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IPR Receives Media Credential: Will Cover Constitution Party Convention in SLC

Earlier today Independent Political Report received confirmation that the Constitution Party has approved IPR’s request for in-person Media Credentials to cover their 2024 National Presidential Nominating Convention, in Salt Lake City, Utah; 24 – 27 April, 2024. IPR reporters will share state-by-state delegation votes for each of the candidates seeking the party’s nomination both here, and in response to a request, with the editors of Ballot Access News.

Pre-convention party committee meetings begin on Wednesday afternoon with the Executive Committee Meeting chaired by Jim Clymer, the party’s National Chairman. Credentials and Rules Committee meetings follow. The current full convention agenda can be found as a downloadable PDF at the bottom of this article.

As of this date the following three candidates have submitted the materials required to seek the party’s nomination (additional candidates have until Friday, 26 April 2024 to qualify).

Dr. Daniel Clyde Cummings, “a Utah resident, and a respected family medicine physician”.

Joel Skousen, “a Utah resident, is a scholar on Constitutional theory and principles”.

Randall Terry, “a nationally known pro-life activist and television personality, from Tennessee”.

NOTE: For the candidate links above, IPR was not immediately able to find campaign websites for Dr. Cummings, nor for Joel Skousen. Those links direct to a PBS candidate video from 2020 for Dr. Cummings, and to a Wikipedia article which includes a mention of Joel Skousen’s 2024 presidential campaign). Randall Terry’s campaign website can be found at the link above (accessed: 22 April 2024).

The following speakers are also scheduled for presentations during the Convention:

S. Marshall Wilson, Constitution Party Candidate for Governor of West Virginia, will speak on “A Strategic Vision to Restore the Republic.”

Ben McClintock, founder, membership coordinator and investigative reporter for Tree of Liberty Society, will speak on “Using Natural Law to Restore Freedom.”

Janine Hansen, National Constitutional Issues Chairman for Eagle Forum and State Chairman of Independent American Party of Nevada, will speak on “Dangers of an Article 5 Convention.”

Donna Brandenburg, entrepreneur, candidate for governor of Michigan, founder and host of the Brandenburg News Network, will speak on “Pursuing Election Integrity.”

Presidential Candidate Nominations and Presentations are scheduled to occur on Friday afternoon (2:45 pm – 5:00 pm).

The Roll Call Vote of the States to Select Presidential Candidate is scheduled to occur on Saturday Morning between 9:00 and 10:30am; with the Vice Presidential Roll Call between 3:00 and 3:30pm.

In an interview with convention organizer Becky Hatch earlier today, as of this date, delegations from 23 states are anticipated, with a total convention attendance of approximately 120 individuals (including this reporter).

NOTE: Not all state delegations have identification as Constitution Party affiliates. Examples include states representing the US Taxpayer Party, and the American Independent Party, which are anticipated to be recognized as delegations voting for candidates seeking the Constitution Party presidential nomination, as well as in other business matters.

IPR readers wishing to register for the convention may do so HERE. A full copy of the convention schedule is available HERE.


  1. Doc April 26, 2024

    I think Nevada IAP typically puts the CP nominee on. The California AIP hasn’t since 2004.

  2. Interested Voter April 26, 2024

    Does this mean there are delegates there from the American Independence Party who will be putting the CP candidate on their line?

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