The Constitution Party of California has re-filed as a political body with the Secretary of State’s office as part of the process to become a qualified political party. To achieve qualified status, the party must then either enroll a sufficient number of registered voters or collect verified signatures equal to 10% of the votes cast in the last gubernatorial election.
In California, a “political body” is a designation for organizations attempting to qualify as recognized political parties. Forming a political body involves holding a convention or caucus, as well as filing notice with the Secretary of State that the organization has organized, elected temporary officers, and intends to qualify as a party. The state tracks each body’s progress through periodic voter registration tallies, with the next update expected in the coming weeks.
As of this article’s publication, five political bodies are listed on the Secretary of State’s website, including the Constitution Party of California. Other political bodies in California include the Common Sense, Forward, Neutral, and Ring of Truth parties.
On the same site, Don Grundmann is listed as chair of the current Constitution Party of California political body. The Constitution Party of California was disaffiliated from the national Constitution Party in 2023. At the time, a representative for the national party told Independent Political Report that the disaffiliation was due to the California party’s failure to submit required organizing documents to maintain its affiliation.
“We have voted to disaffiliate the California Constitution Party. However, the California AIP is just getting reorganized, and nothing has been finalized with them yet,” said Janine Hansen, co-chair of the Western States Area, in a statement at the time.
However, Grundmann, who was Chair of the Constitution Party of California at the time, claimed the disaffiliation occurred because the national party did not want him in the position. A list of state contacts produced by the national Constitution Party late last year does not associate Grundmann with the party in California, instead referring members to the Western States Co-Chair.
Editorial note: Credit to Ballot Access News for first reporting on the Constitution Party’s refiling.
“which I had spent my life totally misunderstanding.”
Clearly. And you clearly still do.
“I thought that belief that Christ died on the cross for our sins was the primary, and only, way to eternal life.”
Indeed. Which is not part of God’s covenant with the Jewish people, but an entirely separate covenant (no supersession). As you would know if you had ever opened a Bible even once in your life.
“Now I learn that Nunaism ( Talmudic Judaism ) teaches that you must believe the Abrahamic Accords; i.e.; that Jews are now and always ” Gods Chosen People:”/Superior or you will go to Hell/eternal damnation.”
Firstly, God’s first chosen people, not God’s only chosen people. Again His covenant with Jews is a separate and different one to His covenant with Christians. And in so far as the former only speaks of life in this world, it is a far inferior covenant, so spare some prayers for Jews to convert and become part of the new covenant.
Secondly, not superior. Just not inferior, which is how you keep portraying them: as the scapegoat for all your woes. Jews are just as human as anyone else. No more, no less. There are good ones, and there are bad ones.
Thirdly, zionism – in its proper sense – has always been a prerequisite of Christianity. It was that way in the New Testament. It was that way among the Church Fathers. It has been that way ever since then. And all Christian denominations recognize this and have always recognized this by definition, because those who do not are apostates like yourself who have turned their back on Scripture and Christ’s teachings.
“Hence to be blessed with eternal life you must worship Jews ( the murderers of Christ ) 1st and put Christ 2nd if at all.”
You are projecting your own lack of Faith in Christ again. But the Bible, both Old and New Testament, are very clear about that. For example:
“I am the Lord thy God, […] thou shalt have no other gods before me […] for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” (Exodus 20:2-5)
“I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me” (Isaiah 45:3-5)
“So by putting Christ 1st I have been, according to Nunaism, an obvious apostate all”
You have not put Christ first. You have turned your back on Him. You have turned your back on His Word. Thus you are an apostate.
“I object to Jews murdering US sailors, murdering 3,000 people via their 9/11 false flag coordinated operation with the ” Deep State,” murdering/sacrificing their own people via 10/07 to justify the genocidal murder of countless. Palestinians, and endless more murders and mayhem.”
Again, you offer nothing but lies. Blood libels that only further demonstrate your apostasy. Repeating the serpent’s whispers to usurp Truth with your burning desire, with its existential need to demonize Jews.
“Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” (Matthew 16:23)
“Of course Nunaism totally agrees with my currently unpublished comment that Jews, via orders from the Talmud, must eliminate the New Testament; an action which makes perfect sense when Nunaism denies that Christ died on the cross anyway and was instead both gladly hung by the Jews and eternally already sits in boiling shit in hell as I write.”
Again, you attempt to ascribe your own apostasy to me; but again, it will not avail you.
