruit for him today. We could help change that, if we are willing.
I wish that more liberal media outlets were willing to air the views of libertarians, but I’m afraid that for many of them their disagreement with us on our views on economic freedom is more important to them than our agreement with them on matters of personal freedom.
You might recall that Wayne Root had an article published about him in Time Magazine — not exactly a bastion of conservative media — in the weeks leading up to the 2008 convention.
He would love to do a regular weekly column in the New York Times, if they were willing to print it. They’re just not a friendly venue to either conservatives or libertarians.
You might recall how the NYT did a scathing unfair review of Brian Doherty’s book Radicals for Capitalism.
I’m not unhappy to see that many of these newspapers are experiencing declining readership and revenues.
I agree that breaking through to left-leaning media is at this point in time more challenging for Root than the right. His heritage is largely right, and he speaks their language more fluently.
At this point, his rhetoric around Obama and things left wouldn’t play on MSNBC. He runs the risk of sounding like Rush Limbaugh or something, which runs the risk of his getting mocked by a Maddow or an Olbermann.
I’d suggest Root needs some work on this area. Ls can be effective by out-lefting the left. Critiques of “detainee” reversals; continued presense in Iraq; drug raids; bailouts; policeman of the world; etc., come to mind.
Barr got a fair amount of left coverage, and his lawyer/privacy/ACLU, anti-Iraq, former R congressman calling his old team on economics played.
Root needs to develop a similar narrative, areas that can resonate on the left. He probably has some of this, but he could stand to develop a stronger “rap” in these areas before cultivating the left media. He doesn’t need a repeat of his REASON interview.
Tom @44, you misread what I said and arrived at the wrong conclusion.
I said, ““[I]t’s pretty obvious that Wayne has worked hard to cultivate media contacts on the political statist right in the media (Savage, Fox), so he should be able to do the same thing on the left.”
The conclusion was that he could work hard to cultivate media on the left, NOT your assumption that he would be successful at it. I was commenting that he could work as hard at it. I made no mention of results, only efforts.
Fact is, if Wayne is truly as good at selling himself as he thinks he is, then he should relish the challenge and be successful.
I’m simply laying that challenge out to him.
Aaron, if Root doesn’t have the connections on the left and needs help, what does that say about his alleged media savvy?
Maybe I missed it, but I see no mention of it on WNYM Radio’s website
Michael Seebeck @ 44
I want to thank Thomas Knapp for stating the challenge here more eloquently than I have.
It’s harder to break into BOTH the conservative and liberal media. I do believe that it IS possible, it’s just not easy.
If we want Wayne Root to break through more into liberal media — and I know he would like to do so — it’s going to take more of us willing to ask producers of those programs to have him as on a guest.
Does anyone want to help make this happen?
@ 46 l.g. writes “if there is no good media outreach on ‘the left’ , then that is our failure , not Waynes. what we need to do is learn how he does it.”
Pick up the damn phone and call. Send a letter with an interesting topic. I’ve done radio and got on by presenting interesting topics. I’ve also done a bit of the tube. I haven’t done much in the last eight years because my life has been more important, but over the next few months maybe I’ll be able to help others get some face time on the tube.
Each of us probably can get some time on the public station in our own city. It would help if we had some resonable video to air that was properly produced and not by “Two Jerks with a Camera”. Where I am locally there is a chance to do something and it has been done before.
Another thing to do is to invite someone from a local station, or local paper in to speak at you regular meeting. That can generate a piece that the speaker writes as a follow up. In one city I lived in we did just that and got a nice editorial in return. I still have a copy around here somewheres. A couple of years later that writer moved over to become the news director at a local television station, and all though I had moved, I heard that station endorsed Andre Morrou for Prez.
It ain’t rocket science. Get to it!
I know right? Instead of thinking we need to do what he does , some think why doesnt he do this , that or what I want.
Personal responsibility remember?
if there is no good media outreach on ‘the left’ , then that is our failure , not Waynes.
what we need to do is learn how he does it.
You write:
“[I]t’s pretty obvious that Wayne has worked hard to cultivate media contacts on the political statist right in the media (Savage, Fox), so he should be able to do the same thing on the left.”
Your conclusion doesn’t follow from your premise.
It’s like saying that having worked hard to cultivate contacts in the meat packing industry, one should be able to do the same thing in the animal rights community.
Not only is that not necessarily so, but in point of fact cultivating the one group can raise trust issues with the other that make meaningful exchange harder than if they’d never heard of you at all.
