The Libertarian Party will host an inauguration day party in Washington, D.C., next month to celebrate what it calls the coming “libertarian phase.” Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, announced the event when she published a registration page on X last week.
“Join us for a historic evening as we celebrate the dawn of a new era for liberty in Washington, D.C. The Libertarian Party’s Liberty Launch Party marks the start of the Libertarian wave in the Federal Government, and you’re invited to be part of the celebration!” reads the registration page shared by McArdle.
The event will take place on inauguration night at 1905 9th Street NW. Tickets are required for access, with McArdle promoting it as “the most affordable inauguration event in D.C.” According to the registration page, attendees will network with other members and receive exclusive announcements about “the Libertarians joining the new administration.” Additionally, they will “anxiously await the commutation of Ross Ulbricht.”
In her announcement, McArdle also highlighted the event as a reflection of the Libertarian Party’s growing influence within the new administration. She pointed to the appointment of “a Libertarian Party Lifetime member” to a cabinet position and claims that dozens of libertarians are under consideration for federal roles aimed at reducing government size. McArdle also noted progress with the party’s Local DOGE Initiative, a project launched in December mirroring the federal effort headed by Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk, which has already been implemented in one Colorado town.
McArdle added that the event would also welcome individuals aligned with MAHA, the Make America Healthy Again movement associated with supporters of former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., following his endorsement of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump.
“All I hear is something that sounds like one parrot squawking and a whole bunch of crickets.”
…says the one now resorting to literally parroting Solipsistic Dungfly.
Since you have found nothing new to say, nor even a new way of saying the same yet again, I will simply direct you to my replies below which already debunked the unconvincing bullshit you keep lazily repeating.
All I hear is something that sounds like one parrot squawking and a whole bunch of crickets. Nuna shows as much evidence that she has convinced anyone of any of her claims as she has presented for any of them , which is none at all.. and she’s far too shrill to be a man, of course. That was at least funny. Like my sincere question below, my prayer for her is entirely sincere.
“What is a small l libertarian was absolutely a sincere question.”
Of course it was, Romashka. /s
“I found the answer, no thanks to baby girl Nuna.”
You will notice that nobody else answered your “sincere question” either, since you made your disingenuous trolling so obvious…
“I’m still not going to look up the meaning of her codes, just like she still hasn’t given a single rational basis for her insistence about my secret identity, but since she insists on speaking for “everyone” and “we,” if it consists of more than just her, please speak up, if you exist.”
“I have a husband, and children, some still at home and some married with children of their own.”
Well, I guess at least it’s a minor variation on “I have a wife called Yuliya, and children, and lots of friends in Lugansk [sic], and they all agree with me, and my wife sends you a poison kiss”.
Am I supposed to be impressed that you are progressing with baby steps, Romashka? OK. Well done, keep it up. At this rate you might manage to convince a deaf and blind retard that you are a different person, before the end of the millennium…
“She, on other hand, sounds like the kind of perpetually bitter chippy who will die an old maid.”
Nope, now you’re back-slipping again. You’ve already tried this one. But the fact remains you know nothing of my family – which is as it should be – nor even whether I am a woman or a man, or perhaps several different people. And this is as it should be, since unlike you, I have no need to spin yarns
“I pray to Allah”
Won’t “Perun” get mad? Or are you allowed to pretend and apostatize in order to sell your lies? A fatwah, that would be called in your new assumed religion U+1F60F
What is a small l libertarian was absolutely a sincere question. I found the answer, no thanks to baby girl Nuna.
I’m still not going to look up the meaning of her codes, just like she still hasn’t given a single rational basis for her insistence about my secret identity, but since she insists on speaking for “everyone” and “we,” if it consists of more than just her, please speak up, if you exist.
I have a husband, and children, some still at home and some married with children of their own. She, on other hand, sounds like the kind of perpetually bitter chippy who will die an old maid. With her attitude, it is hard to see any man putting up with her, but I pray to Allah in
His infinite wisdom and mercy to show her the change of heart needed to find a husband and learn to submit to him (and to Him).
I missed whatever point she was trying to make regarding the libertarians and their ball in response to me, if indeed she even had one.
“is it because they’re just so incredibly thrifty and generous, or as seems more likely, because they have less value to offer”
The fact that they are charging $50 says it all. I like McArdle – or rather, I dislike her less than most previous LNC chairs since… probably Bergland. But this is such lame money grubbing from a party who can’t go a year without screwing up their finances. And the insulting cherry on top is calling this “This is the most affordable inauguration event in DC”. What a joke!
You know what would be more affordable? Not booking a restaurant in DC but instead holding a free potluck. Or celebrating online with a group/conference call, streaming a synced movie and/or playing online games together. Or, you know just putting it out there, not prematurely celebrating at all until after there is for a fact actually any libertarian in the administration, and Ulbricht has actually been freed…
“Of course anyone can use search engines. But everyone has other things to do, so sometimes its easier to ask.”
