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Georgia candidate for governor admits to bestiality

In Georgia, the Creators’ Rights Party candidate for governor is creating quite a stir by admitting to the fact that he’s had sex with a mule, men, and a watermelon, among other things.  He has done these things even though he advocates a strongly anti-gay agenda.  Here is an excerpt from  the candidate, Neal Horsley, appearing on the Alan Colmes Show:

“Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I…”

AC: “You had sex with animals?”

NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”

AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”

NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”

AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”

NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”

Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and “and I don’t think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I’m saying?”

Horsley said, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”


  1. Willie T. Frost January 4, 2012

    Maybe he’ll run with Carl Person?

  2. patriot February 17, 2010

    My cat once said “hi” to me…

  3. Third Party Revolution January 11, 2010

    Of course if people can’t see the video through that link, here is the video:

  4. Brad January 2, 2010


    “The question is, did he have sex with Bob Barr?”

    I think the mule in question was female.

    It’s unlikely, but who knows?

    When it comes to mules…don’t ask, don’t tell.

  5. paulie January 2, 2010

    As Matt said, I was out of town.

    I did report on this story at TPW, if I recall correctly.

    It puts a whole new meaning to “why did the chicken cross the road…”

  6. libertariangirl August 19, 2009


  7. Dylan August 19, 2009

    No, seriously… Hasn’t a dog ever humped your leg?

  8. Dylan August 19, 2009

    This is very old news. Anyway, animals can consent without speaking. Just as humans can. It’s called body language and engagement.

  9. Seriously? May 31, 2009

    Original interview was given in 2005. Way to stay current!

  10. Darren Mitton May 4, 2009

    “There’s nothing wrong with beasiality. Animals = property”

    OK, WTF is up with all the wackos claiming the stupidest shit under the banner of ‘Libertarianism’? Libertarianism — USED to stand for common-sense, but these f**kos want it to stand for anything they so desire – whether it is Libertarian platform or not. Makes me think it is inbred Republicans who want to tarnish the word ‘Libetarian’…..

  11. Rik May 1, 2009

    If the mule is really cute, who are we to judge?

  12. dana May 1, 2009

    Does this really seem worthy of so much conversing?

  13. Michael Seebeck April 30, 2009

    Trisexual = animal, vegetable, OR mineral!

  14. d.eris April 30, 2009

    “When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule. And then you become a politician and move on to screwing people.”

    Yes, but as a third party candidate, he’ll have the chance to screw some elephants and mules.

  15. NewFederalist April 30, 2009

    A truly mooving story although it was really baad! P.S. Eggplant much more gooder than watermelon for that special treat.

  16. Nexus April 30, 2009

    watermelon? Really??
    This reminds me of a line in Cheech & Chong’s ‘The Corsican Brothers’…
    ‘He’s a trisexual.’
    ‘A trisexual?’
    ‘Yeah. Mud…chickens…he’ll try anything.’

  17. G.E. April 30, 2009

    Good find, Ross… This story came around several years ago, too, and I just referenced it to Trent in chat tonight, before seeing you had re-posted it.

  18. Jim Davidson April 30, 2009

    “If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”

    And if its lips are moving, you know it is a lying politician. In his case, one with a total lack of self-control.

  19. Ralph Swanson April 30, 2009

    I’m reminded of the political advice LBJ supposedly gave to a lagging candidate.

    “Call the press and say your opponent makes love to pigs,” advised LBJ.

    Said the candidate: “But how can I prove it?”

    Said LBJ: “But how can he deny it?”

  20. Nate April 30, 2009

    “It should all come down to the non-aggression axiom. Did the chicken consent? ;)”

    Does the chicken have to consent to being killed and eaten?

    “There’s nothing wrong with beasiality. Animals = property”

    They said similar things about blacks 150 years ago. “Nothing wrong with slavery, blacks = property.” I don’t agree with that, nor do I agree that animals are our property. It’s hard to get a cow’s signature on a contract, but the least you can do is treat them to a fair exchange of goods, grass for milk.

  21. John C April 29, 2009

    I remember this story from what 4 years ago? It was kinda big on political blogs back then.

  22. mdh April 29, 2009

    Let me go on the record here – I’ve never had sex with a non-human animal. 😉

  23. mdh April 29, 2009

    Eternaverse, I agree. I think I failed to make my point, which was more along the lines that animals are considered property of humans without doing anything to in any way cede their rights…
    I hope that makes more sense.

  24. libertariangirl April 29, 2009

    Trent__Trent Hill // Apr 29, 2009 at 10:25 pm

    So how do we know you havent?

    me__ you dont.

  25. Eternaverse April 29, 2009

    mdf: “Humans are animals. Thus, can humans be property also?”

    Me: Of course they can, if they agree to being so. If you can’t sell/ give away your rights then you really don’t have them to begin with. All rights come from the concept of property, the idea you own yourself. If you don’t agree that people own themselves (and therefore can sell themselves) then you can’t claim to believe in any rights at all.

  26. Trent Hill April 29, 2009

    So how do we know you havent?

  27. libertariangirl April 29, 2009

    Im just sayin if i fucked a goat or a dog I wouldnt tell anybody

    im just sayin 🙂 lol

  28. mdh April 29, 2009

    I’m a fool, I know that much… but I’m an honest fool, and I am very happy with that part of myself.

  29. mdh April 29, 2009

    Humans are animals. Thus, can humans be property also?
    What gives you the divine right to claim that any animal is your property any more than I have the right to claim that you are my property?

  30. libertariangirl April 29, 2009

    Even if it was legal , would anyone still admit to it?

    whoever says 100% honesty is the best policy , is a fool and probably single.

  31. Libertarian Joseph April 29, 2009

    There’s nothing wrong with beasiality. Animals = property

  32. mdh April 29, 2009

    It should all come down to the non-aggression axiom. Did the chicken consent? 😉

  33. libertariangirl April 29, 2009

    This is right up Geshlider and Bass’ alley! LOL

    good one Joey

  34. Joey April 29, 2009

    The guys in the Free State Project in the Keene and Grafton areas must love this. Maybe they’ll try to recruit this guy into their sick fold.

    I know Zack Bass (aka Larry Pendarvis) and the Crew have been publicized recently on Man, wouldn’t that be something…this is the FSP’s perfect fit.

    And as Chuck Geshlider said recently,

    ” In the immortal words of Zack Bass, circa ‘04: “I don’t get you people…. we can kill and eat chickens, but you want to put an individual in jail for f*ckiing one, first!!!”


  35. Trent Hill April 29, 2009

    “When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.

    And then you become a politician and move on to screwing people.”

    In addition to this being the news story of the month–this is quote of the day. Congrats to perennial winner Tom Knapp.

  36. mdh April 29, 2009

    Paulie’s here in Morgantown with me. He doesn’t have regular internet access right now.

  37. libertariangirl April 29, 2009

    Paulie must be off the radar if he hasnt commented on this yet:)

  38. PTK April 29, 2009

    This actually isn’t very new stuff. He already made that statement to Alan Colmes on H and C.

  39. Thomas L. Knapp April 29, 2009

    When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.

    And then you become a politician and move on to screwing people.

  40. Gregg Jocoy April 29, 2009

    Nobody ever heard of a stump trained cow? None of you ever went to a Cow College?

  41. Michael Seebeck April 29, 2009

    OK, I’m with Gene, but cripes!

    The question is, did he have sex with Bob Barr?

    And may THAT image scar you for life.

  42. libertariangirl April 29, 2009


    oh man best story of the month LOL

  43. Gene Trosper April 29, 2009

    I am about to die from laughing so freaking hard!

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