I’m not going to try to start a debate about the quality of Wayne’s “libertarian credentials,” but I don’t think many would argue when I say that those credentials as such are for the most part “right libertarian” or “conservative/libertarian” credentials.
His areas of emphasis, and his positions on those areas, tend to appeal to a more right-leaning crowd.
To put a finer point on it, Glenn Beck and Neil Cavuto are going to be more comfortable with Wayne than Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow would be …
… and the fact that Beck and Cavuto are comfortable with him would likely make Olbermann and Maddow predisposed to be nervous about having him on, unless they think he’ll be easy for them to roll right over on the air.
The fact that I think we need to aim our outreach more to the left than Wayne does doesn’t mean that Wayne’s a bad guy or in some way deficient at outreach. Everyone’s got their limitations, and those limitations aren’t necessarily character flaws.
Aaron, it’s pretty obvious that Wayne has worked hard to cultivate media contacts on the political statist right in the media (Savage, Fox), so he should be able to do the same thing on the left. Yet he hasn’t done that. Why not, and why should we do his work for him if he so good at it?
Hell, when I got on radio as a guest host in 2001-3 it was because I said one thing controversial and promptly had my cell phone cut off in mid-sentence. The end result was a studio appearance debate over the PARTIOT Act and a guest hosting gig. Nobody did that work for me. I created the opportuity with a little luck.
In fact, the last media work for a candidate I’ve done, not including Chris Agrella now, was for Judge Gray in 2004 when I got him on John Ziegler on KFI–again through a created opportunity and a little luck.
Wayne can get that done without lil ‘ol me. Assuming he wants to speak to that audience, that is…
Any word on what time the show airs, or on whether it will be available as a web stream for those outside the three initial markets? I don’t see anything about it on his campaign site.
i meant Baldwin was a racist
JDUEnsing__As for Burns, he got more votes for Vice President from Nevada than WAR did. How many times did you vote for WAR at the national convention? For any office?
me __ everybody knows Nevada didnt vote for Root at the convention . Its old news , he was too new and we didnt feel he had paid his dues.
he has now , and thats whats changed . dont get pissy the rest of us have changed our outlook instead of clinging too ancient history.
Jim__What has the Barr / Root team done to improve their rankings with you?
me__ pathetic attempt at spin . there is no Barr /Root team and you know it. You were sitting right next to me at the meeting where Root did a superb and uncontroversial job of distancing himself from Barr and you agreed that was a good move and you also agreed then that Root was doing a much better job than previously . so this flip-flopping your doing is so transparent.
I got more votes just in my local race than Barr / Root got in the whole state.
me_ uh me too , uh flippin DUH. Local congress and assembly races always garner more votes than the 3rd party Pres ticket . I would have thought youd have known that. so either your dumb or intentionally trying to misrepresent:)
JIM__And, no, Barr didn’t get my vote. I voted with Ron Paul.
me__ ROFL , my ass you didnt vote ‘with RP’ you voted for Chuck friggin Baldwin. Hes a resict , a homophobe among other things . one of his biggest talking points was releasing two border agents who shot a peaceful man in the butt then tried to cover it up.
not to mention you photo-ed your ballot and forwarded it to the Barr campaign , seriously could you be more adolescent?
I NEVER liked Bob Barr , I wasnt voting for him until I read a post from LP founder David Nolan saying dont give money to the campaign but hold your nose and vote for Barr , and get a better candidate next time.
thats what i did , i stand by it , and there are more than plenty people who couldnt stand Barr but held their nose and voted for the LP candidate.
your getting worse at spin…
Your popularity contest rankings are off by quite a bit. At least two ballparks and a superspeedway.
I actually respect WAR more than you at this point. He’s just trying to promote his pro-war neo-libertarian version of our political party. He and I happen to disagree strongly on that point.
As for Burns, he got more votes for Vice President from Nevada than WAR did. How many times did you vote for WAR at the national convention? For any office?
What has the Barr / Root team done to improve their rankings with you? I got more votes just in my local race than Barr / Root got in the whole state. And, no, Barr didn’t get my vote. I voted with Ron Paul.
You voted for one of the biggest “former” drug warriors in Congress. That’ll improve your karma. How many of your friends did Bob Barr’s actions put in prison? Keep shilling for the Michael Weiner version of Libertarianism.
Michael Seebeck @ 34
Sometimes a person can get on radio and television shows because listeners and viewers are making requests of the producers. If we want Wayne Root on these programs, let’s make a list of them and target them.
Anyone want to volunteer?
incidentally Obama is a racist in some ways , and whats her names statements were racist too.
give your money to Tim , Duensing he’s the Treasurer.
the vast vast ajority of Libertarians in Nevada support Root , including ALL of the new affiliate members.
they were so stoked to have heard Wayne speak , and even more-so to have their pic taken with him.