And of course “What is a small l libertarian?” was a sincere question /s
Especially followed by your disingenuous “I also don’t understand why the libertarian party would celebrate when they got less than half of one percent of the vote.”
Everyone can see the game you are playing, Romashka. It’s the same boring, old, lazy and creatively bankrupt game you always play. So, I repeat: gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8.
“unlike when she actually is directly asked a question, in which case she evades answering”
Nice projection, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich. But again stale and hackneyed. Try coming up with something new. Like an actual answer…
“That’s an example of something which she was in fact asked.”
Just because you (pretend to) have reading comprehension difficulties and can’t ever admit an error, regardless of tiny or great magnitude, doesn’t mean the answers haven’t been given…
“I still have some of my own kids at home to play kids games with, I don’t need her for that.”
No, banderovich, this too we have been over ad nauseam. You do not in fact have any kids. Nor do you have a wife called “Yuliya”. Nor do you have myriads of friends in Luhansk who agree with you. It’s just you and the figments of your sick and twisted imagination. And so all will go to burn in hell when you do. Ad maiorem Dei gloriam.
“I still don’t see any reason for libertarians to celebrate either way.”
You’re really gonna try and double down on your feigned ignorance, then, are you? OK, go ahead U+1F60F
“so throwing him an inauguration ball with some small d list magat hangers on who won’t be at the more popular magats balls is some serious big L cuckold fetish level groveling”
And yet you still want to be taken seriously when pretending not to be “your son”/Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich… Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8.
It would be even better if you actually put in even the tiniest modicum of effort though….
“The most affordable inauguration event in D.C.”
I wonder how they managed to be so affordable…is it because they’re just so incredibly thrifty and generous, or as seems more likely, because they have less value to offer and appeal to fewer and less prominent would be grifters and hangers on?
Of course anyone can use search engines. But everyone has other things to do, so sometimes its easier to ask. It wasn’t directed at baby girl Nuna, so naturally she was the only one who answered, unlike when she actually is directly asked a question, in which case she evades answering.
Banderovka? If I really cared what that is I’d look it up. Baby girl Nuna has not given any reason to care, just like she has not given any reasons for her odd beliefs regarding secret identities. That’s an example of something which she was in fact asked.
Or the strange coded message with 8s at the end. I see no reason to investigate whatever that’s supposed to mean.
If she wants to make whatever she’s hissing understood, she’d make the effort to make it easy to understand instead of trying to play the riddler. I still have some of my own kids at home to play kids games with, I don’t need her for that.
But as to something I actually did ask, ok, I looked. So small l libertarian is kind of like small d democrat? Ok, but I don’t think Donald Trump is a small l libertarian either. Small d democrat? Trump maybe one, maybe not. I still don’t see any reason for libertarians to celebrate either way.
Regardless, he is indisputably the big R Republican candidate who beat their sub 0.5% big L loser candidate, the big D drunk and her big D dementia daddy, and a few others, so throwing him an inauguration ball with some small d list magat hangers on who won’t be at the more popular magats balls is some serious big L cuckold fetish level groveling. If they expect scraps from Trump’s table in return, that’s most likely wishful thinking on there part.
The functional definition of libertarian appears to be “contrarian trolls who disagree as disagreeably as possible with everyone, but especially with each other.”
Trump is as close to that as anyone who ever successfully rises to that level in US politics, at least in living memory.
So, the contrarian trolls in charge of the allegedly libertarian party are celebrating the inauguration of a fellow contrarian troll, while other contrarian trolls who are in that party and/or call themselves libertarians are competing over how disagreeably they can disagree with that.
Yet again, the banderovka feign ignorance and pretends to be incapable of using a search engine… gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
It’s called jumping in front of a parade and pretending you’re leading it.
The Libertarian Party has entered the Twilight Zone.
What is a small l libertarian? Maybe I misunderstood US politics but I thought Republicans and libertarians are two different competing political parties?
I also don’t understand why the libertarian party would celebrate when they got less than half of one percent of the vote.
Did the Libertarian Party candidate win the Presidential election? Did a small “l” libertarian win the presidential election? If not, why should Libertarians celebrate the inauguration?
“But Trump is Republican?”
Cute maggot-rhinoism, but no. That facade crumbled irreparably in 2020, when he 1) decided to respond to the kungflu plandemic with draconian lock-downs, pointless social distancing, ineffective and unhealthy masking, and unsafe and untested gene-therapy masquerading as “vaccines”; 2) tried to blame the George Floyd insurrection on us anarchists, instead of on the BLM socialists behind it, in order to further encroach on Americans’ rights and liberty; and 3) did nothing meaningful to stand up for election integrity and combat the unprecedented level of voter fraud. At that point there is no calling him a Republican – much less, a republican – anymore.
It’s almost as though, if the LP didn’t prematurely celebrate very contrived victories, it would never find an excuse to celebrate anything…
How about we wait and see first, whether any libertarians will actually join the Trump administration at all – let alone achieve anything libertarian?
Coming libertarian phase? But Trump is Republican?
Delusional. Transparent. Pathetic. SAD!