The New Testament is no less God’s Word than the Old Testament – nor more. You cannot selectively get rid of the parts that do not match your desired heterodoxies.
Christ did die on the cross. He let death have power over Him for three days. And then He arose and vanquished death. And He suffered all that only for us and our salvation. Christians know this. Jews and Muslims do not – or deny it.
But that does not mean that they all subscribe to the belief that He is sitting in hell boiling in feces.
Yet again, you disingenuously attempt to ascribe an apocryphal section of the Kabbalistic book of Gittin which most Jews reject to all (Talmudic) Jews; again, it will avail you naught.
“I will now have to refer people to their local Synagogue of Satan to learn more about Nunaism since your teaching has demonstrated/claimed the fraudulency of the New Testament.”
You could try reading the New Testament for the first time. And the Old Testament. Then, having the Word of God as a measure of Truth, you could try critically reading Talmud and the Koran, and considering what they say and how they measure again the Truth: where they converge and where they diverge.
But you won’t, because you would much rather spout antisemitism completely ignorant of Christ. You father, your master, has hardened your heart in this because he wishes to claim your soul. And since you are all too eager to please him. So be it.
“Thanking Rabbi Nuna for her clarification of the Talmudic teaching that Christ was a sorcerer/schmuck whose mother was a prostitute; i.e.; just as they claim there was no Resurrection there was also no Virgin Birth;”
For the third time in the same comment, you would pass off the blight of what must be your own apostasy on me. And for the third time, in doing so, you have denied Christ.
Christ is the Son of God. The only-begotten Son of God. Begotten, not made, and thus of one substance with His Father Almighty. He came down from heaven and was incarnate as a man, born unto the virgin Mary – the most holy Christotokos – for the sole purpose of dying for our sins and conquering death for our salvation. Our conditional salvation: conditional upon accepting Him, His Word, His Teaching, the Truth – including zionism, in the proper sense of the word.
“Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder, Christian Nationalist Party
where we now and always proclaim that ‘Christ is King’”
…while worshiping and serving only the anti-christ…
The words from your lips are meaningless, before those of your heart. The devil can quote scripture all day long, but it gives itself away, you give yourself away, by your use of it, your intent with, your actions by it. Thus not only God knows His own, but all those with God also recognize you who are not of Him.
“call upon all Jews, including Rabbi Nuna, to repent and accept His Kingship.”
Indeed. May all Jews accept Christ as their King. For He is truly the Stem of Jesse, the King of the Jews. But even you can still repent and reconcile with Him, if only you could bring yourself to want salvation.
For all your blasphemous ravings and heretical blood libels, you have completely ignored the evidence brought against your false testimony regarding the teachings of Schneerson, and failed to acknowledge the proof debunking your fictional quote attributed to Begin.
Of course you have. Because you have nothing to offer that can stand up against the Truth.
Whenever you attempt to rise up in your power, the Lord shall strike you down. Whosoever conspires against God’s children, the Lord shall destroy.
The words which you speak shall not abide in you. Your terror is not fearsome for those with God. Only to God shall we ascribe holiness, and only Him will we fear, for God is with us. Amen.
Nuna :
Thank you for your clarification of the true base/foundation of Christianity which I had spent my life totally misunderstanding.
Silly me, I thought that belief that Christ died on the cross for our sins was the primary, and only, way to eternal life. Now I learn that Nunaism ( Talmudic Judaism ) teaches that you must believe the Abrahamic Accords; i.e.; that Jews are now and always ” Gods Chosen People:”/Superior or you will go to Hell/eternal damnation.
Hence to be blessed with eternal life you must worship Jews ( the murderers of Christ ) 1st and put Christ 2nd if at all.
So by putting Christ 1st I have been, according to Nunaism, an obvious apostate all of these years irregardless that I object to Jews murdering US sailors, murdering 3,000 people via their 9/11 false flag coordinated operation with the ” Deep State,” murdering/sacrificing their own people via 10/07 to justify the genocidal murder of countless. Palestinians, and endless more murders and mayhem.
Of course Nunaism totally agrees with my currently unpublished comment that Jews, via orders from the Talmud, must eliminate the New Testament; an action which makes perfect sense when Nunaism denies that Christ died on the cross anyway and was instead both gladly hung by the Jews and eternally already sits in boiling shit in hell as I write.
I will now have to refer people to their local Synagogue of Satan to learn more about Nunaism since your teaching has demonstrated/claimed the fraudulency of the New Testament.