Jim Duensing and 1 or 2 others are the only ones making a stink about Root.
dont apologize for me , im no racist and in a popularity contest theres noone besides your mom and dad and maybe Jim Burns that like you more than me.apologize for ruining our last meeting and for ruining the next one too , im sure
I’m not the only one having difficulty with the online payment processor, but thanks for spinning it in the blogosphere. If you can make it to the next Sam Adams, I’ll give you the $35 in cash if the website isn’t fixed yet. You’ll have to give me a written receipt at this point.
There’s a difference, which you don’t yet seem to grasp, between criticizing a self-proclaimed national Libertarian spokesman who calls Obama a racist on live national television and what you call “pointing fingers” for what you apparently perceive to be persoanl reasons.
Let WAR defend himself for calling Sotamayor a racist typical of Obama.
Why do you still unquestioningly support WAR after he made such a major blunder in the first 30 seconds of his FOXNEWS appearance? Are you that easily fooled by his tout-service salesman tactics? I expected more from a Las Vegas native.
For the record, not all Libertarians in Sin City are racist. On behalf of the Clark County Libertarian Party, I apologize for the comments and actions of Deb and WAR.
In liberty, with eternal vigilance,
im Davidson // Jun 3, 2009 at 6:10 am
@21 “incidentally I believe you still owe for dinner”
I am delighted. I feel so much better about libertariangirl. The delightful audacity of dunning a customer for money on a nationally indexed political blog is simply amazing. You are a delight to behold. You go girl!
me__ um not sure how I feel about that . If JD is delighted I feel like maybe i should apologize for airing dirty laundry .
my excuse , everytime Jim Duensing points a finger at Wayne , Im going to point two back at him.
Well, if he has these extensive media contacts, he should have no problem with that, should he?
Paulie @ 32
I’m certain Wayne Root would love to be on more liberal news shows and media.
If people here would help make that happen, I’m sure he would be appreciative.
What Wayne Root is doing here is called building a bridge. Newsmax is a conservative leaning outlet. It’s readership is largely conservative.
Fair enough.
I hope Wayne (and other LPers) work just as hard to build bridges to non-conservative audiences.
@21 “incidentally I believe you still owe for dinner”
I am delighted. I feel so much better about libertariangirl. The delightful audacity of dunning a customer for money on a nationally indexed political blog is simply amazing. You are a delight to behold. You go girl!
Rich and Rob,
Don’t be too quick to accuse me of “fairness” 😉
Such disruption sounds like COINTELPRO behavior.
Yes, kudos for Mr. Knapp and his fairness on this and many matters.
Great post at 14. So many Libertarians want to shoot the messenger before the messenger has spoken.
and I have no doubt you were glad jim , glad in knowing exactly what you were doing by being such a nuisance and disruptor
you didnt hear anything Balko said , you werent even looking at him , and several people at other tables were offended by your behavior as well. I dont doubt the ‘voting member’ didnt complain as the child was his.
never-the -less , new folks and old were taken abock by your behavior , but all I can say is at least your consistant with poor behavior.
do you not take responsibility for acting like a jack-ass?
the fact that Shawn doesnt like Wayne has nothing to do with you being a noticable distraction during Balko’s speech.
As to Waynes comments, I always think its good not to use definative black and white statements such as 100% or ALWAYS or NEVER.
and I do spend WAY TOO MUCH time n the blogosphere
The excomm member at my table didn’t complain. Incidentally, he’s also not a WAR supporter.
I’m not surprised that your whole table had nothing better to do during a speech than whisper about me. I enjoyed Balko’s speech. I was glad to help our young Libertarian watch the speech with her mother and father.
What do you think about WAR’s performance on national television calling Sotomayor a 100% racist pick typical of Obama?
You said you agreed with BALKO , and his post had to do with being on Savage too much.
Playing with a child at the front table was disrespectful . If the child had started to cry , someone should have exited with the child , as is
proper .
Maybe you didnt care if you heard Radley or not , but several people that paid ( incidentally I believe you still owe for dinner) complained about your inappropriate behavior. Nate was mortified , as was all other excomm members.
I kno who Hacienda Mike is , I met him in the back when I went to ask Nate if he could say something to you. He was back there doing the same thing.Everysingle person at my table was whispering about your behavior.
It was rude , unproffessional , adolescent and a myriad of other bade expletives.
and , you knew exactly what you were doing
I did miss those comments. I don’t spend as much time as you or the Army on the blogosphere.
