A group of individuals identifying themselves as Florida Reform Party activists are attempting to organize a new national and state party, as well as nominate a presidential candidate, according to a recent email sent to Independent Political Report.
The email, sent by George Boone on the group’s behalf, claims that the group met in a closed meeting in Spring Hill, Florida, where members decided they would form a new national and state organization in response to unaddressed grievances with the Reform Party National Committee. The group states that the Reform Party National Committee has refused to organize a new national convention despite concerns raised with party leadership earlier this year. It also accuses the National Committee of falsely claiming to have established new, unpublished governing documents to legitimize what it describes as a corrupt bargain with the Kennedy campaign. The group further alleges that the Reform Party National Committee has formed a Joint Fundraising Committee with the Kennedy campaign and the Libertarian National Committee “for the benefit and enrichment of the Kennedy family.”
The group’s email also outlines several criticisms with the Kennedy campaign, including the campaign allegedly offering a “quid pro quo” to drop out of the election and Kennedy’s “advocacy of a zionist foreign policy and half baked conspiracy theories.” It asserts that the Reform Party National Committee is controlled by “the same faction that has stirred discontent within the Party since 2000” and is “wholly loyal to the fringe Kennedy campaign.”
“As such, we will organize the legitimate Reform Party of the United States of America and organize an affiliate in Florida. We denounce the Kennedy Cartel and will nominate a legitimate Reform Party candidate,” the email concludes.
Earlier this year, both IPR and the Florida Bureau of Election Records were included in a letter Boone and two other individuals had sent to several members of Reform Party leadership, calling the nomination of Kennedy at the party’s May 23 convention a violation of the party’s governing documents. It further alleged that Kennedy’s selection was the result of a deal between the Reform Party and the campaign and demanded a second national convention to be held in person.
Jenniffer Desatoff, who chairs the Reform Party of Florida, pushed back against the letter on social media at the time, claiming Boone and the two other signatories were not members of the Reform Party of Florida, noting that they were not listed in the party’s membership database.
When asked by IPR this week if he is a current or former member of the Reform Party, Boone did not address the question in his response. Instead, he denounced the current leadership for allowing the Florida affiliate to initially become defunct in 2023 and pointed to the Reform Party’s collaboration with the Libertarian National Committee and supporters of Kennedy as validation of the group’s concerns.
Boone also shared that the group is actively in discussion with a possible candidate, although he said they would not announce their name until they had recruited all the required electors. However, it’s worth noting that the filing deadline for presidential candidates qualifying through a minor party associated with a national party in Florida is August 24.
The documents were published in a space that is available to all active members that can join and register for free. Those documents were published only a few days after the October Convention on October 14th, 2023. We also have a recording of the process through Zoom.
Boone, Boone and Adams completely undermine any credibility their criticism of the national committee might have, with their “criticisms” of Kennedy. They seem to just be trying to imitate the same stunt Joe Wendt already pulled with the Natural Law Party for a quick buck.