Thanking Rabbi Nuna for her clarification of the Talmudic teaching that Christ was a sorcerer/schmuck whose mother was a prostitute; i.e.; just as they claim there was no Resurrection there was also no Virgin Birth;
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder, Christian Nationalist Party
where we now and always proclaim that ” Christ is King ” and call upon all Jews, including Rabbi Nuna, to repent and accept His Kingship.
“B) ‘[Entirely fictional quote]’
Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister”
Menachem Begin – who after Netanyahu is the prime minister who did most to champion the liberty and equality of non-Jewish Israelis – never said anything of the sort. And given how much popular support his message of love and acceptance of goyim got across the board, it would probably not have ended well for him if he had suddenly done such a 180 and tried to proclaim himself a god in a country full of orthodox Jews, or to invoke “racial eugenics”-rhetoric in a country full of Holocaust survivors.
“we believe in supersessionism”
Which is a heresy that denies God’s “everlasting covenant” with Abraham, which is reiterated in the New Testament, and thereby turns its back on Scripture – apostasy. I.e. you are no Christian. That was already abundantly clear from everything else you’ve said, but it’s nice of you to so boastfully admit as much explicitly yourself.
“A) Schneerson was the #1 rabbi in the U.S. if not the whole world.”
According to whom? A small subset of the Lubavich crowd within the Chabad dynasty? Ron Unz and Candace Owens? Just yourself?
“He was teaching the basic Talmudic belief that only Jews have souls and the goy/Christians are soulless animals that were created to be slaves of the Jews.”
Firstly that is not a Talmudic belief, certainly not a widely-held/basic one. And secondly, if you had bothered to look at what Schneerson actually said, instead of just regurgitating the inventions of antisemites like Israel Shahak and Kentaji Owens, then you would know that is also not something that he taught.
What do Jews believe about Christians?
From the Talmud; i.e.; IN THEIR OWN WORDS; –
Jews must destroy the New Testament;
Christian extinction is a necessary sacrifice;
The best Christians deserve to be executed;
Jews may rape 3 year old Christian girls;
Jews will enslave the entire human race;
Christians who research the Talmud must die;
Jews own everyone and everything;
Jews must try to deceive Christians
Above and beyond the Act of War in murdering the U.S. Liberty sailors we can add the ” Dancing Israelis” ( 9/11 was a Mossad/Deep State Act of War ) + their own ” False Flag ” of 10/07 to justify the Gaza Genocide + their being the religious and economic motor of abortion, the LGBTQ+++/Sodomite War Machine, illegal immigration, and endless other attacks upon our nation
It is time to understand that Talmudic Judaism is an Enemy of Humanity.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where we declare that ‘ Christ is King ” and that we must restore our Constitutional Republic from being an AIPAC controlled colony of Israel
Northrop-Grundmann is so full of it, it has to be seen to be believed.
“A) Schneerson was the #1 rabbi in the U.S. if not the whole world.”
LMAO. According to whom? A small subgroup of the Lubavitch crowd within the Chabad movement? Ron Unz and Candace Owens? Just yourself?
“He was teaching the basic Talmudic belief that only Jews have souls and the goy/Christians are soulless animals that were created to be slaves of the Jews.”
Firstly that is not a basic Talmudic belief. And secondly, if you had bothered to look at what Schneerson actually said, instead of just regurgitating the inventions of antisemites like Israel Shahak and Candace Owens, you would know that is also not something that he taught.
“B) ‘[Entirely fictional quote]’
Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister”
Menachem Begin – who after Netanyahu is the Israeli prime minister who did most to champion the liberty and equality of non-Jewish Israelis – never said anything of the sort. And given how much popular support his message of love and acceptance got from even the most orthodox Jews, it would probably not have ended well for him if he had suddenly done such a 180 and tried to proclaim himself a god, or to invoke racial hygiene rhetoric in Israel.
“we believe in supersessionism”
Which is a heresy that denies God’s “everlasting covenant” with Abraham, and thereby turns it’s back on Scripture – i.e. you are no Christian. That was already abundantly clear from everything else you’ve said, but it’s nice of you to so boastfully admit as much explicitly yourself.
Pallu – What are you talking about??? There is no question that the attack occurred inclusive of the dead and wounded. Candace Owens interviewed the President of the Survivors Association.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where ” Christ is King ” and we work to neutralize the massive Social Engineering which has trained the citizens to view His historic killers and current attackers of all things Christian as their best friends.