The father of the child you mentioned above, later thanked the “buffoon” for entertaining the young child so she didn’t cry through the speech. No one at my table complained. Don’t know who HaciendaMike is.
You’re getting better at spin lil d. Nice try to change the topic from whether WAR should call Supreme Court Justices 100% racist as our national spokesman
hey Jim did you follow the Balko link above?
you were mentiones in the comments section of the blog post at Agitator.
Ill cut and paste it here in case you missed it:
#22 | HaciendaMike | May 18th, 2009 at 9:17 pm
When Root mentioned appearing on the Savage show during his remarks at the Clark County LP, I immediately wrote him off from any future consideration and tuned out the rest of his remarks. Anyone who enables Savage, granting him legitimacy by appearing on his show is not a person who I would choose to support.
As I remarked to State Chair Joe Silvestri after your remarks, the problem with the LP is that most of the candidates they field are so far off the wall, the haven’t got a snowball’s chance in a Vegas summer of being elected. Case in point, Radley, was the rude buffoon who was throwing paper and playing with a child during your presentation. When I moved to the back of the room and asked the county chair who this clown was, he informed me that it was the previous state chair of the party.
While I renewed my party membership at the function, I remain convinced that the LP will never amount to anything unless people of more quality and less weirdness become candidates, both for political and party offices.
me again__ you’ll recognize the buffoon mentioned as yourself . Again id like to thank you for ruining yet another expensive event.
he was one of 3 people that extensively complained about you.
perhaps before you worry about anything Wayne says , you coyld check yourself and your increasingly childish behavior.
How much does Michael Weiner charge for 5 minutes of time on his Billo like show?
At least WAR will be able to fill the air.
I agree with Balko on WAR. I wish WAR would quit saying the next Supreme Court Justice is “a 100% racist typical of Obama” so the LNC doesn’t have to apologize for another former Libertarian vice-presidential candidate.
In liberty, with eternal vigilance,
Jim Duensing
Supervisors and managers suck!!!!!
#14 Great post, Tom. Right on target!
Didn’t someone already make this story?
It would be easy to slam Wayne for talking as if he’s still a Republican … but not so fast. This is a print article, not a live audio or video interview.
It could just as easily be that he was asked a generic “what would the Republican Party have to do to regain its majority?” question, and that the writer then popped his answer into a different context to make him look like a current (albeit dissatisfied), rather than former, Republican.
It would not be the first time that a Libertarian candidate, spokesperson, etc. got rolled by the press in that way.
With his book coming out and now his own radio show, Wayne will be speaking direct and unfiltered. He won’t have to satisfy another show’s host, or rely on a print reporter to quote him accurately … he’ll be saying exactly what he wants to say, in exactly the way he wants to say it.
I encourage my fellow Libertarians to read/listen to what Wayne says in those more “direct to audience” environments before deciding whether to support or oppose his presidential candidacy.
Good Luck Wayne , just make sure you say Libertarian Party and Nevada in the same sentence at least once a show!
“Socially tolerant”? What an ass. “Socially Liberal” is more accurate according to the origin of that phrase.
Of course both versions are inaccurate because conservatives aren’t conservative and liberals aren’t liberal, but Root should try to get it right just a little.
I wish Mr. Root the best of luck with his radio endeavor.
I’ll just offer that all this talk of a bigger tent is a net loss for freedom as the Democrats have the issue framed as all political positions are acceptable and desirable. The Republicans (and Mr. Root) will flail about talking about bigger tents and some readers (e.g. me) will just be wondering when these folks will start discussing issues instead of tents.
As for Michael Savage, Mr. Root is trying to raise name awareness for himself and Michael Savage’s show may well be the best method available. As Libertarian philosophy allows for individual decisions and holds decision makers responsible for their actions I think this is all up to Mr. Root. Michael Savage is not a milk toast radio host and probably wouldn’t be as popular if he was.
Good Luck Wayne. I hope you do well.
I agree Wayne should avoid Michael Savage like the plague. If any of you have listened to Wayne on Savage, it like a 5 minute infomercial. Savage sells 5 minute blocks of time in his final hour. The Guest is allowed to speak about almost anything uninterrupted for 5 minutes. Savage, will occasionally, insert a “tell me more” or “wow’. These segments are obviously tapped prior to the show and are not live. As someone who listens to a lot of conservative talk radio, Savage never lets anyone talk for 5 minutes uninterrupted.
