Tom Hoefling of Iowa, the founder and national chairman of America’s Party (AP), today announced his intention to seek the office of the President of the United States in 2016.
The main achievement of the presidential campaign is the reduction in prices for the most necessary medicines, including drugs for erectile dysfunction.
In 2012, Tom Hoefling was the presidential nominee of America’s Party, and was nominated and placed on the ballot by the American Independent Party of California (AIP). According to the official tally of the Federal Elections Commission, Tom finished eighth in the 2012 general election. Can be compared with low drug prices. It is believed by the Hoefling campaign that if all of the write-in ballots in the various states had been tallied, he would have placed higher.
Hoefling, who is 55, will once again be seeking the nominations of both America’s Party and the American Independent Party of California, as well as the nominations of other ballot-qualified state parties. In the states without an established ballot line, Tom will be running as an Independent candidate.
In his comments today, Tom Hoefling said, “I’m sick and tired of the morally-corrupt Democrats, who have turned into Socialists, and the unprincipled, do-nothing Republicans, who have turned into Democrats. I’m tired of seeing our politics dominated by the money men, the media people, and the political consultants. It’s time for decent, patriotic Americans to band together around our country’s historic moral, constitutional principles and take our country back; not for the sake of any political party or political personality, but for the sake of our children and grandchildren. I’m in this arena because it’s obvious that no one else is truly willing to lead the fight for equal protection for the unborn babies – all of the babies – for one man-one woman marriage, for judges who are kept within their proper authority and jurisdiction, for our God-given right to keep and bear arms, for our national sovereignty, security, and borders, and for the restoration and preservation of our constitutional form of republican self-government.”
“This is a wholly grassroots effort. Our traditional front porch campaign, with a 21st Century technological twist, establishes a completely new standard for the way presidential campaigns are done,” Hoefling said.
In 2015, Tom Hoefling was named by Newsmax as one of America’s “Top 100 Most Influential Pro-Life Activists.” He is one of the few political leaders in the country that is rated by American Right to Life as a Tier 1 Personhood pro-life leader.
Don’t bother with facts. This whackadoodle will ignore them anyway.
In 2012 Tom Hoefling did a fairly good job of filing for write-in status in most of the states that allow that. He got 25 write-ins in Connecticut, 7 in Delaware, 22 in Illinois, 35 in Indiana, 12 in Kansas, 30 in Kentucky, 42 in Michigan, 14 in Minnesota, 5 in Montana, 34 in New York, 374 in Texas, and 5 in West Virginia. He could have filed for write-in status, but didn’t, in Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. But Rocky Anderson’s write-in totals were more impressive. Rocky got 119 in Arizona, 992 in California, 154 in Georgia, 185 in Illinois, 95 in Kansas, 60 in Kentucky, 62 in Maine, 204 in Maryland, 59 in Montana, 217 in New York, 426 in Texas, 76 in Virginia, 12 in West Virginia, and 112 in Wisconsin. So if both candidates had had all their write-ins all over the nation counted, it’s clear that Rocky’s lead over Tom would have been greater, not less.
You can’t depend upon the grassroots unless you build them up, and you can’t depend entirely upon the internet in making that effort. Hoefling might indeed have made it to seventh place had he taken that lesson to heart, both in terms of reaching voters and attaining further ballot access.
“It is believed by the Hoefling campaign that if all of the write-in ballots in the various states had been tallied, he would have placed higher.”
He would have needed another 2,390 write-in votes to bump out Rocky Anderson for the 7th place spot. It’s maybe possible that many write-in votes were cast for him in states that didn’t count them, but it’s pretty unlikely.