You know Don, how much of your story is stolen valor? I expect most of it.
A) Schneerson was the #1 rabbi in the U.S. if not the whole world. He was teaching the basic Talmudic belief that only Jews have souls and the goy/Christians are soulless animals that were created to be slaves of the Jews.
Totally in agreement with his fellow homicidal maniac buddy:
B) ” Our race is the Master Race. We are Divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our Race, other races are beasts and animals; cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet, and serve us as our slaves.”
Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where ” Christ is King ‘ and we believe in supersessionism : that Christ has brought eternal life to all people instead of only to the Jews.
“they were, as all goy are, simply soulless animals created by God to be slaves of the Jews”
They wish. You wish. If you had no soul, it could not be damned to an eternity of just punishment. So by simple contraposition, you must have a soul.
“The Talmud is to this day the circulating hearts blood of the Jewish religion….We follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
Non-Talmudic Jews certainly disagree with that; while Talmudic Jews agree on the face but then disagree about what is and isn’t part of the Talmud. So whatever you think this quote means, clearly it does not mean that.
“He was crucified by the Jews/Sadducees/Pharisees, and was risen from the dead that we may have eternal life”
Or in your case, eternal damnation.
“Talmudic Judaism – the leading Enemy of Humanity which is the Religious Engine for all things anti-Christian.”
The irony of you glorifying Jews in your desperation to find a scapegoat for all woes, by making them out to be practically omnipotent super-humans, never stops being funny.
“This is seriously pathetic. I can’t imagine being as annoying as you two.”
Cheers! U+1F37B
“the murder of American servicemen”
That’s a lie. There was no “murder”.
“via an Act of War”
And that’s a lie. There was no “act of war”.
“controlled by a hostile/malevolent religious belief”
And that’s a lie. Even if we accept your mischaracterization of Judaism, one of the great things about Israel is that it has more religious freedom than any other country in the Middle East.
“which not only despises our own religious foundations”
That’s a disingenuous generalization, which paints all Jews with the same uncharitable brush.
“has total control of our foreign policy”
That’s another lie. Unfortunately. If Israel did control our foreign policy, it wouldn’t be anywhere near so terrible. Same with out treasury, for that matter.
“buying our representatives”
There are a lot of countries – and terrorist organizations pretending to be countries like “ukraine” and “palestine” – that are buying US representatives. But by any sane understanding of what “buying representatives” means, Israel is not one of those.
“the money which we give them”
Well, that vanishingly small amount would certainly explain why they can’t afford to lobby more successfully.
“we work to break the Social Engineering”
On the contrary, you work to brainwash and indoctrinate people to be just as unhinged and evil as yourself. Fortunately, to very little effect.
“the U.S. Liberty attack to be covered up and ignored for 50+ years”
It’s never been covered up. And since you nazis keep wheeling it out, and the antisemitic survivors won’t stop bitching and moaning about it, it can hardly be said to have been ignored either. It’s this dead horse that everyone is wishing would be buried, because you just can’t stop beating it.
Pallu – Is it really ” pathetic ” and ” annoying ‘” to learn of/discuss the murder of American servicemen via an Act of War by a foreign government controlled by a hostile/malevolent religious belief which not only despises our own religious foundations but has total control of our foreign policy via buying our representatives with the money which we give them?
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder & Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where ” Christ is King ” and we work to break the Social Engineering chains of the citizens that allow crimes like the U.S. Liberty attack to be covered up and ignored for 50+ years.
This is seriously pathetic. I can’t imagine being as annoying as you two.
A) Nuna – I can understand how boring it is to you that goy sailors were murdered by Israel via its Act of War. As Rabbi Schneerson claimed; they were, as all goy are, simply soulless animals created by God to be slaves of the Jews
B) ” The Talmud is to this day the circulating hearts blood of the Jewish religion….We follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
Herman Wouk
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder & Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where we claim ” Christ is indeed King,” that He was crucified by the Jews/Sadducees/Pharisees, and was risen from the dead that we may have eternal life; all of which are denied and cursed by Talmudic Judaism – the leading Enemy of Humanity which is the Religious Engine for all things anti-Christian.
P.S. – ” Some may call it Communism but I call it what it is – Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen Wise
That’s already sounding a lot different from Grundmann’s claim that “the Talmud (the ‘holiest’ book in Judaism)”. But let’s make sure we are on the same page: Are we talking about “holiest”, or about “most important”? Because those aren’t the same thing – well, not necessarily at any rate.