I have heard Wayne on The Jerry Doyle Show and he was great unscripted. I have also heard Wayne on non-conservative local talk radio and he was articulate in differentiating the Libertarian Party from the republicans and democrats. Callers were asking him tough questions and were very positive to his responses and message.
It is amazing how often Hannity, Levin, Boortz and Rush will advocate the L word (libertarian) in their monologues. Whats wrong with a LP member going toe to toe with the Hannity, Rush and Levin in the daily pundit battle.
I for one want to see the LP move beyond being a debating society and become political party that is viable alternative to dumb and dumber in the political party scene.
@ 8
Man, we libertarians can be so politically tone deaf at times.
What Wayne Root is doing here is called building a bridge. Newsmax is a conservative leaning outlet. It’s readership is largely conservative.
If you’re communicating to that audience you need to first get them to feel comfortable with you by using language they understand so that they will like you and want to listen to you further. Then you can bring them over the bridge to where you are.
This is quite different from the standard libertarian practice of first disagreeing with your audience and further alienating them in the hopes that somehow we will shake them from their world view. That simply does not work.
The NewsMax article at slightly greater length claims:
“His radio program, “W.A.R.: The Wayne Allyn Root Show,” debuts on June 6. He scored a coup by landing spots on stations in the three largest markets, New York (WNYM), Los Angeles (KABC) and Chicago (WIND).
Root expects his Saturday show to be on more than 20 stations within six months, and to be widely available nationwide within a year.
His main thrust is that the Republican Party and conservatives in general have “disintegrated” and the GOP needs a “bigger tent” if the party is going to succeed in the future.
“We need to bring libertarian/conservatives back into the tent, along with moderates and independents,” Roots tells Newsmax.
“I am the only conservative host who will hold Republican feet to the fire.” ”
If these quotes were accurate, they appear to be highly inappropriate for someone who should be considered for the Libertarian Presidential nomination.
BTW, he doesn’t appear to be listed on KABC’s program schedule yet, either.
Well, I did say we needed more information…
But he most likely won’t succeed in LA, because KABC leans conservative here, and KFI is already conservative/libertarian and AFAIK it dominates that market out here.
Can anyone find the Arbitron ratings?
His main thrust is that the Republican Party and conservatives in general have “disintegrated” and the GOP needs a “bigger tent” if the party is going to succeed in the future.
[. . .]
“We need to bring libertarian/conservatives back into the tent, along with moderates and independents,” Roots tells Newsmax.
These are a little odd. I would like for Wayne to clarify what his intent was in those statements.
Another Denver Delegate – Oh yeah, there’s nothing to be discontented about in the Newsmax article, is there?
The Libertarian Party’s 2008 vice presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root has a new talk radio show he’s calling the libertarian/conservative version of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
[. . .]
Wayne Root is a best-selling author, a regular contributor on Fox News and Fox Business Network, and a weekly commentator on “Savage Nation” with Michael Savage and “The Jerry Doyle Show.”
[. . .]
His main thrust is that the Republican Party and conservatives in general have “disintegrated” and the GOP needs a “bigger tent” if the party is going to succeed in the future.
[. . .]
“We need to bring libertarian/conservatives back into the tent, along with moderates and independents,” Roots tells Newsmax.
Now this, from Radley Balko:
I’m not a member of the Libertarian Party, so perhaps my advice doesn’t mean much to them. But I’m going to give it, anyway:
Stop this, now. Either persuade Root to stop going on Savage’s show, or show Root the door. I’m all about building coalitions where appropriate. But there’s nothing remotely appropriate about Michael Savage.
Michael Savage is a raving bigot. He regularly uses phrases like “turd-world countries” and “ghetto slime.” He once wished rape on a group of high school girls who make trips into San Francisco to feed the homeless. He’s a blood-thirsty warmonger, and a feverish culture warrior. He once said on the air that, “When I hear someone’s in the civil rights business, I oil up my AR-15!” On social issues, he’s far to the right of just about every elected Republican official I can think of. He has wished AIDS and death on homosexuals. He regularly denigrates drug users. He is virulently anti-immigration. In short, there’s nothing remotely libertarian about him.
If Root’s aim is to take the LP in the direction of Michael Savage, the LP should distance themselves from Root right now.
There’s nothing honorable to be gained from this.
Radley Balko, “Red Flag in the LP“, The Agitator, May 18th, 2009
“The GOP mainstream today, Root asserts, is fiscally conservative and socially conservative”
This story seems to be substantively the same as an earlier story by Susan Hogarth
Not that I care.
Go for it Wayne. I hope you will be on a station in the Bay Area soon. I am sure The Malcontents will be in a frenzy over this. Good Luck.