Given that the Torah is believed to come directly from God, whereas the Talmud being Rabbinical scripture has a higher degree of separation, I would think that most (orthodox) Jews consider the Torah to be holier than the Talmud (although I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there are exceptions). If you have a non-niche orthodox source indicating otherwise, please share it with me so that I can further expand and improve my knowledge and understanding of Judaism.
To draw an insultingly crude analogy to Christianity, the Talmud holds a role that is more comparable to that of the Church Fathers’ writings, the Saints’ lives, the Liturgies or treatises on canon law for example, than it is to the New Testament.
“the Talmud ( the ‘holiest’ book in Judaism )”
That would be the Torah, as even a child could tell you,
Well, no. Jews actually disagree on that.
I have heard some Jews say the Torah is more important. I’ve heard others say it’s the Talmud.
And some, like Dennis Prager, say that Torah and Talmud are equal in status and importance in Judaism.
“Israel was committing war crimes by summarily killing Egyptian prisoners”
This lie again? *Yawn*
“They torpedoed the Liberty and machine gunned the life rafts and attacked for HOURS.”
And this one. *Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*
“And the monstrous Nuna dismisses not only the 24 dead and 171 wounded but dismisses the survivors as ‘anti-semite’ in addition to lying about them calling for genocide of the Jews when it is the Israelis who are genociding the Palestinians.”
Israel is not committing genocide against anyone, you lying antisemite. Nazi “palestine”, on the other hand, is.
Praise be to Christ for every single antisemite among those twenty-four. And it’s a real shame that antisemites did survive. It would have been better for all crew of the spy ship “Liberty” to have died, than for any such filth to come out alive. Fortunately they will all end up in hell just the same. As will you, Northrop-Grundmann the Neo-Nazi.
“And then this freak calls me ‘toxic’ for complaining about the 10’s of thousands of women and children who have been slaughtered much less maimed and mutilated (and not to mention the prisoners which they have tortured, sodomized with sticks, and killed).”
What pathetic blood libels. Attempting to accuse Israel of exactly those things ‘palestine’ is doing has been done to death already – just like trying to frame Russia for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by ‘ukraine’. Your dishonesty isn’t clever or creative, it’s worn out and lazy. Much like yourself.
“Bottom Line – Israel knew exactly what Hamas ( which they created and funded ) was planning and let it happen so as to justify genociding the Palestinians”
This bullshit story again. You didn’t convince anyone before, so you aren’t going to do so by putting in even less effort now.
“A genocide blacked out by the media and fully supported by rodents like Nuna.”
You know all about “blacking out” genocides, Herr Grundmann: pretending that “palestinians” aren’t waging genocide on Jews and Christians, Druze and Samaritans, the way you do; and promoting Holocaust denialism.
And speaking of relatively reliable media that you nazi rats love bitching at:
You must be delighted that rhino-maggot Trump is happy to take over twisting the US’ knife in Israel’s back from Biden.
“Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder & Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where we declare the ‘Christ is King!!!'”
…while worshiping and serving the anti-christ in your daily life…
Oh look, the Bee just dropped an article about you satanists:
“the Talmud ( the ‘holiest’ book in Judaism )”
That would be the Torah, as even a child could tell you, you evil, lazy, dishonest, arrogant ignoramus. Since you have so much nonsense to spread about it, you should read the Talmud sometime. Right after you finish reading the Bible and the Koran, for what must clearly be the first time in your life.
“where – IN THEIR OWN WORDS – they declare that”
As mentioned before. Repeatedly. An apocryphal section of the Kabbalistic book of Gittin which most Jews reject anyway is not representative of the Talmud. As you would know if you had bothered to do even the most cursory research first, instead of just endlessly regurgitating the same antisemitic bullshit.
“and that it is acceptable, even mandatory, to kill all ‘goy’/cattle/Christians.”
Yet funnily enough they don’t do so. Unlike many muslims. Unlike many hindus and some buddhists. Unlike animists and voodoo practitioners. And unlike satanists such as yourself…
If they had any intention of doing so, do you think nazi scumbags like you would still be alive? No, unfortunately they aren’t going kill you – unless you finally grow a pair and go fight for hamas or hezbollah, instead of just serving as their mouthpiece.
“P.S. – blah blah blah”
You’re a terrible advertiser. Just look at your nonstitution party of commiefornia/antichristian globalist party. Sure, you glow in the dark like a neon sign, but instead of winning sympathy and welcoming people to browse what you are trying to sell, you drive everyone away with your nazism and antisemitism, blood libels and conspiracy theories, and general bigotry and vitriol. Your fellow nazi Ron Unz is surely thrilled with you for strangling what little traffic his website may ever have gotten. U+1F60F
Nice projection there, fedboi. But unlike you, I do care about the facts. I seem to be the only one around here who consistently does. I care about the truth enough to have given up my tenure and instead put my life and my liberty on the line for it every single day for the past eleven years and counting. Something which I’m sure you have never done and will never do for anything – nor anyone, for that matter. U+1F60F
I saw a wildlife film where a side shot of a rhino showed it producing a 5 ft. pile of shit in a few seconds.
But I must tell the rhino – step aside buddy because you are no match for the Towering Turd of total bullshit ( of which I address only a tiny fraction ) produced by Nuna; i.e.; yes, they were as espionage ship : which first ( pre-attack ) waved to the Israeli pilots ( who waved back ) because they THOUGHT that Israel was their friend ( the sailors had Israeli flags throughout their ship ). But Israel was committing war crimes by summarily killing Egyptian prisoners and did not want that reported in addition to trying to blame the attack on Egypt so as to drag the U S. into their war. They torpedoed the Liberty and machine gunned the life rafts and attacked for HOURS.
And the monstrous Nuna dismisses not only the 24 dead and 171 wounded but dismisses the survivors as ” anti-semite ” in addition to lying about them calling for genocide of the Jews when it is the Israelis who are genociding the Palestinians.
And then this freak calls me ” toxic ” for complaining about the 10’s of thousands of women and children who have been slaughtered much less maimed and mutilated ( and not to mention the prisoners which they have tortured, sodomized with sticks, and killed ).
Bottom Line – Israel knew exactly what Hamas ( which they created and funded ) was planning and let it happen so as to justify genociding the Palestinians
A genocide blacked out by the media and fully supported by rodents like Nuna.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Founder & Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
where we declare the ” Christ is King!!!” and we oppose the teachings of the Talmud ( the ” holiest ” book in Judaism ) where – IN THEIR OWN WORDS – they declare that : Christ was a sorcerer; He did NOT die on the Cross but they hung Him; and they are GLAD that they did; He is sitting in boiling feces in hell forever; Mary was a prostitute, Christ came from her liaison with a Roman soldier; and that it is acceptable, even mandatory , to kill all ” goy “/cattle/Christians.
P.S. – At ( he is Jewish and opposes the Palestinian genocide in Gaza ) – Wyatt Peterson : It’s the Jews.
More fun facts about ” God’s Chosen People ” + their current lead article on the Gaza genocide.
“Israeli planes attacked the Liberty for over an hour. Plenty of time to see the American flag on the ship. It was no mistake. ” – RTAA
Nuna cares not for facts. He (or she) is just another keyboard commando who is very impressed with himself and likes to get the last word.
“You’re blaming the victim.”
I’m not. I’m calling a spade a spade.
You seem to think that I am necessarily talking about all USS Liberty survivors, but I’m not per se. I’m only talking about the raging antisemites: those who falsely accuse Israel of plotting to kill Americans and of committing acts of terrorism against the US; those who call for the genocide of the Jewish people and the occupation of their lands; etc.
It is truly a shame that they lived to do so. Especially when you consider that at least some of those who were killed might not be equally antisemitic, had they survived instead. But good men dying while wicked ones live, is nothing new. And I’m sure God has His reasons beyond our comprehension.
At the end of the day, the Liberty was a spy ship engaged in espionage, and the crew knew the risks. So trying to make them out as victims, is insulting to them, as well as to Israel.
Nuna: the antisemitic survivors of the USS Liberty
Up till now, you looked better than Grundmann, but now you’re going too far.
You’re blaming the victim.
Israeli planes attacked the Liberty for over an hour. Plenty of time to see the American flag on the ship. It was no mistake. It was mass murder.
Don’t blame the survivors for demanding answers and accountability. They can’t help it if doing so makes the self-proclaimed “Jewish state” look bad.
“I don’t know how many divisions there are in Judaism but the Talmudic one – which claims that Christ is in hell and in boiling shit eternally – is the problem.”
As I said before, you keep trying to attribute an apocryphal section of the Kabbalistic book of Gittin that most Jews reject, to all Talmudic Judaism. The truth that you indeed don’t know jack shit about Judaism, nor fuck all about the Talmud. And what is much worse, you are unwilling to learn anything, because you would rather keep on spewing the same old, long-debunked, antisemitic bullshit lies over and over again.
Again, this is exactly why, not only James Bradley but even Forrest Jones, completely destroyed you in the primary senate race. It’s because you are not only unbelievably ignorant, but also incredibly arrogant about your ignorance. You are like a student who first refuses to do any of the homework assignments, then tries to suck off the teacher for a good grade, and finally gets them fired and destroys their life because you’re pissy they refused. You’re not only disgusting, you’re also pathetic.
I pray to Christ that you end up eternally boiling in shit – along with Candace Owens, Francesco Cosigga and the antisemitic survivors of the USS Liberty – if you – and they – don’t amend your ways.
“…they will grow a spine.” – Don J. Grundman, D.C.
A chiropractic reference if there ever was one!
So this does not apply to secular Jews, who are 90% or so of Jews?
“There will ALWAYS be a ” BUT ” ( excuse ) because they are ” God’s Chosen People ” and can righteously kill however many they want of whoever they want.
What if they are REALLY just a bunch of Meyer Lansky ( the most famous Jewish gangster ) copies/liars who are the total opposite of who they claim to be??”
-Don Grundmann
For those defending the genocide I have never said ALL Jews. That is an accusation which YOU make in order to divert attention from the mass killing by Talmudic Jews; the source of the problem.
I don’t know how many divisions there are in Judaism but the Talmudic one – which claims that Christ is in hell and in boiling shit eternally – is the problem.
It is really amazing, shocking, and so pathetic that everyone defends both the outright genocide/mass murder but also the Jewish burning hatred of Christ inclusive of the fact that they murdered Him.
I must admit that before The Creator woke me up I too dismissed the slaughter. So. I have been where the defenders of mass murder are now.
Hopefully The Creator will activate their conscience and they will grow a spine.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Constitution Party of California, the only Pro-Llfe Party opposing the mass murder of the Palestinians by our Israeli Plantation Masters
Sorry, forgot to add:
If that’s not antisemitism, what is?
That’s like saying all/most Italians are like Charles Luciano, all/most Germans are like Francis Schweihs, or all/most Englishmen are like Jack the Ripper.
Somewhat implausible for Grundmann to claim to not be antisemitic and that all or most Jews are like Meyer Lansky.
Repeating the same old antisemitism and blood libels. Check
Wheeling out the USS Liberty and Cossiga. Check
Promoting extreme leftist Candace Owens again. Check
Still confusing a thousand with a hundred. Check
Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything that wasn’t already fully addressed and covered in the thread which Unimportant linked.
You have a good one, Don. Keep trying to make your nonstition party of commiefornia/antichristian globalist party be and do even worse than everything you claim to hate about the Constitution Party (it’s amazing how similar you are to Joel Skousen and Tom Hoefling – is that why you can’t get along?) and the AIP (considering how Trump turned out in practice, RFK is the least bad nomination they’ve made since the genuinely good pick that was Alan Keyes). And we’ll touch base again in a few months to see how that’s working out for you. Cheers!
A) We should all remember that anyone, like yours truly, who opposes the genocide ( literally 10’s of thousands of women and children + countless aid workers + doctors ) of the Palestinians by Israel is a ” Nazi ” because Israel can NEVER do ANYTHING wrong as they are ” GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE;” i.e.; they are, AND ALWAYS WILL BE, superior to everyone else and so can murder anyone for any reason whenever they want.
B) Nuna – Did you know that Hitler helped create Israel? Check out the ” Transfer Agreement ” ( which he did with the help of Zionists ).
C) The Zionist gangsters killed thousands of their fellow Jews ( considered to be ” lesser brethren ” ) in the process of establishing Israel for its ultimate purpose of fulfilling their prophecy that they will, under their Messiah, rule the world over their ” goyim/cattle ” slaves – that includes YOU.
ANY Christian is considered to be part of ” Amalek;” I e.; their eternal enemy.
The Talmud declares that ALL Christians must be killed.
So you are simply being a good, obedient ” goy ” by brainlessly parroting your lines without the slightest clue of REALITY.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Constitution Party of California, the 1st State Affiliate of the Christian Nationalist Party
A former supporter of Israel who opposes their slaughter of 10’s of thousands of Palestinians so as to build the Ben Gurion Canal and steal $5 billion + of oil leases from the Palestinians
A) Hoor Nusseir. I want to brighten the day of Nuna and bring a smile to her face with the name of an obviously ” antisemitic ” child who ” got what she deserved.”
B) I am 1,000% NOT ” antisemitic ” but I am 1,000% anti-rat; i.e.; I oppose the genocide of the Palestinians by a government that, in addition to creating and funding them, knew what Hamas was having for breakfast on Oct. 7th but killed their own people in order to excuse their planned genocide.
The same government that DELIBERATELY attacked the U.S.S. Liberty ( see Candace Owens Podcast ) killing 34 and wounding 171.
The same government that, just like the Italian President Cossiga claimed, was behind 9/11; i.e.; killed 3,000 in order to justify America going to war for them.
Things that Nuna will claim are ” antisemitic.”
And yes, the AIP is, as the ” Godmother ” Janine Hanson claims, ” reorganizing” – to the exact opposite of the original AIP; i.e.; via their now endorsement of RFK Jr. they are now 100%+ pro-abortion, pro-reparations, pro- ” THE SKY IS FALLING ” Global Warming fraud, and on and on.
So they will be a perfect fit for the Mormon and Masonic ( see Altiyan Childs ) controlled national CP which has attacked myself + South Dakota + Illinois for our ideological heresies of opposing the Sodomite War Machine: i.e.: LGBTQ++++; which they will no longer do.
In addition to their already taken steps to oppose Randall Terry or anyone similar from obtaining their nomination again
So, Nuna, ENJOY!!!! There are countless other maimed children – not to mention just plain dead – that can brighten your day and bring a spring to your step.
Savor their agony.
Don J. Grundmann, D.C.
Chairman, Constitution Party of California
Founder/Chairman, Christian Nationalist Party
A former supporter of Israel who has woken up to their Talmudic belief that Christ is sitting in boiling feces in hell and that they are GLAD that they hung him; I e.; they hate Christianity and ALL Christians ( and that includes chumps like you, Nuna ).
No doubt the national party representative was just too polite to say we want nothing to do with Grundmann’s nazism and antisemitism, blood libels and conspiracy theories, and general bigotry and vitriol. Nobody does.
The fact is Northrop-Grundmann is so toxic, he glows in the dark and nobody wants to approach him even with a hazmat suit and pliers. AIP’s two senatorial candidates, James Bradley and Forrest Jones (although Bradley ran as GOP in the senate race and as AIP in the presidential race) both whooped Grundmann by such a large margin*, more because of Grundmann than because of themselves.
*Results of the March 5th 2024 non-partisan primary for US Senator from California:
James Bradley: 98,778
Forrest Jones: 13,140
Don Grundmann: 6,641
If the AIP can go back to nominating sensible tickets like Keyes-Drake (as opposed to what came after), now that the Constitution Party has gotten back to nominating sensible tickets like Terry-Broden (as opposed to Baldwin-Castle), it will hopefully become possible to re-affiliate the two into what may be the only and is certainly the largest sensible party of the United States – THE choice for real libertarians, freedom-loving conservatives and, as Alec Pavlik said, republicans who still respect our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Another irony – which I was unaware of at the time of that thread (I only ran across it since then, while trying to research the Christian Liberty Party spin-off of the Constitution Party) or I would certainly have worked into one of my replies (of which I am disordinately proud as it is) – is that the Christian Nationalist Party had already been founded in 1952, and has a very interesting albeit rather short history.
It was founded by Percy Greaves (a great Austrian school-economist, friend and scholar of Ludwig von Mises, and an anti-revisionist historian) and Suzanne Farnam-Stevenson nee Silvercruys (an amazing lady who was basically the forerunner of Phyllis Schlafly and Margaret Thatcher), both awesome people who actually quit the party shortly after founding it due to antisemitism amongst its members… Yet now, antisemite Grundmann is claiming to have founded the Christian Nationalist Party, presumably recently.
And yes, obviously historic parties share the same name with unrelated contemporary parties all the time – the Constitution Party is a nice example of that. But nonetheless, I think it is a beautiful irony to compare a party that was founded in support of poor old MacArthur – who, with all due respect to Eisenhower, was a better General and would have been a much better president – but was destroyed before it ever even got off the ground by antisemitism of some members, to a party with a contemporary party of the same name, founded on the basis of antisemitism right from the get-go.
As of a few months ago at least, Grundmann claims the constitution party of California is an affiliate of the Christian Nationalist party. I’m guessing both are just basically him.
See his comments at to see what I mean.